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The Three Witches of the Dark Water

The three mysterious terrestrial exalted known by the few who remember their existence as the three Witches of the Dark Water, are the only three survivors of a long gone household of primarily water aspected dragon blooded known as the Dark Water Clan.


When the nameless spear wielding hero descended on the holdings of the Dark Water clan, the mother, sister and daughter of the household's founder and leader, the water aspected who would later become the dark spirit known as The Thirst was performing a dark ceremony on the shores of the sinister lake that surrounded the household's fortress. As the solar called down the first waves of burning sunlight, piercing the black night and setting the fortress alight, the wife and daughter wanted to rush to the side of their master, but the mother, the older of the three held them back. As the fires spread, the gate that would allow them back into the fortress began to crumble and with one mighty heave, the mother of the patriach pulled her daughter-in-law and granddaughter with her into the blackness of the lake.

Born swiftly through the dark water by the power of their elemental heritage, the three women broke the water surface far from the burning castle, just one last large explosion tore the building asunder. Suddenly a single body, wrapped in flames was flung from out of the burning ruin and came crashing down into the dark of the lake, its fires suddenly vanished. Diving back into the dark water, the three women dove after the shriveled corpse, quickly sinking to the black depths of the lake, each knowing in their cold hearts, that this was the body of their master, the patriarch of the Dark Water Clan. Snathcing his mangled corpse and carrying it to the surface they searched desperately for signs of life, but only found the lurk warm remains of a dead body ravaged by fire.

For a while they sat on the brinks of the dark lake, crying and mourning their lost master, until suddenly a voice called out to them from the water. A first it could barely be heard, but slowly it became stronger, calling them into the water, Fearful at first, they waded deeper into the water until they finally slipped under the surface and now they could clearly hear the voice in their heads, the voice of their dead master calling them into the depths.

Having found the shade of the master, the three witches left the light of the surface world and stayed with him, learning more of the dark secrets the shadows had whispered to him, becomming his hands and eyes. No longer able to use the dark magics, he onced commanded, the three witches must perform them for him, having become adept necromancers themselves.


The three witches are three terrestrial exalted woman, all Water aspects of excellent lineages (breeding 4+). Their life in the dark lake and the evil they have wrought have warped their minds and bodies, making them almost like the undead themselves.

  • The Grandmother -the oldest and most experienced of the three is an ancient woman, close to two hundred and fifty odd years. Her long years and her superior handling of the dark magics has warped her body the most, turning her into a monsterous hag, hunched over with wrinkled corpse like skin, long claw like nails and a long mane of filthy grey hair. Like her two fellow witches, her eyes has turned completely black and it is unknown wether this is a sign of her excellent breeding or her increasing corruption is unknown. Like the two other "sisters", she wears no clothes. As the senior withc, she is the leader when the master is not present. She is madly pround of her son and the power, he has achieved and secretly despises both her daughter-in-law and granddaughter, endlessly ridiculing and tormenting them for not being good enough for her son.
  • The Mother -once the consort of the patriach and the middle one of the witches is actually the least of the three, both in power and in skill. Although not as warped as her mother-in-law, her appearance nevertheless betrays her dark nature as her skin has become light blue and bloated like that of a drowned corpse. Her figure is plump and her dark grey hair hangs around her puffy face like pieces of dead skin. Like her fellow witches her eyes are completely black and she never wears any clothes.
  • The Daughter -the youngest and least experienced of the three witches, the daughter is never the less close to her grandmother in power and far beyond her mother's meager skills. The least warped of the three, the daughter looks like an attractive woman in her early twenties, with pale bluish skin and long dirty black hair. Like her fellow witches her eyes have become dead black orbs and she is always naked. The daughter is a passionate thing as opposed to her grandmother's cold rationality and her mother's feeble fear. She is at times almost feral in her hunger for power and the attention of her father, who is also the father of her son Councilman Lung the incestious fruit of ghost and dragonblooded mating. The fact that she has born their master's precious son has giving the daughter considerable leverage with their master, increasing her edge against her grandmother.



Plans and Influence