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----Notes on the "Order" keyword:
The "Order" keyword functions like the "Holy" keyword, save that the powers involved are arrayed against raksha, Fae-Blooded, unshaped, Wyld-tainted, and similarly Wyld entities.  Some existing Charms should have the Order keyword: Integrity-Protecting Prana, Chaos-Resistance Preparation, Chaos-Repelling Pattern, and Order-Affirming Blow.
----<b><i>Heart of the Lawgiver</b></i>
  <b>Cost:</b> 8m, 1 wp; <b>Mins:</b> Integrity 4, Essence 2; <b>Type:</b> Simple
  <b>Keywords:</b> Order, Combo-Basic, Obvious
  <b>Duration:</b> One Scene
  <b>Prerequisite Charms:</b> Integrity-Protecting Prana
The soul of a Solar is anathema to the cursed scions of the ever-changing Wyld.  By turning some of his Essence inwards, a Lawgiver can use that terrible strength of Order to become a living beacon of the Law against the Wyld.  When active, Heart of the Lawgiver gives a +1 external penalty to all attempts to attack, shape, or influence the character by Wyld energies, Wyld-tainted creatures (including Fae-Blooded) and Wyld creatures.  If the attack, shaping attempt, or influence would ordinarily only call for a resistance roll on the part of the Solar, the Solar gains 1 automatic success.  Any unarmed attack by any such creature will result in the attacker immediately suffering aggravated damage equal to the Solar's permanent Essence.  In addition, the Solar gains a discount in motes on all Charms with the Order keyword equal to his Essence per activation, with a minimum cost of one mote.  While this Charm is active, the Solar's features become harsher, more angular, and nearby objects seem very crisp and clear.
----<b><i>Blazing Righteousness Corona</b></i>
  <b>Cost:</b> 8m, 1 wp; <b>Mins:</b> Integrity 4, Essence 2; <b>Type:</b> Simple
  <b>Keywords:</b> Holy, Combo-Basic, Obvious
  <b>Duration:</b> One Scene
  <b>Prerequisite Charms:</b> Any Integrity Excellency
Drawing upon her inner holiness, the Solar bursts forth a radiant aura of power, brilliant to behold but especially blinding-- and painful-- to creatures of darkness.  This aura gives a +1 external penalty to all attempts to attack or influence the character by creatures of darkness.  If the attack or influence would ordinarily only call for a resistance roll on the part of the Solar, the Solar gains 1 automatic success.  Any unarmed attack by any such creature will result in the attacker immediately suffering aggravated damage equal to the Solar's permanent Essence.  In addition, the Solar gains a discount in motes on all Charms with the Holy keyword equal to his Essence per activation, with a minimum cost of one mote.
----<b><i>Champion of Creation</b></i>
  <b>Cost:</b> --; <b>Mins:</b> Integrity 5, Essence 5; <b>Type:</b> Permanent
  <b>Keywords:</b> Holy, Order
  <b>Prerequisite Charms:</b> Blazing Righteousness Corona, Heart of the Lawgiver
A Solar is not merely a champion against one foe of existence.  He is a warden against all of them.  Creation is the domain and inheritance of the Solars, and it is their duty to protect it against all comers.  When activating either Blazing Righteousness Corona or Heart of the Lawgiver, the character may spend 4 motes and 1 willpower in addition to the usual costs to extend the effects of either Charm to affect all beings foreign to Creation-- and the mote discount to any Charm used as an attack or defense against such beings!  'Foreign to Creation' includes the Undead, Abyssals, Demons, Akuma, Yozis, Malfeans, Autochthonians, Alchemical Exalted, and similar beings. Generally, if a being is 'outside of fate' by any means other than temporary Charms and the like, it will be subject to the powers of this Charm.
----<b><i>Heavenly Pillar Stubbornness</b></i>
  <b>Cost:</b> 2m; <b>Mins:</b> Integrity 3, Essence 1; <b>Type:</b> Reflexive (Step 2)
  <b>Keywords:</b> Combo-Ok, Social
  <b>Duration:</b> Instant
  <b>Prerequisite Charms:</b> None
Deep within any Solar is the fundamental drive of a hero-- the stubborn refusal to compromise in ideals or excellence.  While this can sometimes be to a Solar's detriment, pushing her to proceed with her chosen course of action despite better counsels, a Lawgiver can tap that unyielding stubbornness to her advantage, shrugging off weariness or bulling through complex debate tactics.  For one Social Defense, remove all penalties to the character's Dodge MDV.
----<b><i>Golden Bull's Crown</b></i>
  <b>Cost:</b> 6m, 1 wp; <b>Mins:</b> Integrity 5, Essence 3; <b>Type:</b> Simple
  <b>Keywords:</b> Combo-Ok, Social, Obvious
  <b>Duration:</b> One Scene
  <b>Prerequisite Charms:</b>  Heavenly Pillar Stubbornness, Elusive Dream Defense, Any Integrity Excellency
The true might of a Lawgiver's determination is not dampened by rapid-fire argument, or by many chiming in against him once released by this Charm.  Upon activation, a golden corona surmounts the Solar's brow, shining forth to declare a Prince of the Earth and his unstoppable will.  Only true mastery of the ways of debate and the righteousness of a cause can penetrate; the choruses of those who stand against the Lawgiver go unheard, and the rapid chattering of the quick-tongued will fail to overwhelm him.  For the rest of the scene, ignore all penalties to the character's MDV stemming from social Onslaughts or social Combined Attacks.
----<b><i>Eternal Righteousness Stance</b></i>
  <b>Cost:</b> 6m, 1 wp; <b>Mins:</b> Integrity 5, Essence 3; <b>Type:</b> Simple
  <b>Keywords:</b> Combo-Basic, Obvious
  <b>Duration:</b> One Scene
  <b>Prerequisite Charms:</b>  Spirit-Maintaining Maneuver
The strength of will that is the heritage of the Lawgivers can give them great strength resist those who would dare to interfere with their righteous mandate of Essence.  By using this Charm, the Solar can make it far more difficult for external effects to stop her Charms and spells from activating.  Give an external penalty equal to the Solar's Integrity to the difficulty of all rolls to stop, redirect, or otherwise hamper Charm and sorcery effects made by this character for the rest of the scene.  If the effect is usually automatic, such as with Countermagic spells, the opponent using that effect must now roll a contest of (Essence + Ability) against the Solar.
----<b><i>Burning Star Style</b></i>
  <b>Cost:</b> 12m, 1 wp; <b>Mins:</b> Integrity 5, Essence 5; <b>Type:</b> Simple
  <b>Keywords:</b> Combo-Basic, Obvious
  <b>Duration:</b> One Day
  <b>Prerequisite Charms:</b>  Brilliant Disdain, Transcendent Hero's Meditation
Solars have absolutely no direct control over the forms and ways of Destiny.  Although they have great control over their own lives, and can thwart the designs of the Loom of Fate by the expenditure of Essence, they cannot affect the Loom itself directly.  However, the expenditure of Essence does interfere with the weaving of the Loom.  A sufficiently powerful Solar can attempt to take advantage of that fact directly, expending his Essence in a wellspring of power. 
This overbearing, invested expenditure of energy creates a temporary snarl in the Tapestry, and it is extremely difficult for pattern spiders to work on a Solar so affected.  Any scheduled Sidereal Astrology events for the day targeting this character suffer an external penalty equal to the Solar’s Essence.  This will not stop ongoing effects that have already taken place, but will reduce successes from earlier effects that are scheduled to take place during the 24-hour period of this effect. 
This effect is incredibly blatant, and irritating to pattern spiders.  It is not, technically, an abuse of Solar power, and as a result, pattern spiders must still treat them equally with anyone else.  Still, pattern spiders, and fate in general will conspire to make the character easier to find for those who can sense fate.  All astrological or fate-related effects (including most Sidereal charms but not martial arts) that simply function to detect the character will have their difficulty reduced by one (to a minimum difficulty of one) while this Charm is in effect.
----<b><i>Stronger Than Flesh</b></i>
  <b>Cost:</b> --; <b>Mins:</b> Integrity 5, Essence 3; <b>Type:</b> Permanent
  <b>Keywords:</b> None
  <b>Prerequisite Charms:</b>  Golden Bull's Crown
The Exalt's mind will not tolerate assaults or imprecations.  Add +1 to his MDV in any circumstance.  If all MDVs are rendered inapplicable (ie, 0 and unmodifiable) by circumstances, attacks, charms, etc., this Charm will still take effect, though the resultant MDV 1 may not be further modified unless special Charms, capabilities, artifacts, etc. allow.
----<b><i>Transcendent Integrity Prowess</b></i>
  <b>Cost:</b> --; <b>Mins:</b> Integrity 5, Essence 3; <b>Type:</b> Permanent
  <b>Keywords:</b> None
  <b>Prerequisite Charms:</b>  All 3 Integrity Excellencies, Infinite Integrity Mastery, Essence Integrity Flow
The Solar has transformed her mind into an unassailable redoubt.  The imprecations of the world do not disturb her concentration, and lesser influences are shrugged aside with ease.  Subtract 2 from the External Penalties of any Integrity roll.
----<b><i>Sentinel on the Far Watches</b></i>
  <b>Cost:</b> --; <b>Mins:</b> Integrity 5, Essence 4; <b>Type:</b> Permanent
  <b>Keywords:</b> None
  <b>Prerequisite Charms:</b> Heart of the Lawgiver
The true heart of a Lawgiver gives way to no distractions as they stand upon the Far Watches of reality.  When activating Heart of the Lawgiver, the Solar may opt to spend an additional 2 motes and 1 willpower to grant himself the ability to use any defensive charms with the Order keyword as non-Charm actions.  As many to all of these are Reflexive Charms and thus do not count as Charm actions anyway during long ticks, the Solar may instead use Step 2 Charms during Step 6 of combat resolution (defensive rerolls) without or in place of usual modifications.
----<b><i>Shadow-Disintegrating Aura</b></i>
  <b>Cost:</b> --; <b>Mins:</b> Integrity 5, Essence 4; <b>Type:</b> Permanent
  <b>Keywords:</b> None
  <b>Prerequisite Charms:</b> Blazing Righteousness Corona
Many cultures in the Age of Sorrows have customs forbidding shadows from falling upon those of high status.  In many ways, this is a throwback to the ancient era of the High First Age, before too much of the corruption of the Great Curse took hold.  Powerful Solars forbade the “shadow” of evil from falling on them, casting out Darkness whenever it attempted to touch them.  When activating Blazing Righteousness Corona, the Solar may opt to spend an additional 2 motes and 1 willpower to grant herself the ability to use any defensive charms with the Holy keyword as non-Charm actions.  As many to all of these are Reflexive Charms and thus do not count as Charm actions anyway during long ticks, the Solar may instead use Step 2 Charms during Step 6 of combat resolution (defensive rerolls) without or in place of usual modifications.
----<b><i>Living Righteously Assertion</b></i>
  <b>Cost:</b> --; <b>Mins:</b> Integrity 5, Essence 3; <b>Type:</b> Permanent
  <b>Keywords:</b> None
  <b>Prerequisite Charms:</b> Phoenix Renewal Tactic
A Solar’s life is fraught with harsh moral choices, but those who can rise above the temptation to excess have reserves of strength far greater than those who dissipate themselves in indulgence.  Whenever the Solar succeeds at a Virtue roll for which he has a Phoenix Renewal Tactic, that Solar regenerates one Virtue channel of that type.  If the Solar is rolling to perform an unvirtuous action and spends a willpower to do the action anyway, this Charm has no effect.
----<b><i>Radiant Home Defender</b></i>
  <b>Cost:</b> 5m, 1wp; <b>Mins:</b> Integrity 5, Essence 3; <b>Type:</b> Simple
  <b>Keywords:</b> Combo-Basic, Obvious
  <b>Duration:</b> One Scene
  <b>Prerequisite Charms:</b> Righteous Lion Defense
The one true home of a Solar is Creation, but ultimately, where her heart lies is the true home which she must defend at all cost.  Whenever this Charm is activated and the Solar is acting in defense or support of an ideal magically fortified by Righteous Lion Defense, add the Solar’s Integrity in dice to all actions.  These dice always count against the maximum a Solar may add via Charms.
As an example:  A Solar with the Righteous Lion Defense intimacy to the ideal of ending slavery is attacked by a Guild assassin seeking to extinguish a leading Drum fighting for emancipation in Harborhead.  The assassin’s blade is poisoned.  The Solar activates Radiant Home Defender on her turn.  The assassin attacks her, but she and gains 5 dice to add to her Dexterity + Martial Arts pool of 10, for a total of 15, raising her DV from 5 to 8.  If he succeeds in piercing her flesh to deliver the poison and her Stamina + Resistance pool is only 4 dice, she may only gain 4 dice from Radiant Home Defender or any other source, though this is probably more than sufficient to defend against any mortal poison.
----<b><i>Corona of Radiance </b></i>
  <b>Cost:</b> +3m; <b>Mins:</b> Integrity 5, Essence 5; <b>Type:</b> Reflexive
  <b>Keywords:</b> Combo-OK, Obvious, Holy
  <b>Duration:</b> Instant
  <b>Prerequisite Charms:</b> Ultimate Mastery of Integrity, one other Ultimate Mastery of (ability)
This Charm may only be used with an Ultimate Mastery of (Ability) or Supreme Perfection of (Ability).  Under most circumstances, this means it must be used in a combo.  The Solar’s boundless potential becomes enhanced by their sacred duty to defend Creation.  When the Solar uses Ultimate Mastery of (Ability) or Supreme Perfection of (Ability) in tandem with this Charm against a Creature of Darkness, he gains threshold successes equal to his Integrity.
----<b><i>Sanctified Consciousness</b></i>
  <b>Cost:</b> 6m, 1wp; <b>Mins:</b> Integrity 5, Essence 4; <b>Type:</b> Simple
  <b>Keywords:</b> Combo-Basic, Obvious, Social
  <b>Duration:</b> Indefinite
  <b>Prerequisite Charms:</b> Golden Bull’s Crown
Although no physical signs of this charm are present, on the mental plane, it is a most unsubtle, if rather efficacious, defense.  The Exalt infuses her mind with essence, creating a powerful barrier against external intrusion.  Until she chooses to release the committed Essence, the Exalt’s Essence is added to the difficulty of all attempts to use unnatural mental influence on her.  In contested rolls, the Exalt’s Essence is added in autosuccesses to her roll.  If the attacking unnatural mental influence would ordinarily succeed perfectly, the Solar gains the opportunity to engage the attacker in UF:IO rolls, but does not gain automatic successes to these rolls.
=== Comments ===
=== Comments ===
Like these. - [[Han'ya]]
Like these. - [[Han'ya]]
:Thanks! --IsawaBrian
:Thanks! --[[IsawaBrian]]

Latest revision as of 01:17, 6 April 2010


Like these. - Han'ya

Thanks! --IsawaBrian