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Tha Real Ghetto Shiznit


chosen of the dawn comin' right atcha

tremble in ya boots as i assault an' attack ya
hit me with ya best shot ya can't hurt me
i stop ya combo cold with my HGD
ya think ya hot stuff but ya can't steal my thunder
not gonna let up til y'all six feet under
the ground with ya extras i swat em with my daiklave
'fore i smack ya ass down send ya straight to ya grave



Let the world quake, let my enemies tremble

All your bravery couldn't fill a thimble
I'm nimble and fast
At whippin' yo ass
I've returned to this world
A ghost from the past

My aura burns as I move to strike

Slicing so fast that I transcend light
And if you were to see me you just might
Wish that with me you chose not to fight

I dodge and weave and I strike so swiftly

With every strike of my blade, I take out fifty
And against me there's no chance of success
Cuz' I'll lay them all to waste with my 'klaive of Conquest



Yo, this one's for all my Zenith brothas and sistas out there fightin' tha good fight!

tha realm's all in distress

cos it's missin an empress
great houses all sayin' they be the best
but they ain't got the skills, tha way or tha will
tha dynasty's crumblin' cos they just be frontin'
an' fightin' amongst 'em its time we did somethin'!

fuck them immaculates

i don't have no truck wit dat
they the ones we oughta throw tha sticks an' tha stones at
wanna keep ya under their thumb, keep ya docile an' dumb
and mute ya voice, don't give ya no choice
but ta worship these dragons and the men they exalt
turn a blind eye to their excesses an' faults

ya say i'm anathema

but i shoot it right back at ya
ya gotta wake up an' ya gotta try
ta bust outta this web of sidereal lies
gotta do what's right, lift ya eyes to tha light
of tha unconquered sun and see it's begun
the dawn of a new age risin' up like the rage
in the gut of the slave in tha dynastic cage

ya gotta see it's time

don't gotta sweat the rhyme
or the reason that the season of the Dragon be endin'
just gotta see that they don't be attendin'
to tha duty, tha honor, tha obligation
ya gotta open ya eyes, gotta ask tha question
ya gonna sit on ya ass or ya gonna take action?



Yo, this one goes out to the Twilights in the house! Ya'll know who you be!

We be masters of mystery

Shapers of history
My words are strong
My power is blistering

Yo watch it steady

It's bout to get heavy
This lighting in my palm is just about ready

To cut your kind down like you're so much chaff

You and your houses can kiss my ass
And I'll slice through the soldiers like they're blades of grass
Runnin' 'em through with some Obsidian glass

Cause I'm an unrivalled master

A legendary caster
My technique is stronger
My style is faster

You've hidden from the world with your ancient scam

Hiding in the walls of your Heptagram
But now I know the truth and shall take a stand
Your time is up, your fate is damned

I shape to my will what a thousand people struggle

Bend all Creation with the least of trouble
If you got a town wanna stand against me
I'll reduce it down to a pile of rubble

Word up!


Spiders at the Loom weavin' all your fates interleavin',

All the wrong stories for all the right reasons;
And the people are cryin' as they watch their world dyin',
"Fate, stay your hand!" but the spiders ain't buyin'.
Yah, you wantin' a good life like all of the other snots,
Askin' for fortune
Askin' but giving squat.
It ain't even justice. No one wants to be fair.
You just make your own beds
and the spiders don't care.

(On the canonical end of the Age of Sorrows, by Rebecca)


This one is for all my Sidereal homeboys. Maidens represent!


got tha skills ta thrill ya!
whut, whut, whut, aowww!
got tha moves ta kill ya!
huh, huh, hyah!

ya all wanna know how my skills got so l33t

where i learned tha kung fu that i'm usin' ta beat
ya up an' send ya home cryin' for mommy
ya train for ten years -- still got nothin' on me!


my stylings supreme, ya can't dream ta defeat me!
yeah! yeah! yeah!
i'm comin' on strong, so fast ya can't see me!
what! what! what!
no matter ya style i'm sure ta beat you!
'cos my sifu's the one invented ya kung fu!

ya think ya all hot with ya tiger an' snake

but ya know that ya ain't when i wind up an' break
ya in half with my ultimate secret technique
blast ya punk ass clear into next week

ya say ya got what it takes, think you'll eat me for dinner

'cos ya know fifteen styles -- ha! ya just a beginner
i been fightin' tha masters since ya was knee high
ya ask if i heard of ya sifu -- hell, i trained the guy!

so just keep on braggin' bout ya kewl ebon shadow

ya knowin' five dragon an' mantis? oh no!
save me! ya got me shakin' now big guy!
better back off 'less ya think it's a good day ta die!

ya immaculate styles don't impress me that much

once i turn ya to a puppy with my pattern spider touch!
then i'm gettin' dramatic, i go all prismatic, smack ya ass
it's just automatic when i'm goin' ta town, handin' out a
i hear jigsaw organ condition's goin' around
oh hey lookie here -- i gotcha nose boy!
smackin' ya around like a lunar with a chewtoy
ya talkin' a big game, but push comes ta shove
ya can't handle that sidereal martial arts love!


(chorus x2)


(tribal Drum and Bass) All my Skin-Changin bretheren hear my words, a'ight.

I came from the Wyld, packing my animal style

no mortal man can stand in my way
I am the chosen of Luna
and this earth is my place to play
From the edges of creation
to the heart of civillization
The forms of the beast I have mastered
nothing but survival matters
No Terrestrial nor God will hold me back
Where I choose, the beastmen attack
Savage as the bear
You better beware,
the rending of my claws
The rage in my stare
From scorching south to the north frozen
Endless seas to the wall of trees
I will set the world free.


I was gonna beat the Deathlords up, but then I got high...

I was gonna lay down the smack, but then I got high...
and now I'm an Abyssal, and I know why, yeah yeah,
because I got high, because I got high, because I got high..

I was gonna fight the Wyld Hunt, but then I got high...

I was gonna rip those bitches up, but then I got high...
and now I'm waiting for reincarnation, and I know why, yeah yeah,
because I got high, because I got high, because I got high...

I was gonna fix that first age shit, but then I got high...

I could have fixed it, and made it work, but then I got high...
and now my soul's been destroyed, and I know why, yeah yeah,
because I got high, because I got high, because I got high.


Yo, step aside, Night comin' at ya! Watch yo' back, or he

gonna whack ya!

Dodgin' and leapin'

Movin' and sneakin'
Your evil soul is what I'ma reapin'

Try though you might you just can't catch me

Ain't the best in the world who could hope to match me
Been tried before
But you're never gonna trap me
Ninja please!

I can take you out in the space of a breath

You ain't no match for my Claws of Distant Death
Think I'm gonna leave you time to breathe?
Ninja please!

I'm gonna test ya

Distracting Finger Gesture
One false move and you done just messed up
And now I press ya
I'll strike so fast that the wind undress ya
So 'fess up
You afraid
Afraid of my 1337 Ninja trade
Afraid that I'll send you straight to the grave
With my blade
Ninja please!

So come and get me

Your Wyld Hunt to net me
But how much you wanna bet
That I'll stay a threat B?
Ninja please!


And this one comin' from the Evil Side! You know what I'm sayin'? Underworld REPRESENT!

I'm the kinda man who like to set the world on fire

Dance around you like I'm hooked to a wire
Facin' me you might as well retire
I've returned to this world as a Dark Messiah

Owl Seizes Prey

Teach you to pray
Come on punk
Don't you want to play?

My thoughts are nothin' but hurtful

Hundred Razor Circle
I'll cut through you with my divine purpose
You're worthless
Alive, but dead you could be redeemable
I'll show you things that you thought were undreamable

I'm the shadow on the wall

Watch this empire fall
Just like Thorns
When the Juggernaut crawl
Hear that noise?
The Malfeans call

So come and get me if you think you somethin' real

I'll swat you down with my big hunk a' Soulsteel
Round here they call this big sword fear
Where you from, it's called Soul Mirror
Do you hear
It's come for you
After it takes you it'll take your family too


Yabba dabba doo, bubba. This is somethin' new...

Wind hittin' my face

But, yo, we ride through
Hey yo, boss!
What you want your big Lunar to do?
Just say the word
And his guts splatter the earth
It ain't nothin' to a Lunar
It's like findin' a herd

They were poppin' some verbs

But I got the word
And I'm back out the Wylds
And damn, I done heard
What the fools be sayin'?
Bitch, that's my name
I'll make you stop livin'.
Bitch, that's my game!

What, what? You ain't never seen real war

Bitch, please, killin's what I'm here for
You think you gonna get away from me still?
Shit, just can't see the Lunar on yo' heels

You think you're safe

Now you're out into the city
Boy, if that were the case
You wouldn't see so much o'me

There a dog at the corner

Damn, that dog got my eyes
Birds followin' ya home?
You gonna get a surprise
I'm wanderin', while you cowerin',
There ain't anythin'
Gonna make you safe again

You got a Lunar on yo' ass now

Hollar if you hear me
Your end's a'comin' fast now
But nigga, you ain't neva' gonna see me.
My moon hits your brow
And you sho' can't hide
I know the last thing you be thinkin'
When my fangs deep inside

What, what? You ain't never seen real war

Bitch, please, killin's what I'm here for
You think you gonna get away from me still?
Shit, just can't see the Lunar on yo' heels


As I walk through my village all a-burnin' in flame

I hear my friends and family they all callin' out my name
They say I'm Anathema
Say I'm here to kill-a
They just don't know it was just my time to be-a

See them Wyld Hunt retards, ridin' out to get me

Those bitches they don't even got the skills they wanna take me
I smack those muthas down, send 'em flyin round
But next thing I know, I'm face down on the ground

Hit by kung-fu mojo

Crazy shit I don't know
Ain't fair to pit me up against some whack Sidereal, yo
Then as I'm about to expire,
I burn with solar fire
Mountain-Crossing Leap Technique it sends me through the sky-a

Take my own advice and get my ass out of the way

Land beside the second Sidereal I see today
He tells me "Hey Solar chummer, I'm your friend indeed
I'll give you training so your campaign can succeed!"

I look this mother closely, it looks like he's a liar

Is he gonna be the second Sid today to feel my ire?
But then he waves his fingers and suddenly I know
Goldies are the way for young Solars to go

I learn my lessons well, all those Charms I never knew

Try to mess with me now, punk and see what happens to you
I got my Arrow Storm, my Bolts of Solar Fire
Nock my powerbow and I'm a-make me an empire

They send a thousand men at me I smack their asses down

No one can stand up to me, I'm the baddest boy around
When I say stop and when they hear, nobody dares move
That's a Solar for ya man, that's the Solar groove

Step up and bring it, yo!