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Back to The Heroic Exalted

Chapter Two: Nature

Heroic Exaltations


Heroic Innate Powers


The Five Castes

Advocate Caste

A quiet gatherer, the Advocate acts to bring people together. Forging friendships, information networks, and a system of favours and help, the Advocate is easily overlooked, but when he chooses, his entire group of allies becomes a raging torrent, and those who seek to oppose him find all hands raised against them. Advocates are easily found if they want to find you, but you must know to look for them.

Creation: Social butterflies often become advocates, especially those who make friends more easily than enemies. Advocates might have been merchants, bartenders, wandering performers or court dandies, but they are chosen in moments where they choose to use their connections for what is right, rather than what is easy.

Anima: The Advocate can call upon her anima to make herself supernaturally charming and urbane. At the cost of 10 motes, she increases all of her Social Attributes by +1 for the scene. This counts as a natural increase. During this time, the Advocate cannot be overlooked, and her words hold special meaning.

Associations: The element of water, the Sidereal Exalted, the direction of the East, and the colour blue.

Champion Caste

The Champion is the man who leads by example. His power lies in himself, and he gains fame for his deeds, but he is ever a figure of mystery. The Champion appears when needed, and then vanishing again, never staying to claim great riches of his successes.

Creation: Champions are chosen from people who are willing to dare in order to support others. Usually, they are warriors, but champions can be brave explorers, or even scholars or lawyers. They are chosen from those who choose to help others not because it is profitable, but because it is right.

Anima: When they choose, Champions can gather the power of their anima into themselves, at the cost of 10 motes. For the remainder of the scene they appear great and powerful, a stunning figure that cannot be ignored. Stealth is impossible during this time. The character gains +1 to all her Physical Attributes. This counts as a natural increase.

Associations: The element of fire, the Lunar Exalted, the direction of the South, and the colour red.

Journeyman Caste

Craftsman and merchant, the Journeyman takes most after the Great Maker. He works to improve the physical world, making it a place that people are more likely to enjoy residing in, solving problems with hard effort and long hours, rather than trying to rely on people to help themselves.

Creation: Journeymen are most often drawn from skilled experts, be they farmers, blacksmiths, merchants or alchemists. They are those who work to fix the world, and who use their skills for the betterment of others. A doctor who doesn't charge to help the poor, a farmer who tries to help his village thrive, and the like can become Journeymen.

Anima: The Journeyman is skilled in the art of repair and construction. When they call upon their anima, they can work long hours easily and quickly. This costs 10 motes, and makes the journeyman a figure of excellence; the time for all extended tasks that would take no more than a day are halved. This power lasts for one task.

Associations: The element of wood, the Terrestrial Exalted, the direction of the North, and the colour brown.

Regnant Caste

The leaders of men, Regnants call upon others to serve for the greater good, showing them how their service can forge a better world. Natural leaders of the world, the Regnants gather the masses to them, preparing them and leading them into a better tommorow.

Creation: Those who lead are those who become regnants. Be they the commander of a guardforce, a king, a ship's captain or just the firm patriarch of a great merchant family, the Regnants are ready for power. They must also not misuse this power, however; those who lead well are chosen.

Anima: The Regnant can drawn the power of her Anima about her, gathering her power to her in order to better lead her court. This power costs 10 motes, and the Regnant can choose whether it affects only her allies and followers, or everyone. In either case, the affected have all of their Virtues increase by 1. This functions for Virtue tests, channeling Virtues, or any other purpose; it even grants one extra channeling of the Virtue (although, if used, this channeling still costs Willpower, and no more than one extra channeling may be made by a given person per story.) The powers of multiple Regnants do not stack, and last for one scene.

Associations: The element of earth, the Solar Exalted, the direction of the Blessed Isle, and the colour purple.

Scholar Caste

Scientist and sage, the Scholar works to learn ever-more about the world in other to improve it. Never content with the status quo, she searches relentlessly for new vistas to explore and new information to uncover. This information is spread, as people are encouraged to continue searching.

Creation: The curious are the bulk of the Scholars; while they are often actual scholars or thaumaturges, they may just as easily be hardened travellers or simple workers who imagine a better world for all. Scholars are those who seek to spread the knowledge that they learn, rather than hoarding it for themselves.

Anima: The Scholars are wise and knowledgeable, and they can focus this through their anima. By spending 10 motes for a scene, the Scholar can hone her mind. She becomes reminscent of a wise scholar, and onlookers find themselves wondering what words of wisdom will next drop from her mouth. All of the Scholars Mental Attributes are increased by 1 for the scene. This is considered a natural increase.

Associations: The element of air, the Alchemical Exalted, the direction of the North, and the colour white.


Uh... two norths, no west...? - Hapushet

The Journeyman Caste anima power seems pretty weak compared to the others. - Kukla