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*[[IsawaBrian/SolarCraftMastery]] No greater craftsmen exist than the Chosen of the Unconquered Sun
----<b><i>Keen Apprentice Technique</b></i>
*[[IsawaBrian/SolarCraftRepair]] The very foundations of Creation grow stronger at the bidding of the Lawgivers
  <b>Cost:</b>  1 mote per die
*[[IsawaBrian/SolarCraftSpecifics]] The secrets of the Solar specialists.
  <b>Duration:</b>  One Task
  <b>Type:</b>  Supplemental
  <b>Minimum Craft:</b>  1
  <b>Minimum Essence:</b>  1
  <b>Prerequisite Charms:</b>  None
The Exalted fills his limbs with essence, bringing suppleness, deft, and energy to his work.  For every one mote spent on this Charm, the character gains one die to any Craft roll.  This cannot more than double his base Attribute + Craft dice pool.  The character can use this Charm for Crafts that he is not familiar with; however, his dice pool starts at merely his Attribute level.  The Exalted may still buy dice up to his Attribute + Craft rating, though.
<i>Example: Owyn has Craft (Mining) 5 and Dexterity 5.  He wishes to weave fine clothes for himself for the opening of his mine, but has no tailor experience.  His dice pool starts at his dexterity rating, 5, but he may buy up to ten more dice, for a total of 15. </i>
<i>In Second Edition, this Charm is very different.</i>
  <i><b>Cost:</b> --; <b>Mins:</b> Craft 1, Essence 1; <b>Type:</b> Permanent</i>
  <i><b>Keywords:</b> None</i>
  <i><b>Prerequisite Charms:</b> None</i>
<i>The Exalted's experience in one craft gives him a basic knowledge that can be used for others through the essential symmetry of Essence-- and the superlative power of Solar mental and physical might.  For any use of an Excellency or Excellency-derived Charm where the limit is determined in part or whole by the Solar's Craft rating, that rating is considered to be equal to the character's highest Craft rating.  This does not affect rerolls made with the Third Excellency.</i>
<i>The above example is still accurate (replacing Craft (Mining) with Craft (Earth)); in the case of the Second Excellency, Owyn would be able to purchase up to 5 bonus successes.</i>
----<b><i>Open Road Journeyman Style</b></i>
  <b>Cost:</b>  3 motes
  <b>Duration:</b>  One Task
  <b>Type:</b>  Reflexive
  <b>Minimum Craft:</b>  3
  <b>Minimum Essence:</b>  1
  <b>Prerequisite Charms:</b>  Keen Apprentice Technique
All Crafts are, in one way or another, related.  A Solar Exalt may tap into this interconnectedness in order to apply expertise in one craft to another.  For a single task, she has her full Attribute + (Highest Craft Ability) dice pool to use on any Craft task.  For the purposes of Charms, this is treated as her base pool, not as bonus dice.
<i>In Second Edition, this Charm is very different.</i>
  <i><b>Cost:</b> --; <b>Mins:</b> Craft 3, Essence 1; <b>Type:</b> Permanent</i>
  <i><b>Keywords:</b> None</i>
  <i><b>Prerequisite Charms:</b> Keen Apprentice Technique</i>
<i>One of the reasons that young journeymen are sent out into the world is to broaden their experience, applying their creativity to different facets of their craft.  Solars, who can work with the very idealized Essence of Craft, can apply that same creativity to other forms of Craft!  Any Craft Charm that the Solar possesses may be used as though the Solar had the required minimums in all Crafts, though this does not grant any extra dice or mundane expertise.  If this Charm is purchased a second time, the character may commit a number of motes equal to the static Craft requirement for some action in order to perform that action as though she had the necessary requirements.</i>
----<b><i>True Master’s Mark</b></i>
  <b>Cost:</b>  None
  <b>Duration:</b>  Permanent
  <b>Type:</b>  Special
  <b>Minimum Craft:</b>  5
  <b>Minimum Essence:</b>  2
  <b>Prerequisite Charms:</b>  Open Road Journeyman Style
Solar Excellence knows no limitations.  This, like Ox-Body Technique is not so much a Charm as a measure of development, in this case, in mastery over Crafts.  True Master’s Mark can only be purchased a number of times equal to the character’s highest Charm rating.  Each time this Charm is purchased, the character gains a number of Craft Slots equal to his highest Craft Rating.  These slots must include the Craft that rating applies to, and the slots increase whenever that Craft rating does.  Each slot is a Craft that the character is considered to have a rating in equal to the highest Craft rating, and it improves along with that rating.  The Craft to be used must be picked the first time this Charm is purchased, and from that moment on, no other Craft may exceed that initial Craft’s rating.  The character may choose to absorb old Crafts into the slots, at a regular 1:1 rating, but receives no experience break for this.
<i>In Second Edition, this Charm is slightly different.</i>
  <i><b>Cost:</b> --; <b>Mins:</b> Craft 5, Essence 2; <b>Type:</b> Permanent</i>
  <i><b>Keywords:</b> None</i>
  <i><b>Prerequisite Charms:</b> Open Road Journeyman Style</i>
<i> Solar Excellence knows no limitations.  This, like Ox-Body Technique is not so much a Charm as a measure of development, in this case, in mastery over Crafts.  True Master’s Mark can only be purchased a number of times equal to the character’s permanent Essence.  The first time this Charm is purchased, the character may now use any mundane Craft Ability as though his rank in that Ability was equal to his highest Craft Rating, mundane or otherwise.  The second time it is purchased, this privilege extends to a single Exotic Craft Ability.  The character must be able to actually use the Exotic Craft in question for some purpose, which may require unusual lengths to learn Craft (Glamour) or Craft (Fate).</i>
----<b><i>Transcendent Craft Prowess</b></i>
  <b>Cost:</b>  None
  <b>Duration:</b>  Permanent
  <b>Type:</b>  Special
  <b>Minimum Craft:</b>  5
  <b>Minimum Essence:</b>  3
  <b>Prerequisite Charms:</b>  True Master’s Mark OR Craftsman Needs No Tools
The Exalted has achieved a level of craftsmanship unequaled by any mortal peer.  She subtracts two from the difficulty of all Craft rolls (minimum difficulty one).  This charm is based on Neph’s suggestion on the wiki; I just fleshed it out.
<i>In Second Edition this Charm reduces all Penalties of any Craft roll by two.  Its Prerequisite Charms are All 3 Craft Excellencies, Infinite Craft Mastery, Essence Craft Flow.  Its Essence minimum is increased to 4.</i>
----<b><i>The Perfect Moment</b></i>
  <b>Cost:</b>  10 motes, 1 Willpower
  <b>Duration:</b>  One task
  <b>Type:</b>  Simple
  <b>Minimum Craft:</b>  5
  <b>Minimum Essence:</b> 5
  <b>Prerequisite Charms:</b> True Master’s Mark, Craftsman Needs No Tools
There is a perfect moment in time to perform any work.  A single moment when the greatest possible effect can be made.  For most, this moment never comes.  Fate and Destiny can give greatness or heartwrenching failure, but it is rare- and grows rarer still the more skilled (and hence, less open to chance) a craftsman becomes.  But a Solar is an entirely different prospect, and one may <i>choose</i> to achieve a perfect moment-- more than once.  By invoking the Perfect Moment, a Solar so creates such a moment, such a series of moments, as to get the maximum possible return on his effort.  Reduce all difficulties for one roll to 1, and the Solar achieves twice as many successes on one relevant roll to the task as he has dice in his pool, just as though he had rolled all 10’s.
<i>In Second Edition, this Charm is Obvious and Combo-Ok.</I>
----<b><i>Beckoning the Pure Source</b></i>
  <b>Cost:</b>  8 motes, 1 Willpower
  <b>Duration:</b>  Instant
  <b>Type:</b>  Simple
  <b>Minimum Craft:</b>  4
  <b>Minimum Essence:</b>  3
  <b>Prerequisite Charms:</b>Impurity-Hammering Blow, Object-Strengthening Touch
Ordinarily, the process for the manufacturing orichalcum is a long, difficult, and expensive one.  As with many things, there is a way for Solars to sidestep this process.  After all, the Solar anima is in tune with orichalcum on a deep and powerful level, and even if a Solar does not have the lava-spirit of a Fire or Earth Dragon blood, they have the heat of the Sun itself in their soul, an even greater fire.  This Charm attunes all of the orichalcum in a block of gold weighing no more than the Exalt’s permanent Essence times ten pounds in weight and then uses the heat of Essence discharge in order to melt away the impure gold, leaving only the desired Magical Material.
<i>In Second Edition, this Charm is Obvious (VERY Obvious), and Combo-Ok.</i>
== Second Edition ==
----<b><i>Transcendent Technomancer's Hand</b></i>
  <b>Cost:</b> 4m; <b>Mins:</b> Craft 4, Essence 2; <b>Type:</b> Simple
  <b>Keywords:</b> Combo-Ok
  <b>Duration:</b> Instant
  <b>Prerequisite Charms:</b> Durability Enhancing Technique
In the First Age, most Solar equipment except the most elaborate and powerful did not require repair, or was created to be self-repairing.  The situation is much different in the Age of Sorrows; what survives may be half-repaired, half-jury-rigged, or may be the creation of Solars without the access to their forebears' resources.  A Solar may have to make do with recovered Shogunate-era goods, or steal from the Realm.  In these situations, many Solars have independently stumbled upon Essence patterns that allow them to use the very make-up of the devices themselves to allow for intuitive maintenance and repair.
Effectively, when this Charm is active, the character uses the Essence that makes up a device and flows through it to assist him in upkeep and repair.  When the Solar must qualify for a Maintenance or Repair roll, she may use this Charm to add her permanent Essence to her ranks in Craft, Lore, and Occult for the purposes of increasing her static value.  This adds no dice.
----<b><i>Thaumatician's Mastery</b></i>
  <b>Cost:</b> 3m, 1 wp, plus 2m per dot of Repair per item; <b>Mins:</b> Craft 5, Essence 4; <b>Type:</b> Simple
  <b>Keywords:</b> Obvious, Combo-Ok
  <b>Duration:</b> Indefinite
  <b>Prerequisite Charms:</b> Craftsman Needs No Tools, Transcendent Technomancer's Hand
Moving beyond the simple ability to comprehend a device, the Solar uses his mastery of Essence to replace the very <i>need</i> for maintenance, keeping Essence couplings clean, circulating the proper humors, and replacing consumable alchemical reagents with their Essence-shadows.
The Lawgiver may designate a number of devices equal to his permanent Essence, paying 2 motes per dot of Repair each device has in addition to the base 3m 1wp.  The Solar must qualify to perform the necessary maintenance himself, but he may choose to keep 4 motes of additional essence committed to keep Transcendent Technomancer's Hand active as long as he retains Thaumatician's Mastery.  While the Solar maintains Thaumatician's Mastery, he need not take any time nor use any resources to maintain any of the designated devices.
----<b><i>Stern Overseer's Hegemony</b></i>
  <b>Cost:</b> 5m, 1wp; <b>Mins:</b> Craft 4, Essence 2; <b>Type:</b> Simple
  <b>Keywords:</b> Obvious, Combo-Ok
  <b>Duration:</b> One Task
  <b>Prerequisite Charms:</b> Any Craft Excellency
Lawgivers are among the greatest leaders in Creation.  They can inspire workers to great heights of performance, and make few act as many with their superlative guidance and masterful organizational skills.  For the duration of one extended task, the Solar may divide the required number of workers by her permanent Essence, rounding down with a minimum of 1 (who must be the Solar herself).
----<b><i>Felicitous Multi-Stage Wonder Preparation</b></i>
  <b>Cost:</b> 3m per dot of artifact; <b>Mins:</b> Craft 3, Essence 3; <b>Type:</b> Simple
  <b>Keywords:</b> Obvious
  <b>Duration:</b> Special
  <b>Prerequisite Charms:</b> Any Craft Excellency
Talented Solars sometimes grow in power faster than the tools they inherit or create.  For those Solars, many times they must face the agony of a choice between falling behind the capacities of their rivals or enemies and abandoning artifacts that have become old friends.  For those who have mastered the ways of Craft, however, there is a third alternative.  This Charm can only be used on an Artifact to which the character is Attuned.
Solar mastery of Essence is such that, with time and care, a Solar can actually "unfold" the hardened shapes of Essence that empower artifacts.  So long as both attunement to the artifact and commitment of Felicitous Multi-Stage Wonder Preparation are maintained, this shape remains stable.  In this state, the artifact will not function.  If no changes have been made, the artifact will return to normal upon refolding when the commitment lapses.
While the shape remains stable, the Solar may attempt to "upgrade" the artifact in question.  This will still require materials and manufacturing processes of an appropriately magical nature, but as long as the Solar's intended upgrades fit with the theme of the artifact-- Storyteller's call, and may depend on the name and use of the artifact, especially simple ones-- the Solar always accumulates one success per roll over the required difficulty (botching is impossible) and the amount of time between rolls is halved.  No more than one dot may be upgraded at a time, and the little god of the artifact must have at least one season between upgrades to readjust before a new upgrade is performed.
----<b><i>Total Perspective Eyes of the Sun Map</b></i>
  <b>Cost:</b> 5m; <b>Mins:</b> Craft 4, Essence 2; <b>Type:</b> Simple
  <b>Keywords:</b> Obvious, Combo-Basic, Illusion
  <b>Duration:</b> One Scene
  <b>Prerequisite Charms:</b> Any Craft Excellency
Although this Charm would ordinarily require Craft (Air) or Craft (Wood), Craft (Earth) can be substituted.  A Lawgiver's destiny is to hold the Mandate of Heaven over Creation.  This truth is written into the very bones of the Earth, no matter how the scions of the Usurping Dragon-Blooded would try to deny it.  As the Unconquered Sun sees, so, too, may his children, over all that is in Creation.
The Solar using this Charm will create a semi-translucent (and obvious) illusion made of sunlight, with no greater a radius than his Essence in feet and no less than a foot.  It will be a perfect, three-dimensional map of the area the Solar chooses, which she must be familiar with.  The extent to which the Solar is familiar with the area will mark the amount of detail shown, which will be current as of the time of invocation.  The map will show everything within an area with a radius of up to the Solar's Craft in miles.  The Solar may zoom in or out at will, but can never get closer to any particular large surface than 300', nor further from the surface of Creation than a significant distance from the Dome of the Heavens.
What a 'large surface' in this case means is up to the Storyteller; trees do not usually qualify, but (for example) a city suspended from the branches of titanic trees in Halta might.  The perspective may be shifted from ninety degrees overhead (looking straight down) to up to only ten degrees off the "plane of vision."
The map will not show creatures that both live and move, though it will show inanimate living creatures such as plants and unliving moving objects like rivers.  This Charm does not in any way negate invisibility or give the character any bonus to detect someone hidden, save that the character may use zooming and perspective alteration to see from otherwise impossible angles without revealing herself.
----<b><i>Harmonious Solar Production</b></i>
  <b>Cost:</b> 7m, 1 wp; <b>Mins:</b> Craft 5, Essence 3; <b>Type:</b> Supplemental
  <b>Keywords:</b> Obvious, Combo-OK
  <b>Duration:</b> One Dramatic Action
  <b>Prerequisite Charms:</b> True Master’s Mark, Infinite Craft Mastery
Essence forms certain harmonious, resonant shapes when forged by strong wills.  When a Solar uses Craft-charms, these resonant shapes tend to mimic the crafting activities.  By emphasizing those shapes, a Solar can actually transmit crafting done on one set of materials to another—in effect, duplicating effort over a large series of tasks.  The Solar may, given material or the proper charm/spell, act as multiple craftsmen either on the same task or several tasks.
The Solar may choose to act as up to his (Craft + 1) crafters in this manner.  He cannot do multiple different tasks at once yet—see Invoking the Patron’s Hammer—unless they are a part of a single Craft Dramatic Action.  In other words, a Solar with Craft 5 could work on making 6 swords at once, or act as 6 crafters building a house.  If the Solar is performing a single task such as swordsmithing, he must actually perform that task as one of the (Craft +1) actions being done; if acting as many crafters on one complex task such as housebuilding, the Solar must create a model of what he intends to do; the tasks will follow the model.
Until Essence 5, however, all of the tasks must be mundane.  At Essence 5, the character may make multiple enchanted objects (given the correct degree) or alchemical potions at the same time.  He may still not make artifacts in this manner.
----<b><i>Transcendent Manufacture Technique</b></i>
  <b>Cost:</b> --; <b>Mins:</b> Craft 6, Essence 6; <b>Type:</b> Permanent
  <b>Keywords:</b> None
  <b>Prerequisite Charms:</b> Harmonious Solar Production
Once a Solar has learned to transcend the mortal bonds of Essence, she may also transcend all normal limitations on artifact creation.  One of many First Age techniques designed to aid in the production of artifacts for the technomantic society; Transcendent Manufacture Technique allows a Solar to work on multiple artifacts at once using Harmonious Solar Production.  She must commit the motes for Harmonious Solar Production, expend an additional willpower point, and commit motes equal to twice the rank of the artifact.  She may still only do one _type_ of artifact at once (or work on one very large artifact!) until she develops Invoking the Patron’s Hammer
----<b><i>Invoking the Patron’s Hammer</b></i>
  <b>Cost:</b> --; <b>Mins:</b> Craft 6, Essence 6; <b>Type:</b> Permanent
  <b>Keywords:</b> None
  <b>Prerequisite Charms:</b> Harmonious Solar Production, Craft Essence Flow
The human limits of Essence require single, focused efforts to create duplicate actions, even though humans are quite capable of multitasking.  Elder Solars, however, can shape Essence-molds for various tasks with only the power of their minds and souls.  By concentrating on mental versions of the resonant Essence shapes learned via Harmonious Solar Production, the Elder can work on multiple tasks at once, emulating the Unconquered Sun’s four arms turned to different duties.
Effectively, the Solar may now use Harmonious Solar Production on many different projects at once, instead of copies of the same project.  The Solar can forge a hammer, cook a meal, paint a picture, etc.—all at the same time.  The only major restriction on this Charm is that the character cannot manufacture multiple different artifacts without Transcendent Manufacture Technique, and the character must have achieved Essence 7 as well to have the sheer control over Essence in general necessary for such a task.
----<b><i>Feeding the Multitude, Arming the Masses</b></i>
  <b>Cost:</b> --; <b>Mins:</b> Craft 7, Essence 7; <b>Type:</b> Permanent
  <b>Keywords:</b> None
  <b>Prerequisite Charms:</b> Harmonious Solar Production, Craftsman Needs No Tools, Craft Essence Flow, Infinite Craft Mastery
A single Elder Solar can arm an entire army, or feed a country gourmet dishes, all in the space of time it would take a lesser being to make a single sword or cook a single  meal.  Given sufficient material, and doubling all costs involved (Including those for Invoking the Patron’s Hammer if multiple tasks are completed at once), the Solar may create resonant Craft-echoes over a number of tasks equal to her permanent Essence in _magnitude_-- IE, 1,251-2500 swords smithed at once at Essence 7.  This is not compatible with Transcendent Manufacture Technique.  The Solar must still have sufficient materials available.
----<b><i>Flawless Handiwork Method</b></i>
  <b>Cost:</b> --; <b>Mins:</b> Craft 3, Essence 3; <b>Type:</b> Permanent
  <b>Keywords:</b> None
  <b>Prerequisite Charms:</b> Any Craft Excellency
The mere dross of mortal materials may not deny the Solar’s skill at craftsmanship.  So long as the Solar has sufficient materials to produce a basic item, his work and excellence is such that mere pig iron can shine as the brightest blue steel.  The Solar does not have to increase the resources cost of materials to make high-quality items (such as luxurious furnishings or Perfect armor), though minimum requirements must still be met-- the character cannot forge bronze into steel, and would still require a large quantity of iron at the very least to make, for example, a suit of articulated plate.
----<b><i>Impurity-Hammering Blow</b></i>
  <b>Cost:</b> 5m; <b>Mins:</b> Craft 2, Essence 1; <b>Type:</b> Simple (requires full scene)
  <b>Keywords:</b> Obvious, Combo-OK
  <b>Duration:</b> One Scene
  <b>Prerequisite Charms:</b> Any Craft Excellency
This is a mechanical conversion of the Charm on CB: T p 69.  Its duration is typically a scene.  The use of Craftsman Needs No Tools and similar speed-enhancing charms may lower this to a few long ticks, as the Storyteller sees fit.
----<b><i>Worlds Within A Picture Style</b></i>
  <b>Cost:</b> 20m; <b>Mins:</b> Craft 5, Occult 3, Essence 3; <b>Type:</b> Simple (Dramatic Action)
  <b>Keywords:</b> Obvious (Special), Combo-Basic
  <b>Duration:</b> Special
  <b>Prerequisite Charms:</b> Any Craft Excellency
This is a mechanical conversion of the Charm on Time of Tumult p 96.  Note that its essence is committed for the duration of the dramatic action necessary to paint the picture, and the Charm is only Obvious during this time.
----<b><i>Rock-Spinning Technique </b></i>
  <b>Cost:</b> 3m; <b>Mins:</b> Craft 2, Essence 2; <b>Type:</b> Simple (Dramatic Action)
  <b>Keywords:</b> Obvious, Combo-OK
  <b>Duration:</b> One Hour
  <b>Prerequisite Charms:</b> Any Craft Excellency
This is a mechanical conversion of the Charm on Time of Tumult p 95.  Note that it usually uses Craft (Wood)
----<b><i>Spiritual Sustenance</b></i>
  <b>Cost:</b> Variable; <b>Mins:</b> Craft 3, Essence 2; <b>Type:</b> Simple (Dramatic Action)
  <b>Keywords:</b> Obvious, Combo-OK
  <b>Duration:</b> Variable
  <b>Prerequisite Charms:</b> Object-Strengthening Touch
This is a mechanical conversion of the Charm on Time of Tumult p 98.  Frankly, while the Charm’s effects are necessary for the plotline, they seem rather out of keeping with Solar majesty.  Of course, the thematics aren’t very Solar, either.  Personally, if I were allowing this Charm into my campaign, I’d probably make it a spirit charm that the Cook Servitor knew, and not Bax or any of his compatriots.  Alternately, Bax’s version that was “imprinted” on the cook may have been a flawed version of a more appropriate charm that once existed…
----<b><i>Soup From Stone</b></i>
  <b>Cost:</b> 5m; <b>Mins:</b> Craft 5, Essence 3; <b>Type:</b> Simple (Dramatic Action)
  <b>Keywords:</b> Obvious, Combo-OK
  <b>Duration:</b> One Hour
  <b>Prerequisite Charms:</b> Rock-Spinning Technique
The Solar’s wondrous mastery of Essence allows her to prepare food from the raw substances of the earth itself.  The Solar’s radiant, life-giving essence interacts with the hidden potential of earth and stone to grant them both nourishing qualities and softens them sufficiently so that they may be eaten.  The character must make an ordinary Craft (Wood) roll to determine quality; earth and stone is considered Resources 0 material, and it thus takes a truly excellent cook to make something palatable to Princes of the Earth.  Still, this technique may be used to feed troops on campaign well enough.  The Solar spends a dramatic action equal to the time it would normally take to cook food for her desired amount-- up to the Solar’s permanent Essence in magnitude-- and the resulting food is only nourishing (or, indeed, eatable at all in the case of stones) for one hour.
----<b><i>Body-Forging Travail</b></i>
  <b>Cost:</b> 8m, 1 wp; <b>Mins:</b> Craft 3, Essence 2; <b>Type:</b> Simple (Speed 7, DV -2)
  <b>Keywords:</b> Obvious, Combo-Basic
  <b>Duration:</b> One Scene
  <b>Prerequisite Charms:</b> Object-Strengthening Touch
This is a mechanical conversion of the Charm on CB: T p 69.  Depending on your Storyteller, this may require Craft (Genesis) to actually work.
----<b><i>Stability-Conferring Establishment</b></i>
  <b>Cost:</b> --; <b>Mins:</b> Craft 5, Essence 3; <b>Type:</b> Permanent
  <b>Keywords:</b> None
  <b>Prerequisite Charms:</b> Chaos-Resistance Preparation
This Charm augments a normal use of Chaos-Resistance Preparation.  The Solar suffuses the order-conferring Essence of the Chaos-Resistance Preparation so deeply into the object that it becomes a sort of invisible, miniature sun, radiating out the unyielding order of the Chaos-Resistance Preparation.  By spending one health level and willpower extra when using Chaos-Resistance preparation, and committing an extra mote, the object so affected by the Solar’s Charm grants its effects to its wearer or wielder for so long as the Charm’s effects continue; the user thus gains a total immunity to Shaping effects and Wyld chaos for as long as the motes are committed, and permanently reduces by a factor of 10 the likelihood of random unfortunate incidents while in the Wyld even after the motes are released.
----<b><i>Edifice-Smashing Strike</b></i>
  <b>Cost:</b> --; <b>Mins:</b> Craft 5, Essence 4; <b>Type:</b> Permanent 
  <b>Keywords:</b> None
  <b>Prerequisite Charms:</b> Shattering Grasp
The Solar’s fists and fingers are sufficient to tear down any structure, destroy any creation of intelligent hands.  When utilizing Shattering Grasp, the Solar may pay an additional 2 motes to add his Essence + Craft to his Strength + Athletics pool prior to doubling for the purposes of breaking objects.  If the Solar’s Player makes a proper stunt, this may be used as a part of a direct attack on an object to destroy it during combat; in this case, add the Solar’s Essence + Craft to Strength + Damage to determine raw damage, and then double that amount prior to soak.
----<b><i>Brewing Venom Technique</b></i>
  <b>Cost:</b> 4m, 1 wp, 1 hl per pot created; <b>Mins:</b> Craft 4, Essence 3; <b>Type:</b> Simple (One Dramatic Action)
  <b>Keywords:</b> Combo-OK
  <b>Duration:</b> One Week
  <b>Prerequisite Charms:</b> Any Craft Excellency
This Charm usually requires Craft (Wood or Water).  The Solar understands that all fluids are made of essence, and all Essence can become poisonous.  By concentrating while boiling a pot of water, the Lawgiver may infuse it with a deadly Solar Essence that burns the veins or sears the senses of those who succumb to its effects.  Treat the resulting poison as having a Damage of (2 times relevant Craft)/Action, a Toxicity of (Relevant Craft), Tolerance - / - , and a penalty of –(Craft).  The damage may be lethal or bashing, and may be delivered by ingestion or weapon coating.  Both selections must be made at the time of brewing.  The poison is odorless, tasteless and colorless, and has a thickness appropriate to its intended use, so the difficulty of any Perception + Awareness (or Investigation, etc.) roll to detect the poison is equal to the Solar’s Essence.  Each pot carries sufficient poison to envenom a weapon twelve times, or poison a large meal.  Each pot only lasts one week before the unstable essence subsides, returning it to pure water.
----<b><i>Envenomed Weapon Prana</b></i>
  <b>Cost:</b> --; <b>Mins:</b> Craft 5, Essence 3; <b>Type:</b> Permanent 
  <b>Keywords:</b> None
  <b>Prerequisite Charms:</b> Brewing Venom Technique
The Solar gains the ability to condense the burning, venomous essence of Brewing Venom Technique out of the very air itself.  The Solar may dose a weapon, plate of food, or goblet of drink by touch with a Simple action in normal ticks by spending an additional 2 motes, and reducing the effective duration of the venom’s efficacy to one day, and only producing a single dose.  This use of the Charm may not be flurried under normal circumstances, and the character must touch that which he desires to envenom.  At Essence 5, the Solar perfects the Mastery-of-Poison technique.  He may spend an additional 2 motes (total of 4) to do so as a reflexive action, reducing the effective duration to one scene.  This is still considered to be a Charm use, but the character not only may poison and strike at the same time, he may flurry multiple poisonous strikes.
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<i>Question for the author: 'True Master's Mark' is a bit unclear. What effect does those permanent 'slots' have? Also what the heck does "...character’s highest Charm rating" allude to? Thanks for an otherwise very interesting read.  -Ryouga</i>
<i>Question for the author: 'True Master's Mark' is a bit unclear. What effect does those permanent 'slots' have? Also what the heck does "...character’s highest Charm rating" allude to? Thanks for an otherwise very interesting read.  -Ryouga</i>
:Heh.  *chuckles* The 'highest Charm rating' is my classic 'put the wrong word in' syndrome.  It means highest Craft rating.  Effectively, this Charm makes Craft work like linguistics- hence the slots- and allows you a number of extra Crafts equal to your highest Craft rating.  It's expandable, though, because there are a LOT more primary crafts than primary languages.  I'm adding an example, too. - IsawaBrian
:Heh.  *chuckles* The 'highest Charm rating' is my classic 'put the wrong word in' syndrome.  It means highest Craft rating.  Effectively, this Charm makes Craft work like linguistics- hence the slots- and allows you a number of extra Crafts equal to your highest Craft rating.  It's expandable, though, because there are a LOT more primary crafts than primary languages.  I'm adding an example, too. - [[IsawaBrian]]
Regarding ''Transcendant Craft Prowess'', I worry that the 2E version has ''far'' too many prerequisites. While the 1E version had a number of prereqs, and was fairly high in a chain, those prereqs were all useful, beneficial charms. The 2E version requires ''all three'' excellencies? I can understand a few very limited situations where a second craft excellence is warranted - maybe you'd like to have re-rolls to fall back on. I can understand that maybe, you'd like the consistency of auto-successes for some projects. But all three? That's a highly redundant set of prereqs. Even more so, you then require both Essence Flow and Infinite Mastery - two charms that explicitly don't work together. You've got 40+ XP worth of prereq charms, when the average 'intelligent' player, making at most 5XP per session, would require 8 sessions for prereqs that don't really ''do'' much of anything. My personal (and strong) recommendation is to reduce the prereqs a lot. On a related note, then, I provide a link to some Solar Charms I worked on a while back [SolarExcellencies/GreenLantern], which include a very similar charm. Just wanted to give my two cents, as I've never heard of a player getting all three excellencies. I've only heard of a player getting two of them in play, and that was Lore, becuase one of the Lore charms requires two excellencies as a prereq. Dumping that many useful XP into 'speedbump' charms seems painful. I'd even be willing to see something like "Any Craft Excellency, and any two additional Craft Charms" or some such - just don't make the poor Exalt waste charmslots on dead wood. -- GreenLantern
Regarding ''Transcendant Craft Prowess'', I worry that the 2E version has ''far'' too many prerequisites. While the 1E version had a number of prereqs, and was fairly high in a chain, those prereqs were all useful, beneficial charms. The 2E version requires ''all three'' excellencies? I can understand a few very limited situations where a second craft excellence is warranted - maybe you'd like to have re-rolls to fall back on. I can understand that maybe, you'd like the consistency of auto-successes for some projects. But all three? That's a highly redundant set of prereqs. Even more so, you then require both Essence Flow and Infinite Mastery - two charms that explicitly don't work together. You've got 40+ XP worth of prereq charms, when the average 'intelligent' player, making at most 5XP per session, would require 8 sessions for prereqs that don't really ''do'' much of anything. My personal (and strong) recommendation is to reduce the prereqs a lot. On a related note, then, I provide a link to some Solar Charms I worked on a while back [[[SolarExcellencies/GreenLantern]]], which include a very similar charm. Just wanted to give my two cents, as I've never heard of a player getting all three excellencies. I've only heard of a player getting two of them in play, and that was Lore, becuase one of the Lore charms requires two excellencies as a prereq. Dumping that many useful XP into 'speedbump' charms seems painful. I'd even be willing to see something like "Any Craft Excellency, and any two additional Craft Charms" or some such - just don't make the poor Exalt waste charmslots on dead wood. -- [[GreenLantern]]

Latest revision as of 19:17, 12 April 2010


I personally hate the restriction on the Craft- one Ability per Craft. It doesn't really make any sense to me; the difference between the different types is great... but so are those between Lore-types, weapon-types, and (apparently) martial art styles. Eh. In my games, a bunch of these don't exist, of course, because I rule that Craft functions like any other Ability, but, if necessary, there you go.

Question for the author: 'True Master's Mark' is a bit unclear. What effect does those permanent 'slots' have? Also what the heck does "...character’s highest Charm rating" allude to? Thanks for an otherwise very interesting read. -Ryouga

Heh. *chuckles* The 'highest Charm rating' is my classic 'put the wrong word in' syndrome. It means highest Craft rating. Effectively, this Charm makes Craft work like linguistics- hence the slots- and allows you a number of extra Crafts equal to your highest Craft rating. It's expandable, though, because there are a LOT more primary crafts than primary languages. I'm adding an example, too. - IsawaBrian

Regarding Transcendant Craft Prowess, I worry that the 2E version has far too many prerequisites. While the 1E version had a number of prereqs, and was fairly high in a chain, those prereqs were all useful, beneficial charms. The 2E version requires all three excellencies? I can understand a few very limited situations where a second craft excellence is warranted - maybe you'd like to have re-rolls to fall back on. I can understand that maybe, you'd like the consistency of auto-successes for some projects. But all three? That's a highly redundant set of prereqs. Even more so, you then require both Essence Flow and Infinite Mastery - two charms that explicitly don't work together. You've got 40+ XP worth of prereq charms, when the average 'intelligent' player, making at most 5XP per session, would require 8 sessions for prereqs that don't really do much of anything. My personal (and strong) recommendation is to reduce the prereqs a lot. On a related note, then, I provide a link to some Solar Charms I worked on a while back [[[SolarExcellencies/GreenLantern]]], which include a very similar charm. Just wanted to give my two cents, as I've never heard of a player getting all three excellencies. I've only heard of a player getting two of them in play, and that was Lore, becuase one of the Lore charms requires two excellencies as a prereq. Dumping that many useful XP into 'speedbump' charms seems painful. I'd even be willing to see something like "Any Craft Excellency, and any two additional Craft Charms" or some such - just don't make the poor Exalt waste charmslots on dead wood. -- GreenLantern