Dragon's Hunter Method
Cost: 2m; Mins: War 2, Essence 1; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One turn
Prerequisite Charms: Any War Excellency
The Dragonblooded host often must go after dangers larger then any one of them. To that end it serves them well to work together in a fight to the best of their capabilities and to benifit the most they can from an allies assaults on a foe. When a Dragonblood uses this charm he can benifit from the onslaught penalty an ally has given to a target allready. A Terrestial can benifit from up to one half their permanent essence rounded up.
Example: Last tick a Water Immaculate Monk struck with his claws at a demon three times. The Monk's young apprentice has this charm and uses it. He has an essence of three so his attacks count as if his foe allready suffered -2 to his DV from onslaught penalties.