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<b>22- 15 Descending Air RY 769<b>
<b>22- 15 Descending Air RY 769<b>
(a 2 player game today, so we went on a little Shizu/Rav road trip)
(a 2 player game today, so we went on a little [[ShizuSJE/Rav]] road trip)
In victory, Solaria is getting awfully busy- the Legionnaires are sending in their Vivamancers and Exorcists to clean out the Shadowland, but with 5,000 tonnes of soulsteel from the <i>Sky-Eater</i> alone and the various pure-Oblivion attacks, its going to be a long, back-breaking job.  
In victory, Solaria is getting awfully busy- the Legionnaires are sending in their Vivamancers and Exorcists to clean out the Shadowland, but with 5,000 tonnes of soulsteel from the <i>Sky-Eater</i> alone and the various pure-Oblivion attacks, its going to be a long, back-breaking job.  
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Raksi the Ape Queen. Keeper of the Book of 3 Circles and Eater of Babies.
Raksi the Ape Queen. Keeper of the Book of 3 Circles and Eater of Babies.
Ma-Ha-Suchi- Warlord Goat/Wolf Chimera. Fully intends to be the Lunar King  
Ma-Ha-Suchi- Warlord [[GoatSJE/Wolf]] Chimera. Fully intends to be the Lunar King  
He-Who-Crashes-Heads. A Rhino Totem Full Moon. Hench-lackey to Ma-Ha-Suchi
He-Who-Crashes-Heads. A Rhino Totem Full Moon. Hench-lackey to Ma-Ha-Suchi

Latest revision as of 02:08, 9 June 2010

Exalted Session 70

Where the Wild Things Are

22- 15 Descending Air RY 769<b>

(a 2 player game today, so we went on a little ShizuSJE/Rav road trip)

In victory, Solaria is getting awfully busy- the Legionnaires are sending in their Vivamancers and Exorcists to clean out the Shadowland, but with 5,000 tonnes of soulsteel from the Sky-Eater alone and the various pure-Oblivion attacks, its going to be a long, back-breaking job.

Rav however remembers that he has the summons to the Lunars Grand Moot of the South and East to answer- that will be occurring in a week or two. Shizu too has reasons to leave town for a while- apparently after witnessing the True Mime last week, the Captain is permanently Limit-Broken, has fully engaged Strength-Increasing Exercise and is raging around town shouting “Captain Crush Puny Mime!!” a lot. Or he might just be drunk. Either way, Shizu doesn’t want to chance it.

So, packing some provisions, Shizu and Rav fly across the South on Air Ravitsu, generally heading East. As they travel, the sights start triggering First Age memories they share, including the possibility they were married in a previous life. However, its so fluid (and so is Lunar sex-changes) that neither can remember who was husband and who wife.

The Lap and its huge Buddha-mountain are the first sight- surrounded by endless fields of grain, and protected by the mighty Legions of House Cathak. Pity someone forgot to do the face.

Overflying Paragon they see a city laid out in grid pattern- tall towers forming the central blocks. The Paragonese seem an orderly and very quiet lot- queuing at intersections patiently, waiting for wagons to pass, moving silently enmasse from street to street. From above they seem like a million grey-smocked ants, acting in silent order and harmony, Equilibrium-style. Looking closer, Shizu strains his eyes to see…. Stripey-shirt clad and bereted mimes silently directing the masses across the roads. Dear Gawds, in Paragon mimes truly run the streets!

Next is Chiaroscuro, largest of the Southern cities, with a million population. A great ruin of First Age glass skyscrapers that once towered half-mile high dominate the centre of the city- surrounding all around it, are the adobe and mud slums that stretch for miles and house the million people. Shizu and Rav talk a little while of their First Age memories of this place- every Exalt seeking to build their own glass tower- each desirous of the penthouse apartment. And then ego’s came into play, as each desired to build higher, so as to overlook their neighbours!

They also spend a little while learning of the Tri-Khanate and how the nomads have a prophecy that the Great Khan will emerge and be Khan of khans. Shizu ideally wonders if they can parachute Nascent into the role…

Next it Yane. Like Paragon, it too has an order and street design. But not the ordered grid of Paragon, rather the walled city of Yane is circular and divided into 12 parts. And the buildings and streets in each sector form the images of the Zodiac when seen from above. Again Shizu and Rav recall this city was favoured by the Sidereals in the First Age- it had excellent observatories and star maps. “How curious,” muses Rav “to still see the influence of the First Age in these latter days” as the Yaneites continue to base their lives and society on astrological forecasts and calculations.

Beyond Yane, is the long, tiring flight to Kirighast and its vast slave markets. The two pop into a Temple of Ahlat for the ribs, and notice that in this Zulu-esque land, Ahlats depiction lacks the flat cap and whippet familiar of the Gawd in person.

Then Rav wings east and crosses the mountains, into the forests of the South East. The Silver Pact has organised the Grand Moot on an island in the centre of a vast lake. Around the shores of the lake camp the companions, followers, familiars, tribes, warbands and armies of the Lunars of the South and East. Everything from prides of lions, to the solitary circus-horse familiar to a ten thousand Goatman honour guard of Ma Ha Suchi. Each Lunar has travelled here, as they wish, with whomsoever they wish. But to reach the island, one law predominates- each creature that would personally attend the Great Moot must cross the island on their own. None may aid them, carry them or protect them from the dangers of the lake. (several Elder Lunars who despise the riffraff who showed up the last time have been busily stocking the lake with frewshwater tiger sharks, piranhas and alligators. Theres a lot less tiger sharks and alligators than there used to be.)

For Lunars, it is simplicity enough to reach the island- their shapeshifting lets them fly or swim as they see fit, and Rav has no problem flying there. (though he does stop for some piranha sushi)

Shizu is more challenged however, but spotting some tribesmen building sailing boats, decides to steal one and cross in that. After all, her First Age memories remind her that she used to effortlessly whiz across the oceans. Pity she doesn’t have a dot of sail in this life. Sailing across the lake turns into a whole day affair, running into logs that are really crocodiles and Reflex Sidestepping intermittent flying piranha attacks. (more sushi as Shizu forgot to pack lunch).

Reaching the island, our intrepid duo find one of the greatest gatherings of Lunars in the Age of Sorrows. Nearly a 100 of Lunas Chosen from the South and the East roam the island, most in Deadly Beastman Form. Great hulking shapes, furred or scaled, most toothed and clawed or with deadly beaks, horns, hooves and fangs roam like caged animals. Some are armoured for war, others skyclad. All show off their silver tattoos. Everything is fluid and in motion. Truly this is where the Wild Things are.

Occasional knots of Lunars stop and tell tales of their great deeds of this past year. Others get into fights, head butting contests, races, and tests of strength, skill, speed or endurance. Now is the time for establishing the pecking order, who claims dominance and who submits to follow. There are no rules, just a shared understanding that might makes mostly right and that Lunars shouldn’t kill other Lunars. And everyone has heard that Lilith might be attending, so everyone is looking at the trees for any suspicious owls.

Rav arrives and catches up with the other few City Lunars he knows (who are mostly keeping clear of the Wild Lunars pecking order) – he recognises Nine Lives Falling, a Cat-totem No-Moon who tattooed him, and Ratty, a Rat- Totem Lunar. Ratty has been stowing aboard ships to the Blessed Isle and has spent much of the time crossing the eastern ports of the Realm itself ( “You wont find any Dragonbloods on rat-catching duty these days- they are too busy worrying what will happen if the Roseblack doesn’t disband her army before returning to the Blessed Isle” ). Rav does a bit of boasting about his victories over Demons, Deathlords and bagging himself 2 Abyssals.

Nine Live Falling (looking at lot like Bast from Sandman) explains that the wilderness Lunars are divided into 2 great factions. The Reclaimers still burn with anger at the Usurpation, believing that the Dragonblood Realm must be invaded now in a great crusade. Only when the Realm has been reclaimed for Luna, will Creation be in good hands, strong and hardy enough to survive the travails of the Wyld or Underworld.

The Protector faction wants the status quo to continue. The Lunars must be the wardens and protectors of the borders of Creation, ready to defend them against the Fae. If the Lunars charge off to the Pole of Earth to sieze the Realm, then this will leave the borders wide open and invite an immediate invasion.

At the Grand Moot, each side will try to sway the majority of Lunars to their cause. With enough support, the Reclaimers will have the power to launch their great Crusade against the Realm. The great stores of First Age weapons, legions of transforming moonsilver Warstriders, and endless hordes of beastmen will be thrown againt the Blessed Isle. And the first Lunar to sieze the Imperial Lunar will be King of the World!

Currently, the divisions are as follows


Raksi the Ape Queen. Keeper of the Book of 3 Circles and Eater of Babies. Ma-Ha-Suchi- Warlord GoatSJE/Wolf Chimera. Fully intends to be the Lunar King He-Who-Crashes-Heads. A Rhino Totem Full Moon. Hench-lackey to Ma-Ha-Suchi


Maximilian Kurgan- the Wolf who roams the North-East. The Heffalump – A Camel-Lizard-Elephant Chimera and beloved by children everywhere.

Unconvinced- The Naga – Snake Totem Celestial Sorceror Magnificent Jaguar King-Of-The-Desert. A Lion Totem who roams the South

When Shizu finally makes it to the island (felt like a year, though it only took a day), her day goes from bad to worse when the militant He-Who-Crashes-Heads takes objection to a Solar crashing the Grand moot, Lunar spouse or not.

Pawing the ground, the great Rhinoman (with a 3 metre long horn!) paws the air and then charges at Shizu. Shizu leaps into the air and onto a tree. He-Who-Crashes-Heads lowers his head again and charges.

CRASH! The tree falls, as Shizu jumps to the branch of the next one.

Paw. Charge. CRASH!

Another leap from Shizu.

Paw. Charge. CRASH! (He-Who-Crashes-Heads clearly isn’t an original thinker)

Another tree goes down. Shizu keeps jumping. This time to some bushes she spied.

Paw. Charge. CLUNK!!!

The massive Lunar Rhino has just charged through the bushes and horn straight into a massive boulder that the leaves were concealing. His deadly horn has gone straight through the boulder and trapped his head! He does give a shot at lifting the boulder up with his head, but even his vast strength is insufficient to the task. Hes stuck!

And this trail of head-butted trails and pawed grass has attracted quite the crowd of Lunars who point and laugh at the hapless He-Who-Crashes-Heads. Shizu, having won her place here by wits over brawn can join the Lunar fun.

A little while later, Ma-Ha-Suchi marches up to Rav, and angry look on his beastial face.


“I didn’t bring her. She made it here under her own steam. Its in the rules” responds Rav.

“WELL I CHALLENGE YOUR RIGHT TO BRING HER” bellows Ma-Ha-Suchi. “YOU MAY CHOOSE THE CHALLENGE” declares the supremely confident Elder Lunar, who has put many a pup Exalt in their place.

“OK then,” replies Rav. “I challenge you to a game of Nexus Mornington Crescent!”


Most of the assembled Lunars look from one to the other in confusion- what is this strange game the City Lunar has proposed. Nine Lives Falling as a Nexus resident knows- an absurdly complex game with ever shifting rules, which plots the conveyance lines of Nexus. Usually played for fun, it will now be used in deadly earnest. Rav has the advantage having been born in Nexus and possessing First Age memories of old Hollow. Yet Ma-Ha-Suchi, who hasn’t been in a city he wasn’t sacking for a thousand years has studied the invasion maps of Nexus and knows Hollow of old.

“Nighthammer by Yanaze” says Rav (a safe start) “FISHMARKET” “Sijantown” “COUNCIL” (now the games going anywhere. Council is a powerful move) “Livery Square” “CINNABAR” “Holllow Undertown” ( “ooing” from the audience as Rav throws the game wide open) “SPIDERHAUNT” “Deadmans Bones” “GENS DEMISE” “Ratfink” (groans from audience) “SENTINAL HILL” (a safe move, back to the surface) “Tomb of Night” quickly responds Rav. “FIREWANDER BYPASS” </i> exclaims Ma-Ha-Suchi “Not on a Full Moon!” challenges Rav. “ER… Er… BROOKSIDE!” stumbles Ma-Ha-Suchi “Mornington Crescent!” shouts Rav triumphantly!

Having lost the challenge, Ma-Ha-Suchi has a little more grace than He-Who-Crashes-Heads. But only a little. He does try to convince the City Lunars to join the Crusade against the Realm, but they are a little sceptical. “What about the Solars” asks Shizu

“WHAT ABOUT THEM?!” says an angry Ma-Ha-Suchi

“Well they will want the Realm back too!”


”But they are back now, and powerful”


“But I’ve heard of him. He’s still alive and walking around?” wonders Shizu


“But you let him go? Seems a bit weak to say you beat him. Maybe he defeated you. If you let him go without a scratch. Why do such a thing” challenges Shizu


(Shizu falls over in laughter at the thought of tagging Dace and following him around with a David Attenborough film crew!)

So, the Time of the Great Moot comes by at last and all the Lunars gather in a big circle around a fire lit by the No Moons. Shizu stands at the back, a solitary human shape amongst towering creatures of fur, feather or scale.

Raksi and Ma-Ha-Suchi make the case that now is the Time of Return, that the exiles should Reclaim back their lost Realm, and cast out the usurpers. The Dynasty is in disarray, the Scarlet Empress gone, and without her strength, the Realm will crumble. The cities will be sacked and the weak peoples of the cities cast out into the wilderness. There, the strong will survive and the weak perish, as is the Lunar Way!

Heffalump and Max the Wolf, make the opposing argument. Now, with the Realm weak and the Defence Grid gone, it is more important to look to the borders than ever before. A Balorian Crusade is coming, and the Lunars must ready themselves to save Creation. Leave the Dragonbloods to their infighting, at least they will be out of the way when the Fae invade.

Rav speaks to confirm the coming of a Balorian Crusade, its first foray crushed by the Solar Madhi. But he is called a Solar Uncle Tom by those Lunars who have less than pleasant memories of the First Age

“We can never let ourselves by leashed by them again” they shout “Why do you follow them?!”

“Rav doesn’t follow us” shouts back Shizu “I normally follow him!”


Ma-Ha-Suchi has a powerful argument, appealing as it does to the Lunar need for establishing dominance. A great race, to the centre of creation, blood and gold along the way? And revenge on those lickspittle Usurpers too? Sounds good.

But Rav and Shizu make strong arguments against this madness. And it leaves the Grand Moot with only the votes to count.

53 for Reclaiming the Realm, 47 against.

But though the Reclaimers have a majority, it is too slight to launch their Crusade. Instead the leaders of the factions must go to the North-West Grand Moot (out in the ice flows where the West meets the North) and see how the aquatic and cold Lunars of those regions will vote. That Grand Moot will occur in a few months, and be the last chance Rav or anyone else has to stop the Lunar Return.

As the Grand Moot breaks up (and Lilith never showed herself) Rav and Shizu wing westwards back to Solaria and their hot dinners. They have not heard the last from the Chosen of Luna.

So Ends Session 70

Return to SJE

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