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Helene of the Snow

Once, in the cold reaches of the north, there was a lonely king. He ruled his kingdom with justice and fairness, bringing it prosperity. He was devoted to the gods, a pious man, and he donated generously to their temples. But still, for all of his virtue, he was a lonely man, with alife as empty as the snow covered tundra.

One day, he pleaded with the gods to alleviate his lonliness, to bring him a companion that would lighten his grey, cold life. He prayed without end in the temple of Morana, Respelendent Sheperdess of the Cloudless Northern Night, for no less than three days. For his devotion, his prayer was answered.

Her voice slipped into her temple, reverberating through his mind like a wind through the trees. "Behold, King, your virtue is rewarded. I have crafted her of the purest snow, of the brightest sun beams, and have given her life at my own teat. Care for her, and return her to me on her sixteenth birthday."

Before the king, on the altar, there rose the soft mewlings of an infant. As the king rose to see her, he wept and thanked the goddess for her wisdom. The girls skin was as pale and smooth as untouched snow. Her golden curls were the color of the noonday sun. Her soft lips were the color of freshly spilled blood, and her eyes, those childish jewels that stared up at her caretaker, were the darkness of a star filled northern night.

As she grew, her beauty only blossomed further, and the king came to love her as his own daughter. The fame of the young princess's beauty spread, and many came to admire her, to woo her, to love her. The king refused, however, all suitors, keeping her to himself with a fatherly jealousy. He doted on her, and with her, his life was filled.

But as her 16th birthday came close, the priests of Morana's temple approached, demanding she be returned to them, to be sacrificed unto her mother. The king flew into a rage, not wanting to be parted from his beloved daughter. He had them slaughtered, and their temple burned to the ground, its ashes salted.

Morana grew wroth, and she tainted the beauty of the kings daughter. Though her appearance did not change, now her features inspired lust and jealousy rather than inspiration and devotion. In less than a year, the day after her 16th birthday, the land was plunged into civil war, with a barbarian horde smashing at the gates, determined to take her for their own.

Helene was forced to flee with a trusted gaurdian. She hides no in the cities of the north, her features cowled in the depths of cloak, trying to find a way to lift her curse, and desperatly afraid of the damage she can cause.

Name:    Helene of the Snow\\ Nature:  Caregiver\\ Concept: Cursed Princess\\


Strength  ☻☻ooo   Charisma     ☻☻☻☻o   Perception   ☻☻☻oo
Dexterity ☻☻ooo   Manipulation ☻☻ooo   Intelligence ☻☻ooo
Stamina   ☻☻ooo   Appearance   ☻☻☻☻☻   Wits         ☻☻☻oo


Bureaucracy:  ☻oooo
Investigation ☻oooo
Linguistics   ☻oooo (Native: Skytongue, Highrealm)
Lore          ☻☻ooo
Medicine      ☻oooo
Occult        ☻oooo
Performance   ☻☻☻oo (Courtly Dancing +1)
Presence      ☻☻☻☻o (Innocence +1)
Socialize     ☻☻☻oo (Northern High Ettiquette +1)
Ride          ☻ooo


Artifacts ☻oooo
Ally      ☻oooo
Mentor    ☻☻☻oo


Compassion ☻☻☻oo    Conviction ☻☻ooo
Temperance ☻☻☻oo    Valor      ☻oooo

Willpower:    ☻☻☻☻☻☻oooo\\ Essence:      ☻oooo\\


□    -0
□□   -1
□□   -2
□    -4
□    Incap


Base init: 4
Soak:      2B/0L (Courtly Rags)
Dodge:     0
Desperate flailing: Speed 4 Acc 0 Damage 2B Def 0

Special Notes:

Tainted Beauty:

Helene is appearance 5, unheard of for a mortal, or even a god-blooded (which she technically is). Once, this legendary beauty was wholesome, but now it has become tainted, inspiring wickedness rather than righteousness. Any man that beholds her must make a Wits + Temperance check, difficulty 1. If he fails, he comes to desire her, and will jealously try to attain her attentions. Those so enthralled can become violent if it is in their nature. Any Exalted can spend a willpower point to shake off this effect.

While this doesn't seem a great threat, keep in mind that the average mortal has a wits of 2 and a temperance of 1 or 2. An average of a quarter of a cities male population that sees her will come to blows over her, making her devastatingly dangerous.

Helene has no control over this power, and very seldom is it beneficial. The curse might be lifted without slaying her or offering her up to her mother, but such a solution is left up to the ST.

Background Notes:

Helene's ally is her loyal servant, who followed her and has cared for her since she escaped the barbarian raid that destroyed her kingdom and slew her adopted father. The nature of this ally is left up to the ST, but possibilities include a savvy, older female attnedant, or a brusque and determined warrior who has managed to avoid the snares of her curse... so far.

Her artifact is a talisman that she wears about her throat. Unknown to Helene, this talisman was a gift from her mother. It's powers are left up to the st, but it should be rather power. A level 3 walkaway or goodluck talisman are appropriate.

Helene's mentor is her mother. While muderous, she does love her daughter, and offers wait aid she can to the beleagured girl. While she wants her to suffer, she doesn't want her to perish or suffer at the hands of lustful men, and so mysterious aid often shows up on Helene's behalf just when things seem to be at their worst.


Helene was one of the first NPC mortals I made for my little list. She's a great example of how I see the world of Exalted: as a truly mythical world. Most of my NPCs must fulfill two criteria: the must be interesting enough that the players will like them, but the must not steal the limelight. Helene is wonderful at doing both. She's the kind of person players wouldn't mind meeting or helping, but she isn't going to dominate the story. She makes for a great love interest.

A few story possibilities: She can be met, of course, and explain her horrible curse, and get the players to help her. That's the simplest. Alternatively, she can be a "villain" in much the same sense that cursed beings such as werewolves are often seen as "villains." The players can discover the destruction that follows in her wake, hear tales of how horrible she was, and follow her, intent on destroying her and bringing her reign of madness to an end. Only, of course, to discover none of this is her fault, and that she truly is an innocent, desperatly seeking only safety, from others and from herself. The real villain, then, is the Goddess that cursed her, and the story begins in earnest...


This character is amazingly cool; the name, especially, is great. I'm reminded, vaguely, of another mythical Helen who was renowned for her Beauty albiet in a completely differen way. I could definately see how you'd use Helene in a game, and she seems like she would make a very interesting NPC in so many ways -- also, a very cool look for the Exalted World. A bit like No Key -- almost Faerie Tale-wish, or Greek Myth-ish. The Mother reminds me a bit of Hera:) Anyway, good stuff! - CrownedSun

Agreed; there's a powerful sense of legend behind the character. Jealous goddesses, doomed wrathful kings, children born of magic and terrible curses that can only be broken through a ritual gesture: you've got it all. Very nice.

I'll note that, given the prevalence of homosexuality in Exalted, that any gender-specific love/lust effects should take sexual orientation into account, even if it's only to specify that the curse overrides all natural inclinations. - Quendalon

I... ahem... did have a reference to homosexuality in my original write-up. Originally, this power was irregardless of orientation, and applied to all men. However, after an unrelated discussion with some other people, I reconsidered, and deliberatly left it ambigious. I would apply it either to all people interested in women, or to all men. Its up to the ST ~Mailanka

Hmm, this is a very good character for story concept. I can only find one drawback; the name. Why not call her something that is not so closely related to the Iliad, which I presume is the inspiration for this character. Furthermore, as Exalted is a place, mostly free of norms, I'd play her curse that all people desire her. Alternatively, one could make Helen a man, if not to stir up things with the male players. I mean, I'd be delighted if one of my PCs fell in love with another man, particularly if this was against his own will. ~Clebo