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Children of the Sun and the Moon

A barbarian race of mighty warriors, tracing their origins to the First Age or beyond, they fled to the deep forests of the East when the Dragon-Blooded slew their parents, where they have remained ever since, waiting for their return.


The origins of the Children of the Sun and the Moon are shrouded in mystery and legend, and mostly forgotten to the ages. One of the few facts still on record is that the entire race can trace their origins back to a single couple - one Solar, and one Lunar - however, records are unsure as to which was the male, and which the female. In any case, through means unknown, this couple found a way to pass on much of their power to their progeny, in such a way that their progeny could do the same, and so on. In time, this spawned an entire race, all bearing the same power.

The odd fact about the Children of the Sun and the Moon is that, unlike normal progeny of a Solar and a Lunar, not all Children are Solar Half-Castes; roughly half are Lunar Half-Castes. In fact, one of the only ways to know for certain whether a Child is Solar or Lunar is if they Exalt; they always become the Exalted type of their parent.

When the Terrestrial armies rose up to slay the Solars and Lunars, the Children fled deep into the jungles of the East, almost to the edge of Creation itself, and established colonies there, using artifact technology lost today. When the Fair Folk poured into Creation, and the Wyld itself rushed in, the artifacts in the colonies drove it back; as such, all colonies still exist inside Creation, and all inside the walls are protected from the harmful effects of the Wyld.


Despite their status as beastmen, very little about them shows this nature. Children of the Sun and Moon have but three distinguishing features:

  • The first is their hair, which is almost always jet-black, or at least a blackish colour, and always stands up at unusual angles, despite being quite soft; almost nothing can make their hair stay down for any considerable length of time.
  • The second is their eyes, which are always black. It looks, to the average observer, like the iris of their eyes is non-existant, having been replaced by large pupils, but in actual fact, the iris itself is black, almost as black as the pupil itself; in the right light, the pupil can still be seen.
  • The third feature is the most prominant. All Children have a simian tail, which can be used to grasp objects, or even to hang from, is the Child so wishes.

Their Half-Caste nature shows itself in different ways. Children live for exceptionally long lives for mortals, and they have enhanced senses of sight, hearing, and smell. Almost all Children can channel Essence to some degree. Some know a few charms of their ancestor's (a sure sign of their ancestor's Exaltation). Some feel strong ties to the sun, gaining some power from it, and some the moon (another sure sign). Many can sense the Essence around them, especially in living beings; this is by far not a perfect effect, merely an enhancement of their usual sight. Some obtain Exaltation, but most do not. The natures of the Children vary almost as much as the Children themselves.

All Children have one more thing in common, whether they can channel Essense or not. All Children can, at will, assume the form of a giant ape, roughly twelve feet or more tall, that can breathe a concentrated burst of Essence from it's mouth; this is known as the Oozaru form, and it, and their tail, are a sign of pride to the Children.


The Children of the Sun and Moon are, at heart, a warrior race; many pick up other trades, such as weaponsmithing, or artificing, but all are able fighters. Due to this warrior nature, almost all Children have been trained extensively to fight, and can get easy access to someone to train them, however, unless someone is assigned specifically to train them, they do not have the Mentor (or equivalent) background; it's just assumed that, if they ask someone, they can find a teacher for most common traits.

Despite their barbarian background, and secluded upbringing, the Children are usually not socially stunted. Many of them go out of forrays into Creation to learn about the world that is. Children often move between colonies in search of a partner, and, to prevent inbreeding, many who cannot find a partner among the Children venture into Creation to search for their mate.

Through some odd twist of their Solar and Lunar heritage, Children often gain a bond with their partner, similar to the Eternal Vow of the First Age, save that neither partner need be Exalted; in fact, often the partner is not even one of the Children. In the case a bond is formed, the Child is faithful to their partner for life; without a bond, however, they can be quite promiscuous.

Playing Children of the Sun and the Moon

Creating one of the Children of the Sun and Moon is an expensive, and powerful, venture, costing a grand total of 17 bonus points, and should generally only be undertaken if the Storyteller is willing to grant everyone the template. All Children have the following:

  • Inheritance 5, -7 bonus points (this provides 30 bonus points, which pays for much of what's below)
  • Merit: Longevity, -2 bonus points
  • Merit: Acute Sense (Sight), -1 bonus points
  • Merit: Acute Sense (Sound), -1 bonus points
  • Merit: Acute Sense (Smell), -1 bonus points
  • Flaw: Unusual Appearance (Pure Black Eyes), +1 bonus points
  • Merit: Mutation (Prehensile Tail), -4 bonus points
  • Merit: Mutation (Concealed Form), -8 bonus points
  • Merit: Mutation (Thick Skin), -4 bonus points
  • Merit: Mutation (Beast-Form), -6 bonus points
  • Merit: Mutation (Giant), -6 bonus points
  • Merit: Mutation (Dragon's Breath), -8 bonus points

In addition, some optional customisations are:

  • Merit: Awakened Essence, -5 bonus points
  • Merit: God Body, -10 bonus points
  • Flaw: Aura of Power, +4 bonus points
  • Merit: Anima Powers, -3 bonus points
  • any many more.

The Mutations Concealed Form, Thick Skin, Beast-Form, Giant, and Dragon's Breath make up the Oozaru form. If the player wants their character to be able to pass on their lineage, they also need the Merits Dynasty of Inheritance, and Breed True, costing a total of 4 bonus points; if not, they should be given the 1-point Sterile Flaw.

Most Children also have at least 1 level each of Experience and Knowledge, as evidence they've had the most basic of training. Children tend to have an affiliation with Martial Arts, and one style in particulat, Internal Essence Pyre Style, resonates so strongly that, despite being Celestial Level, the Children can be taught it, if taught by another of the Children; however, training times are tripled, and it costs 5 more bonus points than normal (which can be paid for my the teacher, if the Storyteller wishes to allow this).

Exalted Children are slightly different. At time of Exaltation, they are 'refunded' all bonus points for things that their Exaltation supercedes, which can then be respent as though the charcacter were just being created. This includes Longevity, Awakened Essence, God Body, Aura of Power, and Anima Power. In addition, all Lunar Exalted Children are 'refunded' for the Mutations which make up their Oozaru form. However, their totem animal is always an ape, and they always have Finding the Spirit's Shape, and 3 levels of Awesome Beastman Transformation, spent as below. Exalted Children also usually have no less than 3 in both Experience, and Knowledge, and can only Exalt at Essence 3 through the use of Empowerment.

Awesome Beastman Transformation (Oozaru): +5 Strength, +6 Stamina, Rugged Hide, Huge, Giant, Internal Mastery, Poison Bite, Deadly Breath


The idea for this came to me through a moment of boredom, and an unwillingness to let an old, pre-Exalted character, fade away. For those who didn't catch it, the template above is to emulate the Saiyan race from Dragonball Z, incorporating some fanon as well. The Lunar template was constructed using ArabianNinja's Awesome Beastman Transformation rules. -DarkPhoenix

How does this race pass on it's God-Blooded nature at such a high level (or any level, really) without the proper merit? What do they look like as beastmen? You've told me hair and eye color and one mutation. That's not a beastman. Also, how do they have an Awesome Beastman form if they aren't lunars? More explaination, please. Gamerjoe

Sorry, guess I wasn't very clear. Without the Merits of Dynasty of Inheritance and True Breed, they _don't_ pass on their God-Blooded nature, which is why I suggested giving them the Sterile Flaw. Without being Lunars, they _don't_ have Awesome Beastman Transformation; they have the Mutations listed above (Concealed Form, Thick Skin, Beast-Form, Giant, and Dragon's Breath) which simulates it, albeit not as well as Lunars - it takes several turns to assume their Oozaru form, instead of being an Instant Reflexive. While not in their Oozaru form, they look fairly normal, but when they change, it's pretty obvious they're a beastman, as they become a twelve+ foot tall ape.

For an example picture of what they look like in beastman form (oozaru means Giant Ape, btw), you could try here

Hope that clears things up, and thanks for the questions; it's always nice to know someone has a read over something. -DarkPhoenix, who needs to stop posting things so late at night...