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Moxiane's Merits & Flaws

Merits =

Nation of Friends
3-point Social Merit
Prerequisite: Contacts •••••

The number of people who know, or at least know of, the character numbers in the tens of thousands, and all of them are willing to provide information to her. There is literally nowhere in Creation (and many places outside) wherein she cannot find someone to get local gossip from, and there is always a friend-of-a-friend close at hand. The character never has to roll her Contacts to see if she can locate a minor contact, insteads she can automatically find a number equal to her Charisma. She also has 10 major contacts, who can be anyone, anywhere, in Creation or beyond – although particularly powerful contacts might count as two for this purpose.

Ragara’s Riches
4-point Social Merit
Prerequisite: Resources •••••

The acquisition of wealth is a drive that thousands, if not millions, of people across Creation share. Whether mortal or Exalted, the siren call of jade or silver can be hard to resist – and many don’t even try. It is so powerful that gods, elementals and demons can sometimes share that desire, the need to get more can be a powerful motivator. A character with this Merit has that elusive “more”.

The character’s wealth is, for all intents and purposes, unlimited (Resources ••••• •••). If it can be bought he can buy it. His Guild accounts swell with silver, he has many talents of jade stored in the Realm’s banking systems, and in every land across Creation he can bring overpowering financial might to bear. The purchase of a palace or a legion is a trifling expenditure to him, and the only reasons that any purchase could be delayed might be that the item in question is either not for sale, or simply not available, since his credit is always good.


Doubly Cursed
7-point Supernatural Flaw (Solar and Lunar Exalted only)

In the days before the dawn of time the Exalted cast down or imprisoned the Primordials, creating the dreaming dead Malfeans and the eternally raging Yozis. The Great Curse that lingers in the souls of all the Exalted was pronounced by those they slew, but some it struck especially harshly. The Exalted with this Flaw suffers from two Virtue Flaws (which must belong to different Virtues) including their limit conditions, both of which operate on a single Limit Break track. When the character suffers from Limit Break he acts out both Flaws if this is possible, otherwise he acts out the Flaw that caused the break.

Forceful Anima
5- or 7-point Supernatural Flaw (Exalted only, Night & Day Caste excluded)

The character with this Flaw has his Essence roiling far closer to the surface of his anima than most Exalted do, and is permanently afflicted as if he had spent some amount of peripheral Essence. This has the effect of creating a permanent anima display, as well as making his anima banner far easier to excite to full status. Should the character take the 5-point version then the character is treated as if he had spent 3 more motes of peripheral Essence than he actually had (thus placing him at the upper end of the first level of anima display), while for 7 points this permanent expenditure is 7 motes (the top of the second level). Dragon-blooded with this Flaw are often referred to as being afflicted with "the madness of the Dragons", referring to their tendency to destroy their surroundings without even realising it.

Suppressed Breeding (From an idea by LeumasWhite)
1- to 3-point Supernatural Flaw (Dragon-blooded only)
Prerequisite: Breeding • to •••

Sometimes the power of the Elemental Dragons lies buried within their Chosen, only coming to the fore under moments of great stress or extreme duress. Commonly referred to as "sleeping Dragons" these Exalted can walk across Creation without ever realising their true power, something that is of particular worry to the Scarlet Empress and her breeding programme. A character with this Flaw has her Breeding Background (which may be no higher than ••• - the mightest of the Dragon-blooded are not so easily suppressed) is effectively zero until such time as she is able to "unlock" it, either partially or completely. Generally speaking, a dot of the character's Breeding becomes available (adding to her personal and peripheral Essence pools) after she survives a time of great emotional stress - although exactly what this could be is left to ST discretion. This Flaw can only be bought during character creation and its value is always equal to the character's Breeding.


Nice Flaw but are the effects cumulative with actual peripheral Essence spending? - Issaru

Yep. Otherwise it wouldn't be worth 5 or 7 points. Changed the wording slightly to make it clearer. - Moxiane

Suppressed Breeding - If a character was otherwise not going to take Breeding, why wouldn't they take this Flaw and use the points to buy the Breeding for it? It is effectively Breeding-for-free as long as you don't mind waiting. -szilard

That is what was bugging me about it... *grumbles* I knew that there was something my inner crunch-monkey was trying to tell me. Hmm... one could argue that having to wait for, potentially, ages to get what you paid for at chargen is cost enough - since what could cause a dot of it to open is deliberately left vague, although it should be stressful and unique. This needs more thought... - bad thinker Moxiane
Generally, when people take Breeding, they have a rating in mind, since with Dragon-Blooded, Breeding is as much a story factor as it is a mechanical one. Not many people I have gamed with take Breeding 5 just because it gives them a bunch of motes; they do so because it is appropriate for their character. If they do not, then Suppressed Breeding is purely mechanical in nature, so allow or disallow it as you see fit. - LeumasWhite