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Revision as of 06:03, 26 May 2005 by (talk) (*New multi action lunar charm.)
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Graceful Soaring Hummingbird Wings

Cost: 4 motes
Duration: Until dropped
Type: Simple
Minimum Charisma: 4
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms: Flying Tiger Technique 

Two great wings grow from the characters back, feathered, insectile or leathery at her choice. These wings carry her aloft, allowing her to hover at one height, or move around at great speeds. The wingspan is twice as wide as the lunar is tall and lets her move at 35 miles an hour. For every 4 hours of soaring flight the Lunar must make a Stamina + Endurance roll to stay aloft or make such a roll every one hour for flapping flight. The lunar must be able to spread her wings to be able to fly. In combat the character can swoop and dive around at a rate of 52 yards a round.

Frenzied Speed Rush

Cost: 5 motes
Duration: Instant
Type: Reflexive
Minimum Dexterity: 4
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms: Panther Stride Stance, Moonsilver Monkey Exercise

When this charm is used the character flushes his body with essence, his muscles swelling with energy and his body becoming sleeker and faster. In the turn this charm is used the character may perform two completely independant actions. This charm can not be used in a combo and can not be used more then once in a single turn. Also, though the actions are independant the lunar may not use any more charms that turn.

Rampaging Wolverine Technique

Cost: 7 motes, 1 willpower
Duration: Instant
Type: Extra Action
Minimum Dexterity: 5
Minimum Essence: 4
<b>Prerequisite Charms: Frenzied Speed Rush

The natural outgrowth of Frenzied Speed Rush allows for a lunar to move with all the liquid speed of moonsilver itself, ripping hearts from foes all around him in a blur or outrunning the fastest of arrows. In the turn this charm is used the lunar rolls his dexterity and is granted that many more independant actions that turn. This charm may not be used in a combo and the extra actions can not be used to activate more charms.


It looks pretty much like the Soaring Pinions DBT Gift. Not a bad charm for someone that wants an alternative to the DBT gift (if their totem is non-bird-like), but at Cha 4 and Ess3, with those prereqs and 4 committed essence... I guess it just seems like it's asking a bit much for what little benefit it gives you. I can't see how you'd make it more powerful, though, so maybe you could just tone down the requirements. (Then again, if you let the character attack with gusts of wind caused by flapping his wings real hard... that might make it worthwhile. Ranged bashing attacks. ) -- Miedvied

In power combat the benifit is greater. Yes, it is almost exactly like the Soaring Pinions gift. Many gifts can be duplicated by charms and to be fair, its the logical extension from that charm. With ways to make it stronger bashing gusts, a to hit penalty(due to your hummingbird like ability to move sideways or in any direction), or faster might be ways to improve it. Thoughts on such improvements? BogMod

You forgot Insectile wings. -Fifth

Bog, your combo ruling on the IA Charm is messed up. If you want to allow non-extra action Charms, you have to allow combos. Just state it can't be comboed with EA or IA Charms. Because otherwise that Charm ALSO allows a willpower-less combo. Which is just weird. I'm not sure I like this, an Essence 3, 5 mote Reflexive IA...but I guess its alright as it only allows for two actions. I'd feel better if it did NOT allow Charms. Then it'd feel just perfect. - Telgar