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Somewhere in Creation, a being wanders, taking in the beauty and horror of the world around him. He looks, and he sees, and he dreams. This being considers the world, heals the sick and injured, and marvels at the works of men, even those so exalted as the Chosen of the Gods and the Dragons, for what are the Exalted but mortals brought beyond mortal limits?

This being answers to the name of Elijah. He seems to be a man in his mid-thirties, but he is no human, nothing so puny. Instead, Elijah is a god, a being on a parity in power to the Incarnae. But Elijah is not a simple god. He hides a secret past, a past that he himself yearns to return to. Elijah has enemies, enemies that have not found him, yet. His allies search for him as well, beings equal in power to the Incarnae or the Yozi... and they send powerful servants forth to seek him, creatures like and unlike the Exalted by equal turns.

This secret is his true nature and real name: Eli, Archangel of Creation. When Autocthon left Creation, he created another world, one without the Exalted or the troublesome gods. The Archangels were created to monitor this new world, which in turn came to be called Earth, and keep it stable. In time, a few of them grew rebellious against their creator, just as the Incarnae had. Unlike the Incarnae, many of the Archangels remained loyal. This was all part of Autocthon's plans, in his aspect as Yahweh. Between the Princes of Hell and the Archangels of Heaven, Earth would be kept in balance by their servants, without the constant risks that Creation ran after the Primordials were defeated.

Now, somehow, Eli learned of the prior work of the Primordials, the older work, despite the longer history of Earth. Eli, Archangel of Creation, had always known there was something beyond Earth. He snapped up the bait and found himself trapped in Creation, unable to return to Heaven, without the ability to find his way back through the Wyld. After him come the angels and demons of Earth, servants of the Superiors on both sides.

Roughly, 9 Force celestials are equivalent to Essence 2-3 Exalts, with Essence 10 Exalts hitting the low Superior range. A younger Exalt is at a rough parity to a younger celestial, the former's greater knowledge of Creation and flexibility balancing out the slightly greater raw power of the celestials.

This can be anything from a short adventure in Creation for a group of angels hunting down Eli to a major change in the setting. Creation is deep in the Far Marches, well away from Earth, which defines the center of Autocthon's new world. Autocthon, the Great Maker, built another world, another Creation, smaller but less beset by enemies. He deliberately engineered a stalemate between the two sides of the War, leaving them to hold humanity in balance by their manipulations. Is Autocthon trying to change Creation, bring it to that same perilous balance on the knife's edge of chaos, or did his plan simply have a flaw? That's your call.


This is an In Nomine crossover. There's some information in one of the older Pyramid articles around running WoD In Nomine and this is an outgrowth of it. It's more of an IN seed than one for Exalted but it certainly tilts a few things differently and drops two completely unconnected factions into the mess, trying to figure out what Creation is. Again, this can be a seed, with angels and demons looking for the AWOL Archangel of Creation to a permanent change, depending on what the ST or GM wants.

At the same time, amazingly enough, it doesn't stomp too heavily on the canon of either world, leaving aside Exalted: The Autocthonians (which I'm not familiar with at any rate). Eli's missing. This is just one possibility of where he can be found. - MoonSword