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Kinqueduran, Chosen of Battles

(Formerly Carmine Rain Hunter of the Crimson Panoply of Victory)

It's a real shame, what happened to Carmine Rain Hunter. A real shame. He was good, remember? Arguably a little too good, though. That's sort of the root of his problem, see? Which was strange, I might add. He had probably the most normal childhood I've ever heard of for a Sidereal. Average guy in a town halfway run by the Realm. Enlisted in the local auxillary legion, left that to be a peace officer for a few years, then got shipped off just before Exalting by that Sidereal who trained him - can't think of her name. Left a wife behind, I think. No idea if there are any children - I'd be surprised if he even knows. I don't rightly remember the name of the Sidereal that referred him to the Bureau now, but she was right about him being dedicated. We assigned him to the demon-hunting office and teamed him with Nine-Roads Sojourner - she's a Chosen of Mercury. Sort of a hunter-killer team, see? Seemed like a good idea at the time, and it was damned effective. She'd root out pretty much any sort of infernal trouble, and between pulling a few strings with the Immaculates or calling in Carmine Ra-, sorry, he's Kinqueduran these days. Anyway, the job would almost invariably get done, and done right. I think he worked a little too hard, though. He got kinda ... well, no, he was always kinda weird. It changed him, though.

I can't really place when he changed, it was a gradual thing, I suppose. He used to be pleasant. Not exactly a people-magnet, mind you, but pleasant. He got cranky, though. I guess that's how you could say it. The demon-hunting business went from being a job to being a lifestyle. Classic Vermillion Sentinel stuff, really. When Nine-Roads was busy with other work, he'd either find another partner, or try to go it alone. Those expeditions tended to end up messy - towns demolished, often with the demon just barely getting away. Oh, he always got his man. Err, thing. But he got a bit sloppy. We finally had to outright force him to take time off, but I think he spent all his time studying, practicing his martial arts, or fiddling with thaumaturgy. The thaumaturgy was good for him, in a sense, I guess. It was something to occupy his mind. It pretty quickly became another resource for his obsession with the job, though, which turned it a bit sour. He was even accused of being an infernalist, but everyone who really knew him dismissed that as the nonsense that it was.

He resigned last month, though. Didn't say why. Hell, he didn't say anything at all, just came into my office, gave me that uncomfortable, distant smile, and set an envelope on my desk.


Concept: neurotic demon-slayer
Player: David.
Chronicle: Red Ice
Experience (Garnered / Applied): 5 / 0

Brief Description:

Strength 4, Dexterity 4, Stamina 3
Charisma 1, Manipulation 3, Appearance 3
Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 3

Endurance 2, Ride, Sail, Survival, Thrown
Craft (arms & armor) 2, Dodge 2, Linguistics 1, Performance, Socialize
Archery 2, Brawl, Melee 2, Presence 2, Resistance 3
Investigation 3, Larceny, Lore 2, Occult 4 (Demons +2), Stealth
Athletics 3, Awareness 3, Bureaucracy 1, Martial Arts 5, Medicine

Languages: Old Realm, Riverspeak

Willpower: 6
Essence: 3 (12 motes Personal | 34 motes Peripheral)
Compassion 2
Conviction 3
Temperance 2
Valor 3

-0 [ ]
-1 [ ][ ]
-2 [ ][ ]
-4 [ ]
Incap [ ]

An Ill Wind Blows*
Foe-Distracting Aegis*
Every Direction Spear*
Vermillion Sentinel Form*
Scarlet-Tempered Spear*
Any Direction Arrow
Harmony of Blows
Marvelous Inclusion of Details
Systematic Understanding of Everything
Shield of Mars
Unswerving Juggernaut Principle
World-Shaping Artistic Vision

(Charms marked with a * drawn from Vermillion Sentinel Style)

The Gauntlet 3
The Quiver 2
The Spear 2

Connections (Crimson Panoply of Victory) 3
Allies 1
Savant 2
Salary 1
Artifact 4


Hmm... did he simply change his name on a whim, or did he use that Charm that makes you lose your name permanently if you fail in your mission? - Quendalon
-More like the first, though there's a reason behind it. That'll be explained in the rest of the backstory, which needs the writin'. :) - David.