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The Garden\\ Earth Aspected\\ Manse *\\ \\ Hearthstone:\\ The Stone Potato\\ HearthStones/IkselamEarth \\ \\ The Manse is located in a dense area of forest, not too far from civilization. The walls of the Manse are white jade, only about four feet high and one foot thick, forming more of an elaborate fence than anything else. The Manse is circular and is 20 yards in diameter with a three-foot opening in the fence in the direction of the Elemental Pole of Earth.\\ \\ Within the outer wall is another, smaller, two-foot-tall wall forming a circle only 15 feet in diameter. This wall has no break and a character must step over the wall to go inside. Within the inner wall the floor is fresh-tilled, rich soil. In the center of the room is a small plate of white jade on which the hearthstone forms.\\ \\ Within the rest of the Manse, the floor is rich soil growing with ripe vegetables despite the season. These include, carrots, turnips, various colors of onions, leeks, celery, and many different unseen-elsewhere varieties of hierloom tomatoes. These vegetables, if picked, regrow to fresh ripeness at the beginning of the next season. The Manse prduces enough food for three or four people to live there indefinetly.\\ \\ Living in the Manse is a spirit known as the Gardener who appears as an old, kindly woman or man. The Gardener is civil to most any Exalt to enter the manse, save Abyssals. It will freely allow Earth and Wood aspected Dragon-Blooded to attune to the manse, and may even allow them to have the Hearthstone if they seem pleasant enough. It's civil enough to Fire aspects, though it prefers that their stay be brief. It evaluates Celestial Exalts on individual merit. At any given time there are three or four minor earth elementals in the garden tending the soil.\\ \\ The Gardener is a minor god of agriculture and has ties to the local King of the Wood for protection. It's charms focus on compassion mostly and some on temperance. If asked for healing it's reaction depends on the type of Exalt as above. If engaged in combat the Gardener will use it's charms to hide and call upon the King of the Wood for aid and remain hidden until help arrives. If killed the spirit will reform at the manse in about a month, though if someone has attuned to the manse in the meantime they can refure it permission to attune again, at which point the spirit will attemp to drive out the inhabitants by calling on the King of the Wood. Failing that, the spirit moves on to more fertile grounds. The Gerdener is an Essence 3 spirit.\\ \\ -- Mnemosynis\\
