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This is the slightly messier section. It doesn't cover Martial Arts directly, so much as the fallout from the creation of Warcraft. Solars, Dragonbloods, Sidereals, and Abyssals have their Charms reshuffled a touch, as follows:

First off, take out the Martial Arts charm trees. That should be a given.

Now, for Solars:

Warcraft picks up a new Charm, as follows:

Cost: 2 motes per die
Duration: Instant
Type: Supplemental
Minimum Warcraft: 2
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charms: None

This Charm makes the character's actions more amazing, and she can rally her troops to greater feats than ever before. When making a Warcraft roll to lead troops (not to form strategies), the character may spend Essence to add dice to her roll. The character may not more than double her diepool with this Charm.

Having done so, Warcraft adds the following Performance Charms: Unruly Mob-Dispersing Rebuke, Fury Inciting Presence, Rout-Stemming Gesture, Heroism-Encouraging Presence, and Tiger-Warrior Training Technique. Unruly Mob-Dispersing Rebuke uses Inspirational Leader Method as a prerequisite instead of Respect-Commanding Attitude.

For Dragon-Blooded:

Warcraft picks up two new Charms, as follows:

Cost: 1 mote per die
Duration: Instant
Type: Supplemental
Minimum Warcraft: 2
Minimum Essence: 1
Prerequisite Charms: None

This Charm allows the character to add dice to any Warcraft roll. No more than the character's Warcraft + relevant specialties may be added.

Cost: 3 motes
Duration: Instant
Type: Reflexive
Minimum Warcraft: 3
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charms: None

With this Charm, the Exalt rallies from the brink of failure, snatching victory from the jaws of defeat. The character may immediately reroll a Warcraft roll after it is made. The second result must be taken.

Warcraft gains the Presence charms Blazing Courageous Swordsmen Inspiration and Warlord's Convocation. Blazing Courageous Swordsmen Inspiration replaces Phantom Fire-Warrior Hoarde as a prerequiste with Force of the Land, and Warlord's Convocation has Unrelenting Earth Strategy replace Aura of Invunerability as a prerequisite.

The Sidereals change as follows:

Warcraft steals a host of Presence charms. Specifically, it gains Heroic Essence Replenishment, Predestined Triumph Pattern, Demon-Blocking Battle Pattern, Essence-Draining Battle Pattern, and Spirit-Binding Battle Pattern. Spirit-Binding Battle pattern requires only Essence-Draining Battle Pattern and Demon-Blocking Battle-Pattern as prerequisites. To fill the holes, Presence should gain three Charms. To be honest, I've only got two of the three:

Cost: 1 mote per die
Duration: Instant
Type: Supplemental
Minimum Presence: 2
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charms: None

This Charm allows the Sidereal to make the right argument at the right time, using her sense of the tapestry of fate to time her every word and action. The character may add enough dice to her Presence pool to counter any penalties she is currently suffering from + her Essence.

Cost: 2 motes per die lost
Duration: Until discharged
Type: Supplemental
Minimum Presence: 3
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms: None

This Charm acts upon a target of the Sidereal's choice. The next time the target would make a Presence roll, her timing is awful, she uses choices of words that unintentionally offend, and everything generally goes wrong. The target loses a number of dice from the roll equal to what the Sidereal paid for. The Sidereal may not cause the target to lose more dice than the Sidereal's Essence, nor may the target's dice pool be reduced below their Essence.

To be honest, I don't have a new Prayer Strip charm for Presence yet. Still working on it. It will require Accidental Blunder Method, Force Decision, and Presence in Absence Technique.

Finally, the Abyssals. Abyssals gain two Warcraft Charms, as follows:

Cost: 2 motes per die
Duration: Instant
Type: Supplemental
Minimum Warcraft: 2
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charms: None

This Charm makes the character's actions more fearful, and she can rally her troops to greater feats than ever before - by reminding them that there are worse things in the world than their enemies. When making a Warcraft roll to lead troops (not to form strategies), the character may spend Essence to add dice to her roll. The character may not more than double her diepool with this Charm.

Cost: 5 motes
Duration: One Battle
Type: Simple
Minimum Warcraft: 4
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms: Fearsome Leader Method

With this Charm, the character gives a speech that hammers home that their troops should fear them more than death, for death, after all, is finite, and the character's wrath is eternal. The character may affect up to 10 times her Essence in troops. For the duration of the battle, the troops automatically pass all Valor checks, and halve wound penalties (round down). If the character flees, the Charm immediately ends.

Warcraft then steals Morale-Shattering Method and Hardened Killer Training Style from Performance. Morale-Shattering Method uses Terrifying Whip Approach as a prerequisite.

Phew! There's the Charm sets fixed up! Onwards to the MAOMartialArts, and the finish!

I like your idea, but one problem with just moving abilities for DBs is that their charms are built to elemental aesthetics. DB Athletics is totally inappropriate to Earth, focusing as it does on sudden quick motions. Warcraft could reasonably be an Earth ability (involving, as it does, organization and bringing together disparate elements into a single unit) and the war-leader Presence charms seem easier to adapt to Earth than the entire DB Athletics tree. -Ben-San

Hmm.... that's a good point. The only problem is the Fire-aspects are portrayed as the generals of the Dragon-Blooded, as a rule. *considers for a bit* I think you're right, though. I'll shift things around, and we can assume that places like House Cathak have a lot of people that favour Warcraft. - Friv