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Crimson Robes of Deception</b>
Artifact <b>5</b>
Soulsteel robes

Commitment: 3

Flowing robes of soulsteel thread and crimson silk, with a deep cowl to mask the head. Woven from the souls of spectres, the breath of the labyrinth, and the anguished torment of plague victims, they serve to hide and protect their wearer. Should the Wearer pull back the cowl, Instead of the wearer's face, anyone gazing upon them will see their own face, rotted and decayed in death: this adds 4 dice to any intimidation attempts.
By Infusing 5 motes of essenvce intothe robes, the colours will subtly shift, the silence of the weave, the solitude of the death they represent, enclosing you: this adds 4 dice to any stealth attempts for the scene. <Mbr> Finally, by Offering lives to the robes in place of your own, in a careful ritual, you may gauruntee your safety. For every person whose lifeblood has been ritually stored in the robes, you may survive without harm one attack, no matter how powerful: as your own flesh shatters and tears and burns, the infused lifeblood flows forth, infusing your flesh, repairing the damage, and allowing you to survive any one attack unharmed, in a surge of bloody gore. The robes can store the lifeblood of a single individual per point of the wearer's essence: Should the robes be unattuned, all lifeblood stored within will flow free in a bloody gout. The cowl of the robes has a setting for a single hearthstone.


I'm not /quite/ sure of the current level of the artifacts: I'm pretty sure it should be 4/5. They've been upgraded since originally designed.. (Plotdevicium!) - Molikai

I'd say 4, but make them commit a little more. Perhaps 5 motes?
-- Darloth

possibly, possibly. Originally, they didn't have the 'splurge' effect for saving life: They were upgraded in some plotdevicium, as the character's reward for destroying paragon and handing Dari of the Mists on a platter to their master: that was the IC reason. The OOC reason was to steer the player's towards interest in their equipment, make it more personalized, compensate for huge gaping holes in the character's combat strategies, and try and encourage them to make it truly heroic gear, by naming it. I'm slowly writing up the history of the campaign prior to restarting it at the start of feb, so it'll go up on my page when I'm done. :) Did you see Blessing of the Crimson Death's other toy? The Sorcerer's crook? If you take a gander at his sheet, and compare it to, for example, guardian, executioner, or Swift retribution, THen you'll see why we encouraged him to have an emergency life-saver.. - Molikai

I rarely look at sheets. Might have a looksee eventually though.
-- Darloth