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During their time together, Phinnae insists on helping the villagers rebuild Tolinya.  Her mentor ( known only as Hamish the Patient ) assists and teaches at the same time. Finding a strange, soothing and familiar quality in the manual labor.
During their time together, Phinnae insists on helping the villagers rebuild Tolinya.  Her mentor ( known only as Hamish the Patient ) assists and teaches at the same time. Finding a strange, soothing and familiar quality in the manual labor.
Phinnae joins the silver pact and is covered with silver tattoos.  Her guide teaches her new skills and helps her enhance her current ones.  He sees she has a strong arm and a good eye and decides to show her the virtues of archery.  He is surprised to find her very adept at this skill and bequeaths to her a moonsilver bow.  A gift she accepts with honor.   
Phinnae joins the silver pact and is covered with silver tattoos.  Her guide teaches her new skills and helps her enhance her current ones.  He sees she has a strong arm and a good eye and decides to show her the virtues of archery.  He finds she is very adept at this skill and bequeaths to her a moonsilver powerbow.  A gift she accepts with honor.   
** Before tattooing, a Lunar is usually put through a trial of some sort to determine her caste.  
** What is the bow called?
The bow is long and slender.  Measuring a full 1.2m from tip to tip. Covered with silver symbols in ornate patterns, on a background of light purple and deep forest green. She can feel a hunt beginning. The air ripples around her and it is as if the bow is whispering to her.
*** Artifacts should be unique and awesome too!
**** Take a stand for Inanimate rights!!!
*** Unless they're mass-produced, I suppose.
**** Which is unlikely for a powerbow.
*** And even mass-produced ones can enter tales an legends of mortals, thus acquiring a name for themselves.
** Why is he surprised by her skill with a bow?
** - [[Nikink]]
** As [[Nikink]] said Lunars are normally put through a series of trials to determine their caste. A Feat of Strength, a Feat of Cunning and a Feat of Wisdom. Did Phinnae go through these? If no, why not? If yes, What were they? - [[Bencyclopedia]]
As the weeks pass Phinnae becomes impatient and wishes to find her sister.  She has become more powerful and confidant. When she discovers a tale of a medicine woman having healed a tribal elder on board one of the pirate ships she feels this might be her mother.  She wishes to find and avenge her family.   
As the weeks pass Phinnae becomes impatient and wishes to find her sister.  She has become more powerful and confidant. When she discovers a tale of a medicine woman having healed a tribal elder on board one of the pirate ships she feels this might be her mother.  She wishes to find and avenge her family.   

Revision as of 11:28, 3 May 2009

This is my FIRST EVER wiki!!! It is dedicated to my FIRST EVER Exalted game Promise of Ages. My character is a Lunar named Delphinus "Phinnae" Hydra. An orphaned island girl who seeks revenge for her family and tribe from the Pirates who decimated her childhood paradise. Along the way she is exalted, meets new friends and intends to wreak the fury of the 7 hells upon the people who upset her. She also likes puppies ;) To be continued .......


From the nikink/PromiseOfAges Campaign


Phinnae 16yrs old, resident of island Tolinya in West Coral Archipeligo ( population 250 )

Eldest of 5 children ( 2xbrothers, 2xsisters)

  • Moleefa: 15yrs (B)
  • Ventruna: 13yrs (G)
  • Tarop: 12yrs (B)
  • Mitirina: 7yrs (G)

Father - tribal elder and excellent fisherman

  • Teret Hydra: 34yrs

Mother - medical shamaness

  • Loresta Pelodipus: 32yrs

Captured by pirates who have been terrorising the region. ??Looking for something.

They have devastated her village, killed her family and friends. From beneath the wooden deck, tethered to the floor, she hears the harrowing stories of death and survival and finally learns the fate of some of her family. Father and eldest brother dead. Sister seen taken on board another ship. Unknown whereabouts of mother and youngest sister.

On the voyage to the slave yards Phinnae encourages her fellow detainees to revolt against their captors. Many villagers are lost. Finally there remains only four pirates....

Phinnae is overcome with rage and determination. These guys will not destroy what is left of her family and friends. They are circling her, taunting her.

Finds strength in herself to conquer the remaining pirates with awesome gland fu mixed with doctor mengele fu and a touch of lingering death fu.

Once they have overtaken the ship they turn back towards their home.

A giant Kraken appears overboard and begins to wrap itself around the ship. Phinnae feels anger and loss at the apparent futility of their triumph from the pirates. She cries out, grabs a massive splintered piece of wood and leaps onto its tentacle. She scales the mighty Kraken as it wraps its tentacles around the boat. Wood groaning against the force. She leaps onto its head and begins stabbing it with the wood. In the head. In the mouth and eyes. She manages to hack off two tentacles and gouge out an eye.

Lots of thrashing, screaming and cursing. The Kraken finally lets go of the boat, just as it's disappearing beneath the surface. It bobs back to the surface, water emptying from its bowels.

Phinnae however, has not let go and holds onto the Kraken as it dives. The water becomes all encompassing. But as she struggles defiantly to hold on a tingle runs down her spine.

In a split second all movement slows and a silvery ethereal woman, dressed in fine, vibrant clothing, appears before her with an outstretched hand. From the finger tips emerges a shiny bubble which expands before her to encompass them both. Then they are smoothly, but sharply lifted through the water and explode from the surface. Shooting miles into the air and coming to rest peacefully in the clouds. It is Luna. She welcomes Phinnae to the family. Tells her she sees great potential in her and wishes her well with her new found powers. She gives her a lovely parting fruit basket and unceremoniously pops the bubble. Phinnae feels nothing for a moment but the wind at her toes, and then gravity presses its will to her and she plummets to the waves belows. She hits the water hard but notices after a few seconds that she's still alive and the Kraken is before her again. Slowly winding back up.

She suddenly feels an overwhelming surge of power which she directs at the Kraken. The Kraken is shot up and out of the water. The people on board the boat watch as the Kraken soars high overhead and crash lands in the water far away on the horizon.

The freed slaves who number in the hundreds, taken from all around the western seas must now travel home. They sail back the way they came and Phinnae's island is first.

At the docks Phinnae is met by a stranger who convinces her to stay with him for a time. Telling her that the she has a new destiny and has been given special powers. Powers that will help her find her sister, avenge her village and keep her family safe. If she learns to use them. A condor high in the sky squarks, circles the docks and flies onward. Phinnae longs to rest. To find her feet and bond with her home again.

The mysterious stranger initiates her to the world of the Lunars. She is awed by their power and overwhelmed by the sheer size of her new world view. This will take some time to get used to.

The first of many trials begins with a sudden shift in the landscape and a rush of wind as her mentor transports her to the base of a craggy mountain unknown to her. His only advice. Get to the top. Phinnae surveys the looming, ominous outcrop and without much thought promptly begins to scale the heap of rock. Despite sudden gusts of wind, unseasonal snowfall, hidden crevasses, hungry pushy mountain goats and sudden rockfalls, Phinnae is able to conquer the top. Ironically if she had surveyed her surroundings she would have found the supplies required to construct a rudimentary escalator. Even more ironic was the small sherpa with a supply laden yallak ( four legged pack animal ). He held a placard saying "See the Top, with Me-Tee Kop".

During their time together, Phinnae insists on helping the villagers rebuild Tolinya. Her mentor ( known only as Hamish the Patient ) assists and teaches at the same time. Finding a strange, soothing and familiar quality in the manual labor.

Phinnae joins the silver pact and is covered with silver tattoos. Her guide teaches her new skills and helps her enhance her current ones. He sees she has a strong arm and a good eye and decides to show her the virtues of archery. He finds she is very adept at this skill and bequeaths to her a moonsilver powerbow. A gift she accepts with honor.

The bow is long and slender. Measuring a full 1.2m from tip to tip. Covered with silver symbols in ornate patterns, on a background of light purple and deep forest green. She can feel a hunt beginning. The air ripples around her and it is as if the bow is whispering to her.

As the weeks pass Phinnae becomes impatient and wishes to find her sister. She has become more powerful and confidant. When she discovers a tale of a medicine woman having healed a tribal elder on board one of the pirate ships she feels this might be her mother. She wishes to find and avenge her family.

She receives word from traders that the Pirates her village encountered were named the Marauders of the Deep. Who were renowned for plundering and pillaging where ever they went. However, there had been a change in their patterns of destruction. They had become more methodical. Making more land falls than usual. Like they were searching for something. Rumour had it that they were selling slaves in the larger cities, trading under different names in the more structured societies of Creation ... Cherak!

With passage on a trade ship, Phinnae was off to Cherak.

    • She would have to disguise herself somehow. Generally. If she didn't want to be noticed as an Anathema...- Nikink

To try and trace her youngest sister.

To find if the medicine woman was her mother.

To stop the pirates from doing this to anyone else.

Along the way Phinnae has to fight for her life. Testing and honing her skills. Learning new ways and challenging the old. A naive island girl in the big city is a soft target. A Lunar in a big city is a force to be reckoned with.

Phinnae uses her awesomeness to barter, influence, negotiate, bribe and sometimes force people to give over their information. Punishing those who have dabbled with The Deep. Travelling over land or by sea she is hunting her one time hunter. She has heard that the pirates do deals with many companies. From the slums of Cherak to the back allies of Celeren. Slaves, supplies and artifacts from the regions they plunder. No-one seems to know where they come from or who controls them. Many have been linked to the Marauders of the Deep. There silent three pronged symbol seen in many a cultured port.

Phinnae has tracked down a large portion of the captured villagers and set free many others once held captive by the Marauders. She arrives in the dead of night. Keeping in thegrips of the shadows. Those responsible have been punished severely and those who have lived to tell their stories, tell of a silver child who stands 8ft tall and has a bow twice her size emblazoned with jewels. Stories around the campfire are beginning to unfold. Her conviction unwavering. She can't be stopped. She can't be swayed. She is THE WESTERN JUGGERNAUT!

Phinnae still has no idea where her family has been scattered. Her latest lead is a mysterious company in the river city of Nexus. A small tea company named Wujin-shi. Are they an unwitting pawn of the Marauders, a customer perhaps or something even more sinister ..........


There once was a girl named Phinnae,

The Pirates she defeated them many.

The Kraken came down,

She exalted, then crowned

The poor Kraken, it felt like a ninny.


Hello! Don't forget to tick the Minor Edits box if you don't want the other wikizens to see every little time you make a change to a page. - nikink

Thanks for the tip :) Phinnae

Yay for content! :) Now we'll work on formatting nicely... ;) - Nikink

Yay! For awesomeness! Everything I've written is just for inspiration and ideas. No obligations from me. :) Nikink

Thanks for the tips Nikink. You're a champ and I appreciate your input :) - Phinnae

Luna is the god(dess), Lunar is the Exalt type of that God(dess). :) nikink