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6 Post(s) on this Topic

Subject: Resplendant Destiny Example? GoldenH - 12/09/2003 19:59:40

I've seen an example of an ascending effect, but can someone do a example for making a Resplendant Destiny, making sure to mention all the rules that might be different for different characters?

can you plan the destiny? And what is the difficulty? Your own essence?

Subject: Resplendant Destiny Example? OnyxMirror - 12/09/2003 21:34:10

Actually the process of creating resplentant destinies is almost identical to an ascending or decending effect, with a few exceptions.

- Pre-planned destinies and horoscopes aren't going to help you - The Scope is *always* 2 - Effect points are never added to power.

There are a few other things, after the fact, like having to bear the trappings and mainain a single idenitity, but those are the differences in the process itself.

Subject: Resplendant Destiny Example? GoldenH - 12/09/2003 21:47:28

Hm. You can't make a horoscope for yourself? why not?

And, do you have to declare the effect powers that you get for wearing the destiny, (say, crow, one of the three) or do you just have those points laying around that you can use whenever you want?

Is it possible to give yourself ascending effects to help make Resplendant Destinies? Eg, dec your TN and Diff by 1, and increase your virute by one? Just for the purpose of resplendant destinies? It seems ok.....

Subject: Resplendant Destiny Example? OnyxMirror - 12/09/2003 22:04:09

>>> Hm. You can't make a horoscope for yourself? why not? >>>

Because 'Unlike most sidereal astrology effects, which are a sort of template destiny, a resplendant destiny is a sort of simplified identy anthromorphizing the traits of he constellation.'

On review the limitation is not stated outright in the text, as I thought it was, and so it's a ruling I've made. It's one I'd stand by though.

>>> And, do you have to declare the effect powers that you get for wearing the destiny, (say, crow, one of the three) or do you just have those points laying around that you can use whenever you want? >>>

No, you get to keep the excess points in a pool to spend on what you will when you will. Just remember not to spend the last one or the destiny will dissolve in the face of the Arcane Fate.

>>> Is it possible to give yourself ascending effects to help make Resplendant Destinies? Eg, dec your TN and Diff by 1, and increase your virute by one? Just for the purpose of resplendant destinies? >>>

That's going to be an ST call. I wouldn't allow it personally, I can hardly imagine the spiders approving petitions designed solely to manipulate them, but as you say it seems technically to be within the scope of the rules.

Additionally there's a Lore Charm (Of the Shape of the World) specifically designed to make astrology rolls easier.


Subject: Resplendant Destiny Example? GoldenH - 12/09/2003 22:36:45

>>> Hm. You can't make a horoscope for yourself? why not? >>>

<<< Because 'Unlike most sidereal astrology effects, which are a sort of template destiny, a resplendant destiny is a sort of simplified identy anthromorphizing the traits of he constellation.'

On review the limitation is not stated outright in the text, as I thought it was, and so it's a ruling I've made. It's one I'd stand by though. <<<

Well, I was thinking that you could make a horoscope for your resplendant destiny and hand it to the pattern spiders. Kind of like making a character for a RPG - this character never existed before, so when you start acting how you do the pattern spiders have to look into the web of fate and change what they wrote down so that it is all self-consitant.

If you provide the pattern spiders with a horoscope that explains why you act how you do, and a character background that you will stick to and try to remain consistant with, then you don't have to worry about exploding from paradox because they don't have to make up all these things.

"Who is the father?" "Well my parents both died, it was very tragic and then everyone died of plauge so there's no record of them." "How sad. And your siblings?" "Only child. I never saw my extended family - they might be alive for all I know." "I see.." -mortal astrologer looks up into the skies and sees the stars are already in place verifying everything he's been told so far-

that's my rationel, anyhow. thanks for your help so far.