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BrokenShade's Version

As per the original, but remove the part about having to declare the Charm before your opponent makes the attack roll.

Vote Tally

Original Version

  1. Morpheus
  2. Braydz

BrokenShade's Version

  1. BrokenShade
  2. notsoangrydave
  3. Clebo
  4. MetalFatigue
  5. SilverMeerKat
  6. Domon
  7. Lipperman
  8. Mask of Winters
  9. NatalieD

I'm confused here. Is there a restriction that Reed in the Wind has to be activated before the attack roll? I thought that restriction only was applied to Seven Shadow Evasion. Clebo

The charm cards say you have to declare this Charm and how much essence is to be spent before the attack roll. I'll check the core book tonight ... -- BrokenShade

The charm cards are right - it says it in the book, which is in my lap right now. as is, Solar Dodge gets seriously hosed v. Solar Melee, which is already the more complete tree. i say wave that requirement, and let it function as the melee defense charms. - notsoangrydave

I realize that I have used RitW like the BrokenShade's version without further thought. Clebo

Maybe I'm just a little hardcore, but I prefer to have to use the charm before I see how well my opponent did on the attack. Feels more strategic. - Morpheus

If you could wait to see how well your opponent attacks, it should be higher on the tree if it existed at all. I mean, you don't say, "Well frell, he really IS gonna hit me, I should use that charm," you say, "Well frell, he really IS gonna hit me, I wish I'd used that*urk*."\\ ~*~Braydz~*~

I did the same thing as Clebo. --MetalFatigue

I just always assumed the same thing Clebo did. I think that as it stands it undermines the "defense is better than offense" maxime. I'll go with the revision. - SilverMeerKat

thing is, Braydz , i'm starting to agree with ikselam that melee is really the catch-all combat ability for solars - attack, defense, and special powers. why should its defense have additional advantages (aside from weapon parry bonuses) over a purely defensive ability? melee gets it, so dodge should, too. or, if you want to go the other way, take away melee charms' ability to be paid for and chosen *after* the attack roll. --notsoangrydave

See I hadn't noticed that about Melee defensive charms, thank you for pointing that out.\\ And my fix would totally be to take away that ability of the melee charms. That's just silly, I think.\\ ~*~Braydz~*~

The way I've always treated Reed in Wind is that you declare the charm after you know how many dice your opponent is going to roll to hit're the Chosen of the Sun and you should have some clue just how much power you're about to get splatted with, just take a look at their anima for one...Thing is, if he's rolling 18 dice and you choose to up your dodge pool to match it there's still no saying he won't roll half a dozen 10's and clobber you anyway! Same as there's no guarantee he won't roll the same 18 dice and manage to botch....I've seen it done....hell, I've done it! *pouts* ~FaeWitch