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The First Embodiment Of Scope: Essence Immediate</b>

Cost: 4 motes
Essence Required: 2

The character takes the first steps along the path of Akasha. If her spell affects an area, it affects an area equal to (her Essence x5) yards. If it affects a number of targets, it affects the (Essence) closest targets to the spell's beginning.

<b>The Second Embodiment Of Scope: Essence Radiating</b>

Cost: 8 motes, 1 Willpower
Essence Required: 3

The character travels the pathways of Akasha. If her spell affects an area, it affects an area equal to (her Essence x25) yards. If it affects a number of targets, it affects (Essence x5) targets.

<b>The Third Embodiment Of Scope: Essence Expanding</b>

Cost: 12 motes, 1 Willpower
Essence Required: 4

The character learns the secrets of Akasha. If her spell affects an area, it affects an area equal to (her Essence x100) yards. If it affects a number of targets, it affects (Essence x25) targets.

<b>The Fourth Embodiment Of Scope: Essence Encompassing </b>

Cost: 16 motes, 1 Willpower
Essence Required: 5

The character walks the depths of Akasha. If her spell affects an area, it affects an area equal to (her Essence) in miles. If it affects a number of targets, it affects (Essence x100) targets.

<b>The Fifth Embodiment Of Scope: Essence Abundant </b>

Cost: 20 motes, 2 Willpower
Essence Required: 6

The character attains total mastery of Akasha. If her spell affects an area, it affects an area equal to (her Essence x10) miles. If it affects a number of targets, it affects (Essence x1,000) targets.