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Yeah, this is tres cool. - [[SMK]]
Yeah, this is tres cool. - [[SMK]]
This freaking rocks. - [[EwindaleMoss]]

Revision as of 08:08, 5 April 2010

Random Gimmick Weapon Table (Roll 1d10, and again if necessary)

1. Creature Sidekick.

1. Domination Prisms. A sphere made of one of one of the magic materials, containing an occult array of Yasal crystals. Used in the First Age to capture and bind the wills of unruly spirits, elementals, and escaped demons. Luminita, I choose you!
2. Summoning Pact. You've signed a contract with a god, elemental court, Yozi, or what-have-you. Now, with the proper ritual preparations, you can summon forth some sort of creature to help you out in a pinch, who will probably help you. If it can't find some bureaucratic loophole in your contract to exploit.
3. Heavenly Catalogue Citation. A card stolen/lost from Heaven's catalogue of creatures across Creation. As this card is no longer in the catalogue, the creature it represents no longer naturally exists. By channeling essence through the card properly, one can create a temporary simulacrum of the creature.
4. Tagalong Proto-God. When the primordials created the gods, they didn't always get things right the first time. You've got a junked fragment of one of these draft versions of the gods leeching off your divine essence, and it'd rather not return to being an inert chunk of god-garbage by having you die, so it's willing to help you out from time to time.
5-6. Automaton Ally. A First Age automaton servant, recovered from ancient ruins in (somewhat) working condition, has decided you're it's new master, try as you may to convince it otherwise. May have picked up some strange bugs over the last several centuries.
7-0. Trained Animal. You've got, like, a kick-ass dog or something.

2. Rope or Chain Weapon. Anything that would make you a whirling tornado of pain. A Thunder Ball-And-Chain, the razor thin strings of the Fate Shearing Strands, or the four-foot long envenomed fang of the demon serpent Mahrabdaharasarat, The Darkness that Cries out in the Space Between Breaths, tied to a rope, as long as you can whip it around in circles.

3. Killer Fashion Sense

1-3. Deadly Clothing. You're not unarmed unless you're undressed. You're a master at fighting with your clothing, and most likely wear a certain outfit made specifically to kick ass. Sashes and scarves to entagle with, weighted sleeves to add an extra oumph to your hits, or whatever else you can get away with while still looking good.
4-5. Watch The Hair! Either you've got something tied/braided into your hair that serves as a deadly weapon, like a weighted ponytail or razors entwined in your dreadlocks, or your hair itself can be used to attack or entangle.
6-7. First Age Accessory. You've got some artifact fashion accessory that can kick ass almost as well as it can complement the color of your eyes. Maybe it's a Hazard Belt with a Lucky Seven Buckle that you can whip off and lock into sword form in an instant, a Tenfold Sealing Scarf that can catch sorceries in its intricate weave, or a Demon-Headbutting Forehead Protector that's good for, well, headbutting demons.
8-0. Body Mod Freak. Either you've got a weapon you keep sheathed in or attached to yourself, like throwing needles or something chained to a piercing, or you've gone a more extreme route and replaced something in your body with something more menacing, like long black jade fingernails or a creepy scissor hand. Either way, man... gross.

4. Alchemical Weapons. You have access to potions, poisons, smokebombs, fireworks, and all kinds of other goodies that your mother never wanted you to play with as a child.

5. Guns. Either something simple but somewhat exotic, like a shitload of firewands or a crossbow, or something really far out there, like an eight foot long black jade sniper rifle, or an elaborate set of prisms and lenses used to focus the sun's beams into a fiery ray.

6. Unused Weapon. Either you're a repentant swordsman who never unsheathes his sword, or you've got a badass weapon so badass that you're afraid to use it. Either way, people should always be like, "What's up with that?" and you should glower and refuse to talk about it. Feel free to actually use the weapon at a dramatically apropriate moment.

7. Concealed Weapon. You carry around an everyday object that conceals a deadly weapon. Be it a flute-sword, an umbrella crossbow, a hellfire inkwell, or whatever else your twisted mind can come up with.

8. Master of [Blank]-Fu. You can kick ass with normal tools or supplies for a specific craft or trade. Cooking utensils, food, farming tools, musical instruments, fishing equipment, needles and thread, whatever. Preferrably, tailor to the individual's ability set.

9-0. Giant, Anime-Sized Tool or Weapon. You've got a regular, everyday object at an irregular, awkward size. Or, alternately, an everyday object that's normally to large to handle. Either way, due to its size, it makes a great thing to beat the crap out of people with. Plus, it looks cool. For best results, tailor to the individual's ability set. Some examples...

Craft: Giant Paintbrush, Giant Scissors, Giant Sewing Needle
Investigation: Giant Magnifying Glass, Giant Pipe
Larceny: Giant Key, Giant Playing Card
Linguistics: Giant Fountain Pen
Lore: Giant Abbacus, Giant Ruler, Giant Metal-Bound Book
Performance: Giant Instrument
Sail: Anchor, Giant Steering Wheel


Cool! I like the Pokebal- er, the Domination Prism. And there should definitely be a Tiny Anvil under Craft. - Quendalon

Yeah, this is tres cool. - SMK

This freaking rocks. - EwindaleMoss