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Revision as of 18:40, 17 March 2005 by Shallows (talk)
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Hello, Just some working pages for game reference here.

Here is a link to the Base page for the Game I am running, A Kasumi inspired Sidereals game called The End of the World.

This is a game I am playing:

Rook, is a character in LiOfOrchid's PBP game on

These characters have fallen into the abyss of lost games:

Nero's Boot is running a PbP game on, I have two characters in it:
LedaSwiftclaw and JacobStern

Isbanu-teht is my character in Voidstate 's PbP game on


I appreciate all the work you're doing to set up your game here, and it looks like you're doing a pretty good job of it, but I'd like to point out a couple of things that will help you, and will make life a bit better for the rest of us. When I started writing this, you had a string of 18 new posts, uninterrupted, on the RecentChanges page. A lot of these were as-yet empty or near-empty pages that you seem to be setting up for future use. This is well and good, but most of these really should be marked as minor changes, in accordance with BestPractices. Likewise, many of the characters added can be likewise marked as minor changes, with a note left on a single page to notify the players and anyone else necessary that they have been so added, also in keeping with BestPractices. Lastly, while I understand that TheEndoftheWorld, as a singular title does have greater assetoric force, (and this is only a suggestion) it might be more appropriate to place your content within a page branded with your screen name, i.e. "ShallowsEndoftheWorld", or something similar.
All that said, the best of luck with your campaign! ^_^ I'm trying to set one up with a friend for this summer (sort of a port/expansion of our table games), so I'm looking for information on how best to set one up, structure things, etc. I'll be looking in on your stuff from time to time, if it's quite alright, to see if I can find some ideas to steal. ^_^ Also, if you have any suggestions, let me know! -Suzume

Thanks for the feedback, Sorry if it's been annoying for you. I've tried to mark as many as minor edits as possible, but frankly missed the box a bunch as I hit save. Is there a way to move everything to a subheading without going through and changing all the links? - Shallows