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I'm using a couple strategies here to balance and place and create the charms. And those strategies are built on assumptions an preferences. I'm striving to make lunar charms help lunars become more believable in their charm progressions, versatile for starting characters, and interesting.
I'm using a couple strategies here to balance and place and create the charms. And those strategies are built on assumptions an preferences. I'm striving to make lunar charms help lunars become more believable in their charm progressions, versatile for starting characters, and interesting.

Latest revision as of 00:09, 9 June 2010

Back toMorpheus/CharmsForMe

I'm using a couple strategies here to balance and place and create the charms. And those strategies are built on assumptions an preferences. I'm striving to make lunar charms help lunars become more believable in their charm progressions, versatile for starting characters, and interesting.

For one, I'm making die converters cheap for lunars, and die adders more expensive and difficult. It's too potent if you make them both cheap, and making converters easier than adders makes lunars more dependable than solars in that way, but less miraculous. That's what I'm going for.

I'm trying to make every charm build off of charms which it is logical for them to build off of, so that you could see your lunar needing one to get the next.

And I'm trying to make the prereqs fit. To me, they seemed so random. So, I'm tying to get a system going. I need comments, so please, if you have any input, it is appreciated.


Calling Luna's Favor - This charm now requires 3 Charisma.

Prey's Skin - This charm now has the prerequisites Humble Mouse Shape and Towering Beast Form.

Body Enhancement

        Cat-Falling Attitude       Shaping the Ideal Form
         |                |        |
         |                |        |
  Predator Grace          Tree-Dwelling 
  Method                  Jaguar Posture,

Cat-Falling Attitude - This charm now lasts One Scene, is Reflexive, requires 2 Dexterity and 1 Essence, and has no prerequisites. This charm converts a number of dice equal to the character's Dexterity into automatic successes to rolls to avoid landing in any position besides standing, and adds automatic successes equal to the character's Dexterity to the roll to improve one's situation while falling.

Predator's Grace Method - This charm now has the prerequisite Cat-Falling Attitude.

Panther Stride Posture - This charm replaces Panther Stride Stance. This charm now requires 3 Charisma, and has the prerequisites Shaping the Ideal Form and Cat-Falling Attitude. As with the other "Posture" type charms, a character with 3 Essence or more may spend a temporary Willpower when activating this charm to make the duration "Indefinite". In that case, the charm will last until the character assumes another shape.

Tree-Dwelling Jaguar Posture - This charm replaces Tree-Dwelling Jaguar Claws, requires 3 Charisma and 3 Essence, and has the prerequisites Shaping the Ideal Form and Cat-Falling Attitude. This "Posture" type charm enables the character to climb and move across narrow or treacherous areas at full running (not sprinting) speed without penalty. It also lowers the difficulty of rolls involving climbing, balancing on narrow objects, and arboreal movement of any sort. by 2 (1 if the character is wearing shoes or gloves). It also provides the character with reflexively retractable claws which allow the character's unarmed attacks to do lethal or bashing damage. As with the other "Posture" type charms, a character with 3 Essence or more may spend a temporary Willpower when activating this charm to make the duration "Indefinite". In that case, the charm will last until the character assumes another shape.

Unarmed Combat

Shaping the Ideal Form                               Body Weapon Technique
|                  |                                         |
|                  -------------------------------------------
|                            |                         |
Monkey Arm Attack   Savage Predator Weaponry      Adder-Fang Method
|                       |----------------------------------|                 
|                       |                 |                | 
Squid Arm               |          Poison Weaponry         |
                        |                                  |
                    Deadly Moonsilver             Deadly Viper Venom                  

Body Weapon Technique - This charm may be used to supplement an attack to have an attack deal lethal damage, or supplement a block to allow the block to parry lethal damage.

Savage Predator Weaponry - This charm replaces Claws of the Silver Moon - This charm now costs 4 motes, requires 2 Strength, and has the prerequisites Body Weapon Technique and Shaping the Ideal Form. These are actually 3 charms which create deadly natural weaponry which lasts for the remainder of the scene. When this charm is purchasesd, the character chooses either claws, teeth, or horns/tusks. The decision is final, though the character may purchase this charm again to learn a new natural weapon, and more than one type of weapon may be active at once. The claws have Spd +3, Acc +1, Dmg +3L, Pry +1. The bite has Spd 0, Acc +2, Dmg +5, Pry 0. The horns/tusks has/have Spd -1, Acc +1, Dmg: +4L, Pry: +1 and receive +2 Dmg when charging in to attack. These weapons are not moonsilver, and do not benefit from charms or affect which specifically benefit moonsilver objects. They do not affect dematerialized spirits.

Deadly Moonsilver Weaponry - This charm replaces Scimitar Claw Technique - This charm now requires 4 Strength. This is a set of 3 charms, just as Savage Predator Weaponry is. The horns/tusks option for this charm has Spd: +2, Acc: +4, Dmg:+7, Pry +2, and receives +2 dmg when charging in to attack.

                              Tyrant Lizard Strike
                  |                     |               |
       Sinuous Striking            Angry Rhino     Hunter's Eye
       Grace      |                Charge           Technique      Beast     Sinuous
       |          |                     |      |---------------|  Instinct   Striking
Hydra-Head  Foot-Confusing     |---------------|               |      |-------|
Attack      Buffet             |        |      |               |          |
                               |        |      |               Deadly Claw
                     Subduing the  Bull-Head   Door-Breaking   Blow
                     Honored Foe   Attack      Method

Tyrant Lizard Strike - This charm now costs 1 mote per success, and has no prerequisites. This charm now converts attack dice into successes up to the character's Dexterity.

Sinuous Striking Grace - This charm now requires 2 Dexterity, and has the prerequisite Tyrant Lizard Strike.

Hydra Head Attack - This charm now requires 1 Essence.

Hunter's Eye Technique - This charm now costs 1 mote per point reduction, requires 3 Dexterity, and has the prerequisite Tyrant Lizard Strike. This charm now may not reduce the target's soak by more than the character's Dexterity or the number of successes achieved on the attack, whichever is lower.

Deadly Claw Blow - This charm now costs 2 motes/die, is Supplemental, requires 3 Dexterity and 3 Essence, and has the prerequisites Beast Instinct Method, Sinuous Striking Grace, and Hunter's Eye Technique. This charm now adds dice up the the character's Dexterity to an attack roll. Only the added dice are able to affect dematerialized spirits, the rest of the dice pool is not.

Foot-Confusing Buffet - This charm now costs 1 mote per 2 dice, has the duration Instant, and has the prerequisite Sinuous Striking Grace. This charm allow the character to make an attack which confuses and disorients his target. As long as the target makes some effort to defend atainst the attack, any parry or dodge which requires that the target be aware of the attack, this charm takes effect. The lunar may subtrack dice from his attack roll, up to a maximum number of dice equal to his dexterity, and apply that number as a pentaly to the target's initiative on the following round, as long as the target and the lunar remain engaged. A target whose initiative is reduced below 0 for any reason may not act in that round.

Angry Rhino Charge - This charm now costs 2 motes per die, requires 1 Essence, and has the prerequisite Tyrant Lizard Strike. By focusing his rage and essence into a single strike, the character may increase the force of his blow, adding 1 to the raw damage for every 2 motes spent. In addition, for every mote spent, the target is thrown back 1 yrd. Damage from striking solid objects is as normal.

Bull Head Technique - This charm now costs 1 mote per die, is Simple, and requires 4 Strength and 2 Essence.

Subduing the Honored Foe - This charm now requires 3 Strength and 2 Essence, and has the prerequisite Angry Rhino Charge.

Door-Breaking Method - This charm now has the prerequisites Body Weapon Technique and Angry Rhino Charge.


Steel Paw Style - This charm has been replaced by Body Weapon Technique.

Scales of the Dragon - This charm produces a form of natural armor. It is counted as armor for the purpose of charms which ignore armor. The soak provided by this charm is not natural soak and is not counted against a lunar's natural soak limit of 12.

Limb-Shielding Growth - This charm now has the prerequisites Armor-Forming Technique and Shaping the Ideal Form.

Invulnerable Moonsilver Carapace - This charm now only has the prerequisite Scales of the Dragon.

Bowing Reed Technique - This charm now costs 1 mote. This charm now negates multiple action penalties for a single dodge. Thus, a character may split his dice pool as many times as he can, and every dodge may be enhanced with this charm to provide his full Dex + Dod dice pool. Full dodges are similarly affected. It has no effect on other types of penalties, and the character must still have a pool to enhance.

Bending Before the Storm - This charm now costs 1 mote per 2 successes, and requires 2 Dexterity and 1 Essence.

Survival and Healing

Beast Instinct Method - This charm now costs 2 motes per success. This charm now allows the character to convert a number of dice equal to his Wits into successes on any Survival roll for 2 motes per success.

Tenacity of the Hunter

Cost: 1 mote per die
Duration: 1 Day
Type: Simple
Minimum Stamina: 2
Minimum Essence: 1
Prerequisite Charms: None
By focusing essence into mind, body, and spirit, the lunar may strengthen his resolve and preserve his form. The lunar may add a number of dice no greater than his Stamina to all Endurance rolls made for 1 Day. No more of a bonus may be taken from this charm at any given time than the lunar's current natural Stamina.

Wolf Endurance Method - This charm now has the prerequisite Tenacity of the Hunter.

Fortitude of the Aurochs - This charm now has the prerequisite Tenacity of the Hunter.

Ever-Waking Method - This charm now has the prerequisite Tenacity of the Hunter.

Infection Resisting Method - This charm now costs 1 mote per 2 success, and requires 1 Stamina. This charm works anytime during the scene during which a character comes in contact with a disease or receives a wound. It converts dice up to the character's Stamina into automatic successes for all Resistance rolls made at the end of the scene to avoid disease or infection.

Disease Purging Essence - This charm now costs 1 mote per success, lasts for 1 Day, and is Simple. This charm may be used by a character when he suspects that he has caught an illness to attempt to purge it from his body. The first time the charm is used on a disease, the character receives an immediate roll to attempt to cure himself, rolling Stamina + Endurance, and converting into successes a number of dice no great than his Stamina for 1 mote per success. Should that fail, the character may choose to commit the essence for a full day, and on the next day his roll to overcome the disease converts the same number of dice into successes. As long as the character continues to use this charm every day, the daily roll to overcome the disease will recieve the converted successes, but only if the character activates the charm immediately after making the roll to overcome the disease. This charm can only be used once for an immediate attempt to purge the disease. If the character's Natural Stamina changes over the course of the day while this charm is in effect, the lowest natural Stamina is used to determine the Stamina + Endurance of the character for the purposes of the roll, and this charm.

Lick Wound - This charm now costs 1 mote per die, requires 3 Wits, and has the prerequisite Disease Purging Essence. This charm adds up to the character's Stamina in dice to the target's next roll to resist or overcome disease or infection, as long as that roll comes within the next day.

Halting the Scarlet Flow - This charm now requires 4 Stamina.

Mother's Touch - This charm now costs 2 motes per health level or 2 motes for each -1 converted per health level + 1 Willpower , and requires 4 Wits. This charm may instantaneously heal another. However, though lunars are the masters of their own bodies, the wounds of others can prove difficult to heal, and some wounds are more difficult than others. As a result, this charm has a variable cost. If this charm is used solely to heal bashing damage, then the lunar need only spend 2 motes per health level healed in this way, to a maximum number of health levels equal to his Wits. In a more powerful capacity, this charm may be used to convert lethal damage into bashing, though each use of this charm to convert lethal damage requires 2 motes times the wound penalty value of each health level to be healed and a temporary Willpower. -0 Levels are counted as -.5 for this charm, and therefore require 1 mote per health level. Most severe wounds must be healed first. Incapacitated Health levels are considered -7 for the purposes of this charm, and each level below Incapacitated is counted as one wound penalty worse than the last. However, if a character below Incapacitated is the target of this charm in a round, then he does not lose a health level at the end of that round, and health levels below Incapacitated are not converted to bashing, they are simply healed. A character may not convert more wound penalties worth of health levels of lethal damage than his Wits+ Essence, and in any case, may not convert more health levels into bashing than his Wits.

For Example - No Moon savant and healer, Bright Eyes, has 4 Wits, 3 Essence, and Mother's Touch. In a battle against a dragonblood, his wood aspected companion has received a dire wound, putting him at -4 with lethal damage. Bright Eyes sets to healing him with Mother's touch. The maximum number of wound penalties he can convert to bashing with this application is 7 (Wits 4 + Ess 3). He can convert the -4 health level, and one -2 health level, but not another -2, because that would bring the total wound penalties worth of health levels healed to -8 (-4, -2,-2). This will cost him 12 motes (2 motes per -1 converted), and a Willpower. Any more healing will have to be done next round.

In another example, the same unfortunate Wood Aspect is hit by a warstrider daiklaive, bringing him one level below Incapacitated. Bright Eyes cannot help. The first level below Incapacitated is counted as -8 for purposes of this charm (-7 for Incapacitated, -1 below that), and Bright Eyes has only 7 Wits + Essence. He would need 8 Wits + Essence to help. If it took Bright Eyes a round to reach the Wood Aspect, and by that time, he was already at 2 levels below Incapacitated, Bright Eyes would need 9 Wits + Essence to heal him, and then it would be only 1 health level a round, and at quite an essence cost.


Wyld-Sensing Instincts - This charm now has no prerequisites.

Harmony with Reality Technique - This charm now has only the prerequisite Wyld Object Appraisal Method.

Interaction and Knowledge

Lore-Speaking Method - This charm now has no prerequisites.

All sorts of thanks to Braydz. 'cause he did half the work.


I like most of what you've done. The only thing I don't agree with is CotSM - as it stands right now (canon), it's a pretty damn good Charm that highlights how good shapeshifters can be at unarmed combat, essentially by arming them (I think the "+6" to speed is a typo, and it should be +3). Your revision makes it 100% useless - there is almost no conceivable situation in which that Charm could be effectively used in a combat, since it's a Simple Charm and so takes a whole round to activate. Anyway, other than that, good stuff here. - SilverMeerKat

You are absolutely right. Don't let it go to your head. Duration edited. - Morpheus

It might just be me, but I wouldn't make Mother's Touch so complicated. I'd just remove the part about healing aggravated damage, and make that effect a separate Charm with MT as the prereq. It should probably be a 5/3, while MT should remain a 4/3, and I think perception makes more sense than wits here - it's how well you can pinpoint the damage you need to fix, not how quickly you can think about it. Anyway, there's my 2 cents. - SilverMeerKat

While I'm not gonna use this version of Mother's Touch myself, I see the logic and like it. ~*~Braydz~*~