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This page is devoted to challenges that should not include a fight, in my own format.
This page is devoted to challenges that should not include a fight, in my own format.
To go back to my /IndividualChallenges page, you know what to do! ^_^  
To go back to my[[BrokenShade/IndividualChallenges]] page, you know what to do! ^_^  
<b>Antagonist</b> refers to the person causing the problem\\
<b>Antagonist</b> refers to the person causing the problem\\

Latest revision as of 15:51, 8 June 2010

This page is devoted to challenges that should not include a fight, in my own format.

To go back to myBrokenShade/IndividualChallenges page, you know what to do! ^_^

Antagonist refers to the person causing the problem\\ Props should be included when describing the scene\\ Special Effects are for storyteller use at dramatic moments during the scene\\ Change in Dynamic refers to something that changes the feel of the challenge, at an appropriate time\\ Emotional High is something the storyteller should harp on a bit in game, to let the PCs know they have done well\\ Alternate Victory suggests a way the PCs can succeed without killing

Non-Fight Challenges

Tax Collectors from the realm, setting up outside the town hall

Antagonist        : Tax Collector with entourage (two earth DBs, six servants and two slaves) 
Info about foe    : Greedy, will extort extra money ... a drug addict
Props to use      : Marqee tent, sturdy oak furniture, ice box, money pouch
Special Effects   : Slaves with leaf-fans, Nasal voice, People pleading, money clinking
Change in Dynamic : At first he announces the tax and waits; later the DBs actively head out and drag in
PC Encounter Goal : Get collector to leave, without receiving money
Emotional High    : Distributing money to the poor, people weeping with relief
Alternate Victory : Let him collect the tax then ambush later (a distance away) to get money back, or drug
                      him and confuse him - if they simply kill them, the populace suffers + more are sent

An Immaculate preaching against Anathema identifying the PCs, in the Town Square

Antagonist        : Air Immaculate
Info about foe    : A pacifist, uses joint locks and the like. Fervent believer in the Immaculate philosophy
Props to use      : People gathered, cushions sitting on
Special Effects   : confused looks, whispers; then possibly glaring, shouts of anger and screams of hate 
Change in Dynamic : Crowd peaceful at first, then they turn on PCs
PC Encounter Goal : To win over the populace, and get the Immaculate to leave peacefully
Emotional High    : The people supporting the PCs. Or not supporting them.
Alternate Victory : Convince Immaculate they aren't Anathema, or convince people not to follow Immaculate

A thief, stealing artifacts from the city defences (items people thought of only ceremonial use and of little worth)

Antagonist        : A mortal (southern) thief
Info about foe    : Hired by forces inimical to the city, who provide him with info and help
Props to use      : Calling cards, traps for investigators
Special Effects   : swirling cape, disappearing stunts, firedust explosions
Change in Dynamic : Thief isn't actually stealing worthless trinkets ... he is stealing powerful artifacts!
PC Encounter Goal : Catch the thief, retrieve the artifacts
Emotional High    : Finding out who hired the thief, what is missing and why (really nefarious purposes)
Alternate Victory : Catch the thief

One of the PCs' mentors has been kidnapped

Antagonist        : Fae noble
Info about foe    : Uses glamours to entrance victims.
Props to use      : White fae steeds, glass armour and shuriken, wyld touched scenery, picnic site with
                      - crystal goblets, green green grass, wicker baskets, fresh fruits, stream nearby
Special Effects   : vibrant colours, clouds of butterflies, canaries singing / glass shuriken shatter and
                      form dark essence stealing spiders
Change in Dynamic : Mentor "loves" fae and will fight to the death for it
PC Encounter Goal : Rescue mentor who does not want to be rescued
Emotional High    : Appreciative and emotional mentor
Alternate Victory : Convince fae to let mentor go, or bribe it with cache of dreamstones

People in the village are dying, and telltale marks are left at the scenes of the crimes

Antagonist        : Bloody Hand
Info about foe    : Dematerialises each time the PCs think they kill it
Props to use      : Village magistrate, hungry ghosts of deceased, village graveyard and funerals
Special Effects   : Bloody knives at crime scenes, pleading relatives, smell of freshly turned earth, dark
                      clouds roil but no rain or thunder
Change in Dynamic : Trails of blood leading to the site of the first murder
PC Encounter Goal : Find the Demon and banish or destroy it
Emotional High    : Cleansing the village of a taint, getting justice
Alternate Victory : Find what act summoned the Demon (the first murder), and bring murderer to justice
                      the village spirit can let them into the Hand's sanctum when they figure things out

An ambitious god blood kidnaps a PC's sister for ransom

Antagonist        : A secretive group of kidnappers, led by the daughter of the god of larceny
Info about foe    : leaves very few clues, likes to show off, acrobatic
Props to use      : Ransom note, Family members, Local law enforcement, trapped basement hideout with
                      alarms, deep pit in which sister is held (water trapped)
Special Effects   : Family members wailing, shadows deepening, disguised echoing voice, flame arrows
Change in Dynamic : Member of gang betrays leader, leads to hideout
PC Encounter Goal : Free the kidnapped victim, bring the kidnappers to justice
Emotional High    : Freeing the PC's sister
Alternate Victory : Bringing the kidnapper to justice

A barbarian tribe has moved in nearby, and sheep and cattle are going missing

Antagonist        : The barbarians, buffalomen leaders (appear to be in buffalo skins) and Lunar progenitor
Info about foe    : Recently moved in, happy where they are - not agressive, but believe cattle fair game
Props to use      : Barbarians in skins with hatchets and spears, hide tents, sacred buffalo, hides tanning
Special Effects   : Leaders laughing at PCs, rippling muscles, light glinting off horns
Change in Dynamic : At first, only barbarians and beastmen. At an appropriate time, the Lunar arrives
PC Encounter Goal : To recover lost animals, prevent more losses, without a war
Emotional High    : Respect from the Lunar
Alternate Victory : Treaty, so barbarians keep off village land. Possibly a mutual border protection.

The circus and theme caravan arrives in town, with acrobats, fortune tellers, dancing bears and celebration

Antagonist        : The charismatic Abyssal fortune teller
Info about foe    : Old gypsy lady, has crystal ball that corrupts the fate of mortals who look into it
                      When enough people's fates are corrupted, ritual to make town slowly change into a shadowland
Props to use      : Circus tent, sabre tooth tigers, bears, crowds, hall of mirrors, house of horror
Special Effects   : Ghosts (eery noises; boo!), cheering, vibrant colours, bamboo structures
Change in Dynamic : A passing Lunar objects to the treatment of the bears, and looses them
PC Encounter Goal : Find source of "bad luck" affecting various (superstitious) townspeople
Emotional High    : Unmasking the Old Lady, chasing her off (darkness falls, and she dematerialises)
Alternate Victory : Pinning the bad luck on the old lady

Everyone around the PCs (including their loved ones) is falling sick

Antagonist        : A disease spirit
Info about foe    : Being blackmailed by an Abyssal, to kill everyone in the village; is always dirty
Props to use      : Rats (normal, spirits, ghosts (Abyssal cronies)), 
Special Effects   : People coughing, delirious, feverish, river turning foul
Change in Dynamic : All food starts to spoil ...
PC Encounter Goal : Save everyone
Emotional High    : Family healed
Alternate Victory : Convince spirit to leave, or help it get free of the Abyssal

The beginnings of an Ancestor Worshipping cult

Antagonist        : An Elusive Abyssal preacher
Info about foe    : Very sneaky, very convincing old man in a sackcloth and ashes
Props to use      : People wearing black, new house shrines, elaborate burials
Special Effects   : Ghosts start to appear, at night
Change in Dynamic : An ancient and powerful ghost (PC's ancestor) manifests
                      Someone realises there have been miscarriages but no births since ghosts started to manifest
PC Encounter Goal : Put the ghosts to rest
Emotional High    : The first baby is born once more
Alternate Victory : Persuade the ghosts to go into Lethe

A Fair Folk begins to feed

Antagonist        : A fair folk illusionist
Info about foe    : ate inkeeper's mind and sold him as a slave, now feeds on guests at inn
Props to use      : Listless people lounging around, mindless 
Special Effects   : People wandering aimlessly into wherever the PCs are, knocking things over etc
Change in Dynamic : A "conjurer" is paid to do a fireworks show, and more people are affected.
                      He is accused, and a lynch mob forms ...
PC Encounter Goal : Preserve the townsfolk, return them to activity.
Emotional High    : The minds are not consumed yet, and can be returned to (most of) the victims? ^_^
Alternate Victory : Identify and remove the illusionist (persuade him to return to the Wyld?) after getting
                      the victims minds back for them

Rescuing a party of hunters from a Wyld zone

Antagonist        : The capricious Wyld
Info about foe    : Ever changing
Props to use      : Multi-hued butterflies, snow from a cloudless sky, vorpal bunnies
Special Effects   : Go Wyld
Change in Dynamic : The hunters have fallen into a pit loop (gravity well, through floor to sky to floor)
PC Encounter Goal : Rescue the hunters
Emotional High    : Getting them back safely; reward from one of the hunters
Alternate Victory : Find one of the fair folk to do the rescue

Stopping a King of the Wood from terrorising the forest (freeing him from his madness!)

Antagonist        : Fae, though at first the King appears to be the culprit
Info about foe    : Are intent on reclaiming the King's forest for the Wyld
                      A first age tower (manse) was keeping the wyld out, but just broke
Props to use      : Trees, Ancient Tower, rubble, vines, forest animals
Special Effects   : Sun shines black, sound becomes colour, octopi rain down
                      Trees fall, villagers scream, fae laugh heartlessly
Change in Dynamic : The king, who has been terrorising the forest, is the victim!
PC Encounter Goal : The villagers needs to be able to collect wood in the forest
Emotional High    : Freeing the King and obtaining his gratitude
Alternate Victory : Scare the (wood aspected) Fae off, or ...
                      obtain a device to capture them!

Rain is Falling, and floods are threatening

Antagonist        : The son of the Storm God
Info about foe    : Arrogant, willful, enjoys throwing his power around
                      Irritated by local fire spirit and wants revenge ... hence flood
Props to use      : His ego, and lots of water
Special Effects   : Thunder, lightning, rain, hail, mud, cold!
Change in Dynamic : The god blood's pets (river dragons) arrive
PC Encounter Goal : Get the god blood to stop playing with the elements
Emotional High    : The sun comes out, warmth and greenery abound
Alternate Victory : Find an appropriate water elemental to censure him, or
                      Bring an apology from the (proud) fire spirit
                      Kill him and that character has eternal rain and lightning strikes