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A little about me..hmmm

Not that much to say..I've been RPGing for a few years, but only seriously since I went to university five years ago. the WW Exalted system is my favourite system and setting of the moment, though Spycraft 2.0 and Adventure! come so very close, As will my own massive re-write of the exalted combat model for my sci-fi version of the system, with vaguely similar setting (I hope) I've played/own quite alot of RPG stuff, DnD, GURPS, Shadowrun, Fuzion, CoC .. the list goes on.

That's most of what I have to say..


Shiro - ex-lookshy Smith, for a game Telgar is running
ResplendantFox - Another character from Lookshy..this one of the Chosen of the Maiden of Battle, for DaveFayram 's game (which now no long exists *sob*)
Kraken/TheBrokenBladeReforgedInShadow - A Moonshadow from Kirighast, made for me by CrownedSun for his Abyssals game
MatsumoAngelwings - Dawn Caste drifter with wings! ^_^ From BogMod 's Random Game
AmberFlower - Dawn Caste Brawler in Superheavy Plate. For BogMod 's Rising Sun game
Cassia - A young fire aspected outcaste, in the cold north.
Glorious Carmine Elegance - Berserking Sword-Dancer (Dawn)
Sesus Kaori - Flute player and vagrant. (Air)
Swift Falcon - Railway Engineer (for TheGatesOfCreation)


Sorcery/Kraken - Spells, of varying stripe!


it is with great hesitation that I unleash the most terrible thing ever to happen to Exalted: ExaltedSpam - I apologise most deeply

Bitter Flowers Cult - A secretive group that exists for vigilante justice on those who evade Heaven's own.
