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Mordant Mist of the Risen Dead
By Malikai and Moxiane
Void Circle Necromancy
Cost: 45 Motes

When cast a razor thin line of blackness appears around the caster and a fog as black as the Labyrinth's night roils out from it. Billowing out to form a cloud with a radius equal to the caster's Willpower + Essence x 10 yards. The Mist is heavy and clings to the ground, extending no more than 10 feet into the air.

Anyone caught within the touch of the foul mist takes levels of Aggravated damage equal to the Caster's permanent Essence. This damage is applied, not rolled. It also ignores armor and can only be soaked by the target's permanent Essence (i.e.: the caster has Essence 7 and the target has Essence 3, they would take 4 levels of Aggravated damage). The mist however does no damage to creatures of death or oblivion tainted essence (Deathlords, Abyssals, ghosts, zombies, etc).

The mist persists for 3 rounds per point of the caster's permanent Essence and can be moved up to (10 x caster's Essence) feet per turn .

Anyone killed by this spell will rise as a common zombie under the caster's control 2 turns after death.
