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Eternal Eclipse Guardian
Cost: 10 motes, 1 willpower, 1 health level
Duration: Instant
Type: Simple
Minimum Charisma: 2
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charms: None
Lunars are Protectors - like Luna covering the Sun and revealing the magnificence of the firmament!

Touching another living being or thing and bathing it into her Anima the Lunar pledges herself as its protector! The being or thing thus blessed becomes the Lunar's Charge. Activating this Charm the Lunar commits 1 Willpower to the protection of her Charge. As long as it remains committed - and no power can force it to be decommitted outside of the Lunar's own will as a Perfect effect - the Lunar is aware of her Charge's distance, direction and physical state at all times.

When protecting the Charge the Lunar halves the cost of all Charms that protect (such as Pack-Saving Method) or heal (such as Mother's Touch) the Charge. Such Charms are also activated as though they were innate abilities - not counting as the Charm use for the turn - as long as they are being activated for the purpose of protecting the Charge.

Heaven as One
Cost: None
Duration: Permanent
Type: Special
Minimum Charisma: 3
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms: Eternal Eclipse Guardian
Even the best protectors cannot keep harm from their Charge forever! But the Eternal Guardian can give even her life and soul to mend that of a broken or hurt Charge - her failure will be borne by her flesh and hers' alone. This Charm allows the protector to give her Charge up to her Health Levels and points of Temporary Willpower as a Reflexive action every turn.

The protector can also use this ability give her Charge as many motes as she wishes during the turn - those motes are lost as if the Lunar had spent them and the Charge adds them to her current level of Anima Flare as if they were being spent instead of received.

Those effects can only be activated if the Charge is within (Essence x100) yards from the Eternal Guardian.

Guardian Heart Banner
Cost: None
Duration: Permanent
Type: Special
Minimum Charisma: 3
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms: Eternal Eclipse Guardian
There is nothing more glorious to a Lunar than to guard another. It is a solemn, holy thing filled with fervent purpose!

This Charm enhances Eternal Eclipse Guardian. As long as the Lunar has the Willpower committed for that Charm she receives the virtual Nature of Guardian - recovering 1 Willpower or her Conviction in motes whenever she successfully protects her charge. This counts as fulfilling her Nature for all Charms that ask for that condition and the Nature counts as hers' for all attempts to view her Nature. Her true Nature remains unchanged and still gives its usual benefits.

This change to the Lunar's Nature appears as a banner or other token of office on the iconic flare of her Anima with the crest of her Charge superposed with the Lunar's own self. This allows those familiar with the Lunar or her Charge to divine the nature of this protection with a successful Intelligence+Lore roll at Difficulty 3.

With All My Heart
Cost: 5 motes, 1 willpower
Duration: One Scene
Type: Simple
Minimum Charisma: 4
Minimum Essence: 4
Prerequisite Charms: Guardian Heart Banner
Whispering like Gaia to Luna the character prepares to face down the entire world for their loved ones! For the remainder of the Scene the Lunar adds her Compassion rating to all actions as long as she fights in direct defense of those she cares for. She always has enough movement rating to race towards one she cares about in the span of a single action as long as they are within her sight.

Silver-Wrought Bonds
Cost: 5 motes, 1 willpower
Duration: Instant
Type: Reflexive
Minimum Charisma: 4
Minimum Essence: 4
Prerequisite Charms: Guardian Heart Banner
Relationships are sacred to a Lunar - and those who attempt to shatter them will be met with their most tenacious ire!

The Lunar with this Charm will always be aware of an attempt to sever or corrupt her relationship with another via non-physical coercion (although in no more than vague terms, such as that someone attempts to make Swan forget you, Lilith.) and can activate this Charm to make this attempt fail outright. This is a Perfect Defense. The Lunar does not need to be present - and in fact can be on the other side of Creation as long as this Charm is concerned. (although she need be in the same plane of existence - if she is in Creation she will be unaware of the Ebon Dragon's attempts to make her daughter hate her taking place in Malfeas.)