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It might be worthwhile to take a look at some of the Charms in Wood Dragon Style before you do this. - szilard

What in WDS do you think would be useful for comparison? - willows
WDS has some charms that are particularly potent against spirits, but not ineffective against other foes. A design goal of this seemed to be analogous. - szilard
Thanks, I'll bear that in mind! :) - David.

Actually, just looking over it I was struck that it's current structure looks like a CMA with 2 Initiation Charms for Terrestrials right down the front. Maybe those first two Charms could count as Celestial initiation for any Terrestials that learned this Style? Just a thought... - nikink

Well, if I keep Spirit Sight as the first Charm, that would obviously count towards initiation for a Terrestrial. What other Charm were you thinking of as an initiation Charm, though? - David.
The Demon-Sensing Charm. So for it's mechanics maybe look at the 2nd tier Initiation Charms for comparison (obviously only a vague comparison, as you want the Demon-Sensing Charm to be permanent, but I feel it's still valid as it's only for detecting Demons afterall, not 'every spirit in the area'). - Nikink Bleeding-Demon Style?
Well, there are some intricacies to the demon-sensing Charm that aren't listed here just yet. This is an MA that was talked about for a while on #pvpexalted, and I think that Charm is pretty well polished. It doesn't feel initiationy to me, but I am thinking about making it not count as starting a new CMA for a Terrestrial if he learns just the demon-sensing Charm. Now that I think about it, though, I want to cut Spirit Sight from this tree altogether. I'll probably make the demon-sensing one more like Ominous Portent Method (or whatever the Abyssal Surprise Anticipation Method is), and I might make it able to percieve dematerialized demons. I do appreciate your comments. ^_^ - David.
Yeah, that's cool. I was just stuck by the similarity of the tree to a 10 Charm CMA + Terrestrial Initiation. Having the Demon-Sensing Charm work like Ominous-Portent Method is a great idea! Very apt. Bearing in mund that many demons have 'special effects' that are obvious to those who know about demons anyway (like the smell of Blood Apes, there are others I can't think of right now) perhaps the Demon-Sensing Charm works by drawing the user's attention to, and highlighting, those sfx and thus also identifying the demon type... just a flavouring idea. This is cool. - Nikink

Instead of "The Vermillion Sentinel Form is incompatible with any armor heavier than a reinforced buff jacket," it might be better to put in a maximum mobility and/or fatigue penalty. -szilard

Thought about that, but it offers a situation I didn't like: If, for example, I set the maximums at -2 Mob and 1 Fat, you have a Charm that is incompatible with a reinforced buff jacket, but compatible with starmetal articulated plate. The other route I considered was making it only compatible with armors that have a certain Mobility and Fatigue value before the effects of any magic are applied. You make a very good point, I probably will revise that at some point. - David.
Hmmm... is that an issue? I mean, magic is, well, magic. There are also issues with magical armors that don't have mundane analogues (like the Obsidian Sheath). I'd either make it compatible with armor below a certain mobility/fatigue penalty regardless of where that penalty comes from (magic or mundane) or make it incompatible with any artifact armor (though then you still have questions of Charm-boosted armors). Personally, I don't like the latter option, but ymmv. -szilard
Well, I think it is an issue. A Form Charm that's compatible with artifact plate armor is a good deal more powerful than one that's incompatible with anything heavier than an RBJ. I'm still thinking on this, of course, but I'm really favoring setting a cap on Mobility and Fatigue ratings before any magic (which, incidentally, does solve the earlier issue, since artifact armors have the same Mobility and Fatigue as their mundane equivalents when not attuned). - David. rethinking that, I cut the clause about magic and just set the acceptable penalties really low. Still thinking it over, though. ^_^ - David.

The extra cost restriction on the pinnacle banishing Charm doesn't apply to Abyssals if the Storyteller allows demons of the third circle to be summoned with Necromancy. Further, I may revise or outright remove this Charm once I have Savant & Sorceror. - David.