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Charm Writeups

Charm ideas

Infernal Melee Charms grant the power to cut things away - to remove strengths, defenses, and life from your enemies, but also to cut wounds and hindrances from your allies. Melee is, in this sense, the power of changing things by lessening them, as the Primordials are changed through lessening (but not necessarily weakened) by having their component souls destroyed. --Kukla


If we're lining up Virtues with Abilities, Melee should use Temperance or Valor. Not sure. --MUrielw

Facade Ending Blade
Cost: 1 mote per {Melee} successes
Type:: Supplemental
Duration: Instant
Minimum Melee: 3
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisites: something that hasn't been thought up yet

The faithful servent srikes, not with quickness, or demending upon the wiles of chance and fate, but with the natural understanding that his blade will go where it ought. Rather then rolling, the Infernal simply takes {Melee} successes per mote, up to a limit of (whatever limit we end up agreeing to) on a single attack roll. This won't create a roll from nowhere, and if the Infernal woound't have been able to roll a single die, he can't replace that roll.

Weed Chopping Stroke
Cost: 3 motes
Type:: Reflexive
Duration: Instant
Minimum Melee: 3
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisites: Facade Ending Blade

Once, things could, in and of themselves, serve their own perpose. Then the gods rebelled, and people began to use tools not of themselves. With the magic, the Infernal can strip away those false pillars that support a decedent creation.

Make an attack roll as normal against an object - or after an attack has been successfuly parried. After soak, instead of rolling damage, each remaining "Damage" dice becomes a one point shift towards making an object less useful. For example, every remaining die could subtrack one from the defence, rate, damage, or any other values of the object. This can't become a negative greater then the Infernals (Essence or Melee, whichevers lower), and not everything can become negative (Rate for example, can't really go below zero).

Example: The Infernal strikes a fire warming a camp in the Frozen North. For every damage die the Infernal would have, he can make the fire burn 'colder' until its freezing the camp instead of warming it

What counts as a "positive" or "negative" value is at the ST's discresstion. A freezing fire that's hard to put out is a bigger 'negative' then one easily quentched. The damage this attack does is invisable to any sight less then All Encompassing Sorcerer's Sight - even use won't reveal that it no longer serves its purpose. Artifacts also regenerate their Rating in points every hour, and cirtain powerful Artifacts ignore this attack entirly (If the artifact is almost a living being, or close to being self-aware, then it is uneffected. You aren't going to lessen something like Soul Mirror with this charm). Also, it can't lessen something made out of it's user - weither that is a boat made from it's owners bones, to a Glorius Solar Sabor.

False Champions Bane Assult
Cost: 3 motes, 1 willpower
Type:: supplemental
Duration: Instant
Minimum Melee: 4
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisites: Weed Chopping Stroke

Those enemies of the natural order defy it, not just with their hollow victory, but with how they live their lives - forcing the world to support their false glory. With a stroke, the Infernal forces them to began homrouging exelence. Instead of this attack doing any damage, every 'Damage' dice that gets past soak becomes an anti-stunt 'die.' Every time the victime tries to stunt, use up enough anti-stunt 'dice' to cancel it out - up to a limit of half the Infernals Essence. If any stunt die are left over, the Stunt still occures, though with a reduced dice pool and essence/willpower benifits. If all the stunt die are cancelled, however, it stops being a stunt - the victime is unprotected from coniquence, and can't change the rules. Their is no way from the victime, or anyone else, to see this damage without a magic on the same level as All Encompassing Sorcerer's Sight.

Multiperpose Tibulations Blade
Cost: NA
Type:: Specal
Duration: Permenant
Minimum Melee: 3
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisites: Weed Chopping Stroke

The infernals strikes strip away the unnessessary - but for many magics a blade that cuts is itself unneeded, the blade alone will sufice. When this charm is first learned, the infernal froms a blade of essence that never leaves his hand. It can't do physical damage, but it is invisible - an attack with it inobvius. It requires an Awarenes role at difficulty five to realize that the infernal has struck. The blade is likewise hard to see, Encompassing Sorcerer's Sight will spot it at difficulty 3, the blade is invisible to such sight, but it disrupts the patterns of essence as it passes through. Only perfect perception effects can see it fully, and without such magics dodges or parries aganst it are at + 3 difficulty. It can strike unmaterialised objects, and can only be defend agaist by objects capible of defending aganst unmaterialised spirits. It stats are (something I haven't figured out.

Ok, here are a few Melee charms I have been playing with. Rip them apart as you will - Dasmen