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Solar Craft Charms by Balthasar

Editors note: I'm posting this for Balthasar, since he is currently unable to do it himself. All coolness is his; all mistakes are mine. - Ashande

Adoption of Intrinsic Principle
Cost: 1 mote per 2 dice
Duration: Instant
Type: Supplemental
Min. Crafts: 5
Min. Essence: 2
Prereqs: None

Solar craftsmen are without a doubt generally superior to all other craftsmen. Their essence guarantees their perfection in both mind and body. In the regards that they are such perfect beings, it is unsurprising that, having once learned the basic principles of any one distinct sort of craftsmanship, a Solar may match that skill against any other distinct craft with equal adeptness.
A Solar with this Charm may purchase dice in any type of Crafts up to a cap equal to his highest Crafts Ability. Solars may not spend a half-mote‚ to gain the last die in an odd pool; the extra dice are merely lost. For example, a Solar with Craft (Architecture) 5 could, with this Charm, temporarily gain Craft (Fate) 5 for one dice action at the expense of three motes.
Proprietary, or exclusive‚ Crafts are explicitly allowed by this Charm; it is the basic principles of the concept, and the perfect mind of the Solar, that allow for this capacity. Any Crafts sub-ability that is not, however, known to the Solar may not be emulated. He must first be aware of the fact that craftsmen guide Fate, before he may begin to theorize at how such a task may be undertaken.

Not bad, and another example of the 'master of all crafts' kind of charm. Not something that would be hugely useful in my games, since I don't subdivide crafts quite as much as the rules say I should, but still nice. I'd probably make it one mote per dot, though, as the effect is more than powerful enough to allow for that. -- CrownedSun

I like this charm too. I might increase the essence level, though. Giving somebody five dots (transcendental mastery) of something esoteric like Craft: First Age Weapons, or Craft:Moliation is, IMO, an essence three effect, even if they know it can be done. Alternatively, you could structure it like the Abyssal Thrown Parry (my books are not with me) and just allow esoteric crafts once the Solar hits essence 3 or 4.
Scrollreader who has nightmares about his massive, hulking Twilight using this on himself with Craft: Courtesan.