Difference between revisions of "AlchemicalStealthandDisguise/DeathBySurfeit"

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Line 24: Line 24:
<BR><b>Cost:</b> None<BR>
<BR><b>Cost:</b> None<BR>
<b>Installation Cost:</b> 1 mote<BR>
<b>Installation Cost:</b> 1 mote<BR>
<b>Duration:</b> [[NAlchemicalStealthandDisguise/DeathBySurfeit/A]]<BR>
<b>Duration:</b> N/A<BR>
<b>Type:</b> Permanent<BR>
<b>Type:</b> Permanent<BR>
<b>Minimum Appearance:</b> 2<BR>  
<b>Minimum Appearance:</b> 2<BR>  

Latest revision as of 01:15, 6 April 2010

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Integrated Artifact Transmogrifier

See Exalted: The Autobots, p.120.

Malleable configuration: This submodule takes form as a control array built into the Charm itself, as well as thin wires threaded through the artificial flesh of the Integrated Artifact Transmogrifier. When the 5 mote variant of the Charm is used, the Alchemical may reflexively spend 1 mote to restore a single Charm to prominence (and functionality), or the same again to make it disappear. This submodule requires Essence 3 to install.

Artifact Diffusion Matrix

Cost: 1 mote per artifact or 5 motes
Installation Cost: 1 mote
Duration: Indefinate
Type: Reflexive
Minimum Appearance: 2
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms: Integrated Artifact Transmogrifier

Taking form as a circular disc imbedded into the back of the Alchemical's head and inlaid with a myriad of rotating elements, the Artifact Diffusion Matrix is adorned with a series of prongs that make it resemble a thin-toothed cog. This is, in fact, its activated form; when inactivated, the prongs are suspended on a gravitic control field, circling slowly about the Exalt's head in a mechanical parody of a halo. When the Exalt spends the the activation cost (1 mote per artifact diffused, or 5 motes to diffuse all artifacts) the components glow with the colour of the Alchemical's anima, spinning rapidly as an Essence-traced field is generated within them. The Alchemical's attuned artifacts glow in a series of lines that each flash into the matrix, transported Elsewhere. As the last disappears, the field collapses and the rotating elements imbed themselves back into the headplate. Releasing the stored motes causes the prongs to fly outward and reopen the crackling portal, all the stored artifacts returning as quickly as they went.

Due to its relatively innocuous state when activated, this Charm is explicitly allowed to be disguised by the Integrated Artifact Transmogrifier when in its actived state.

Aura-Dampening Component

Cost: None
Installation Cost: 1 mote
Duration: N/A
Type: Permanent
Minimum Appearance: 2
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charms: Optical Shroud

See Exalted: The Autobots, p123.

Transfunctional Converter: Installation of this submodule extends the function of the Aura-Dampening Component, allowing the display of all Alchemical Charms to be supressed, not just those of stealth Charms, albeit at twice the cost (2 motes). This explicitly does not extend to Martial Arts Charms learnt via the Perfected Lotus Matrix. A permanent Essence of 4 or higher is required to install this submodule.


I personally disagree with the Transfunctional Converter. Perhaps if you stated that the mote-costs of any non-stealth charms require double-motes to suppress. Even then, it's kinda stepping on the night caste's schtick, and all. Min ess of 4 is fine, but it still needs to be comparable.
-- Darloth

That makes sense. I've installed, err, typed out the revamped Charm accordingly...DeathBySurfeit