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 <b>Cost: 1 mote per obstacle
 Duration: Instant
 Type: Supplemental
 Min Archery: 3
 Min Essence: 2
 Prerequisite Charms: Dazzling Flare Attack

Arrow of Light</b>

 <b>Cost: 1 mote per obstacle
 Duration: Instant
 Type: Supplemental
 Min Archery: 4
 Min Essence: 2
 Prerequisite Charms: Sight Without Eyes

Many feel secure behind locked doors, but with this Charm even the stoutest stone wall is no protection. Arrows fired using this Charm are transformed into shafts of pure light, able to pass through barriers between themselves and their target. An arrow can pass through one obstacle per mote spent on this Charm to a maximum of the character's Essence. Armor and shields can not be circumvented by this Charm, nor does this Charm allow the archer to see through obstacles. An obstacle is any inanimate object, excluding objects specifically designed to provide defense such as shields and armor. Animals and people are not obstacles, but plants may be considered obstacles at Storyteller's discression. It is not required that an arrow fired with this Charm have a pre-determined target.

Cloud Cutting Sunlight</b>

 <b>Cost: 1 mote per 4 soak
 Duration: Instant
 Type: Supplemental
 Min Archery: 5
 Min Essence: 2
 Prerequisite Charms: Arrow of Light

As shafts of light pierce the clouds, arrows from a Solar's bow can pierce even the strongest armor. A character using this Charm spends 1 mote to reduce her opponent's armor-based soak by 4. When used against armor made of the Five Magical Materials, the cost for this Charm doubles and soak can not be reduced beyond half its original value. No more motes can be spent then the character has dots in Archery. This effect stacks with other soak modifiers such as target or frog crotch arrows, apply the modifier from this Charm before halving soak.

Spell-Shattering Shaft</b>

 <b>Cost: 2 motes per minimum Essence
 Duration: Instant
 Type: Reflexive or Simple
 Min Archery: 5
 Min Occult: 3
 Min Essence: 4
 Prerequisite Charms: Solar Spike

Shrounding her arrow in disruptive Essence, a Solar can shred the Charms of others with a well-placed shot. The character makes a normal roll to hit with a difficulty equal to the minimum Essence of the Charm to be destroyed. The arrow does no damage when it strikes, instead the Charm or Spell it was aimed at is destoyed. Charms with a higher minimum Essence then the archer possesses can not be destroyed. This Charm can only be used once a turn and must be used at the same time the Charm to be destroyed is activated. Spell-Shattering Shaft can specifically be activated in response to another character's activation of a Charm or Spell and occurs at the same time. If used to destroy a Spell, this Charm counts as Simple. The minimum Essence of a Spell is equal to that of the Circle used to cast it +1.

Nerveless Shot Trance</b>

 <b>Cost: 1 motes
 Duration: Instant
 Type: Supplemental
 Min Archery: 4
 Min Essence: 2
 Prerequisite Charms: Sight Without Eyes

Not only can external distractions be eliminated, but also the distractions of one's own body. An Exalt using this Charm suffers no wound penalties while making one archery attack.

Vision Without Sight</b>

 <b>Cost:3 motes
 Duration: Instant
 Type: Supplemental
 Min Archery: 5
 Min Essence: 2
 Prerequisite Charms: Sight Without Eyes

Easy enough for an Exalted to ignore wind, rain and darkness while shooting, but ignoring distractions such as stone walls and shuttered windows is harder. Even they offer no bar to a Solar armed with this Charm. As long as the archer knows where his target is, the arrow will seek to strike home by itself. Using this Charm, the character suffers no penalty for shooting a target he can not see. This Charm does not allow the Exalted to fire his arrows through any obstacle that may be in his way.

Comet Trail Shaft</b>

<b>Cost: 2 motes
Duration: Instant
Type: Supplemental
Min. Archery: 5
Min Essence: 3
Prereqs: Vision Without Sight, Arrow of Light

Arrows of often foiled by overly dexterous opponents, but Solar archers are beyond such annoyances. Tuning her arrow to the essence of her victim, any creature with an Essence of 1 or higher can be tracked by the arrow. For a number of turns equal to the archer's Essence, the arrow will follow the target around and attempt to strike her. Treat each turn of persuit as a new attack, using the original attack roll even if it was previously reduced by dodge or parry attempts. Only perfect effects or a successful hit, which does not have to do damage, can end the arrow's persuit before the Charm wears off. An arrow can travel up to the firing bow's range in a turn.

Ground Smashing Arrow</b>

 <b>Cost: 3 motes
 Duration: Instant
 Type: Supplemental
 Min Archery: 5
 Min Essence: 4
 Prereqs: Solar Shard

Instead of firing many arrows, a Solar Archer with this Charm has found a more economical way to decimate her foes. Arrows fired with this Charm do normal damage, but this damage is applied to all targets within a radius equal to the archer's Essence in yards. This Charm produces a massive concussive shockwave when the arrow strikes home, causing one yard's worth of knockback. Ground-Smashing Arrow can be used for utilitarian purposes such as creating small, round holes in the ground. What purpose these holes are put to is up to the character to decide.

Soul-Charring Arrow</b>

 <b>Cost: 2 motes per success
 Duration: Instant
 Type: Supplemental
 Min Archery: 5
 Min Essence: 3
 Prereqs: Solar Shard, Dazzling Flare Attack

Filling the body of her enemy with solar flames, powerful Solar archers can reduce their foes to piles of ash and dust. For every 2 motes spent on this Charm, one additional damage success can be purchased. Characters can only purchase a number of successes equal to their raw damage. The normal amount of post-soak damage is rolled in addition to any purchased successes. The total, purchased and rolled damage, is the post-soak damage and is applied normally. This damage is always lethal and can not be altered by arrow type or Charm effects. Arrows enchanted with this Charm will always do at least 1 health level of damage.

Unending Hail Storm</b>

 <b>Cost: 10 motes, 1 willpower, 1 health level
 Duration: Instant
 Type: Extra Action
 Min Archery: 5
 Min Essence: 3
 Prerequisite Charms: Arrow Storm, Rain of Feathered Death

This Charm functions exactly as Arrow Storm does, but the same person can be targeted by more then one attack. No more attacks then the character's Archery score can be directed at a single target.

Foe-Pinning Strike</b>

 <b>Cost: 3+ motes
 Duration: Instant
 Type: Simple
 Min Archery: 4
 Min Essence: 2
 Prereqs: None

Anyone can make it hard for a target to escape be pinning their clothing or flesh to a hard object behind them. Solars using this Charm can do so and have no worries of their foes escaping easily. Once an arrow penetrates the skin of the target, doing no damage, it will seek out a surface to pin them to, which the arrow and target are drawn to within a single turn. After being attached to this surface, the target must make a Strength + Athletics roll in order to break free of the arrow's magic. The difficulty of this roll is equal to the number of extra motes spent on this Charm, which may not exceed the user's Archery score. Should the target break free, he suffers the arrow's base damage which is rolled normally but soaked with only the target's Stamina.

Weapon-Shifting Technique</b>

 <b>Cost: 1 or 2 motes
 Duration: Instant
 Type: Reflexive
 Min Archery: 3
 Min Essence: 2
 Prereqs: Foe-Pinning Strike

By spending 1 mote, a Solar Archer can use her ranged attacks to parry melee or hand to hand attacks directed at her. For 2 motes, she can parry melee or hand to hand attacks targeted at an ally within her Essence in yards.

Striking the Bolt</b>

 <b>Cost: 1 or 2 motes
 Duration: Instant
 Type: Reflexive
 Min Archery: 4
 Min Essence: 2
 Prereqs: Weapon-Shifting Technique

This Charm functions like Weapon-Shifting Technique, but applies only to ranged attacks.

Death-Confounding Rain</b>

 <b>Cost: 4 motes + 1 mote per target
 Duration: One Round
 Type: Simple
 Min Archery: 5
 Min Essence: 3
 Prereqs: Arrow Storm, Striking the Bolt

Falling like raindrops, a storm of arrows will prevent almost any atept at attack or charge. Firing a single arrow into the air, a Solar Exalt may multiply it into hundreds of copies. Make a normal Archery attack that can not be parried nor dodged as it has no target. For the rest of the current combat round, add the number of successes on the roll to the difficulty of the attacks made by all targets.


Cloud Cutting Sunlight seems a little overpowered for it's cost... I'd say 1 for 2 (or 3 at the most) seems more appropriate. Ignoring a warstrider for 5m and 0 willpower seems... a little wrong. (If you use a target arrow, you can -almost- ignore a noble warstrider as well.)

Most of the rest of these are great though... I especially like Comet Trail Shaft and Ground Smashing Strike!
-- Darloth