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NAME                                   HOMELAND
Blossom                                Yu Shan (formerly Great Forks)
CASTE                                  ANIMA BANNER
Chosen of Serenity                     Abstract blue ripples                        
NATURE                                 EXPERIENCE
PHYSICAL                        SOCIAL                          MENTAL
Strength        2               Charisma        4               Perception      4
Dexterity       4               Manipulation    3               Intelligence    3
Stamina         3               Appearance      3               Wits            4
--JOURNIES--                   --SERENITY--                    --BATTLES--
□Endurance       ****           ■Craft          ****             □Archery 
□Ride            ***            ■Dodge          ****             □Brawl
□Sail                           ■Linguistics    ***              □Melee           ***
□Survival        *              ■Performance    *****            ■Presence        ****
□Thrown                         ■Socialize      ****             □Resistance      **

--SECRETS--                    --ENDINGS--                     --SPECIALTIES--
□Investigation   ***            □Athletics      ***          
□Larceny                        □Awareness      **
□Lore            ***            ■Bureaucracy    ***
■Occult          ****           ■Martial Arts   *****           
□Stealth         *              □Medicine       **  

LANGUAGES: Rivertongue (Native), Old Realm, High Realm, Firetongue
Acquaintances     ***              Various people in Great Forks
Artifact          **               See Below
Artifact          **               See Below
Connections       ***              Gold Faction connections
Connections       **               The Threshold
Salary            **               Gold-faction member
Savant            ****             +4 dice to rolls involving the First Age
Sifu              *****            Taught by Hayako
TEMPERS                         ESSENCE         ****            VIRTUES
Willpower:   7                  Personal:       15:15           Compassion       ****
O O O O O O O                   Committed:      None            Conviction       **
                                Peripheral:     43:43           Temperance       ***
                                Committed:      0               Valor            ***
        Initiative:               Soak (L/B):    (1/3)            Mobility:         0
ARMOR:  None                      w/Armor:       (1/3)            Fatigue:          0

   -0     -1         -2             -4    Incapacitated    Negative
    O O O  O O O      O O O O        O    O                O O O

Fist                    9(+0)*      11(+1)*    2B(+0B)  12(+2)*  5

*added one to these because of Hearthstone bracers
Dodge:  8/12 (+4 Permanent Essence)
                                ASTROLOGICAL COLLEGES
NAME                   RATING  ASSOCIATION
The Gull               **      Travel for its own sake
The Ewer               ****    Partnerships based on affection
The Lovers             *       Lust and uneven relationships
The Musician           **      Contentment with living
The Pillar             ***     Partnerships tested and found stable
The Key                **      Knowledge discovered through study
The Sorcerer           ***     Tasks accomplished through Essence wielding
The Crow               *       The end of illusions and dreams, inevitability
CHARM                   COST     DURATION    TYPE          EFFECT
Ox Body Technique * 2   None     Permanent   Special       -0 Health Levels

Mark of Exaltation      2 motes  One Scene   Simple        Adds +1 sux to all Presence, 
                                                           Performance, Occult, Social-
                                                           ize, and Bureaucracy rolls
                                                           against gods/in Yu Shan

Systematic Understand-  1 mote   Until sleep Reflexive     Gains a specialty of choice,
ing of Everything                                          applies to relevant abilities

Of the Shape of the     3 per/   Instant     Supplemental  Target Number reducer for
World                   1 Will                             astrology rolls

Effecient Secretary     2 motes  One turn    Simple        Summons a little spirit to
Technique                                                  find out one fact

Auspicious Prospects    1 mote   Instant     Simple        Helps to find places where 
for Serenity                                               joy is needed

Impose Nature           3 motes  Indefinite  Simple        Target gains Sidereal's 
                                                           Nature + his own

Force Decision          5 motes/ Instant     Simple        MAN + Presence, diff [Essence 
                        1 Will                             Success means decision goes
                                                           the way the Sid wants

Hot-Eyed Snake          1 per    Instant     Supplemental  Target number reducer for
Whispering                                                 Socialize, Performance, Pres-
                                                           ence, and Bureaucracy

Perfection in Life      5 motes  One Scene   Simple        Sid and all who see her gain
                                                           1 Willpower point

Defense of Shining Joy  5 motes/ One Scene   Simple        Persistant Dodge using Dodge
                        1 Will                             or Performance

Ice and Fire Binding    10 motes One hour    Simple        INT + Linguistics, Diff 9 (-1
                                                           per extra Sid helping). Sux
                                                           binds an elemental for a sea-
                                                           son to make people happy.

Absence                 1 per    Instant     Supplemental  Target reducer for Dodge

Duck Fate               10 motes Instant     Reflexive     Perfect Dodge

World-Shaping Artistic  None     Permanent   Special       Making People Happy * 1

Unswerving Juggernaut   5 motes  Indefinite  Simple        Must move to destination. Get
Practice                                                   +5L/5B soak, does not tire, 
                                                           +[Essence] to Endurance rolls

Unwavering Well-Being   2 motes  Instant     Reflexive     If Essence < Temperance, must 
Meditation                                                 roll Willpower to attack. Add
                                                           +[Essence] to all soaks.

CHARM                   COST     DURATION    TYPE          EFFECT
Bearing the Ewer        3 motes  Instant     Reflexive     +Charisma to a Dodge roll

Peacock's Feather       2 motes  Varies      Simple        Disguises a weapon so that
Approach                                                   it appears innocuous

Soul-Pillar Scribing    1 per/   One Scene   Supplementary Gain a die bonus (up to MA)
Offense                 1 Will                             against one opponent

Lover's Guise Mudra     3 per    One Scene   Simple        Opponents (up to MA #) suffer
                                                           -[Sid's Socialize] to all
                                                           combat pools against her.

Cerulean Lute of        5 motes  One Scene   Simple        +[Appearance] to soak, +[Per-
Harmony Form                                               formance] to Init, +[Essence]
                                                           to damage.  May reflexively
                                                           redirect missed attacks (2 
                                                           motes) to SPSO-bound foes.

Ecstatic Whore's Kiss   4 motes  Instant     Supplemental  Opponents get a penalty =
                                                           to [Charisma], -1 per turn

Thousand Drumming       3 per    Instant     Extra Action  Each attack must attack a
Footsteps Meditation                                       different opponent

Whirling Dervish Blow   4 motes/ Instant     Simple        Attack all in [Essence] yds.
                        1 Will                             Charms that effect others
                                                           must be paid for each target

Maw of Dripping Venom   5 motes  Instant     Supplemental  Attack.  Target loses 5 motes
                                                           per turn for [post-soak DAM]
                                                           turns.  If he runs out, coma
                                                           for [MA] days.

Unnatural Many-Step     6 motes/ One Scene   Simple        Spend 1 mote to dematerialize
Stride                  1 Will                             until next initiative. Roll
                                                           Valor or lose action when
                                                           seen (enemies)
NAME                    COST                CHARMS INCLUDED
Courtesan's Dance       4 motes (+3 per     Whirling Dervish Blow, Ecstatic Whore's Kiss
                        target), 2 Will     Duck Fate
ITEM                            QUANTITY           NOTES
Incense for prayers             5                  Jasmine
Lap Harp                        1                  Well carved and inlaid with ivory
Blue robes                      4                  Robes of office for her job

Heathstone    **       4               +1 to accuracy, defense, and speed

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