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  <b>Duration:</b> Instant
  <b>Duration:</b> Instant
  <b>Type:</b> Reflexive
  <b>Type:</b> Reflexive
<b>Keywords:</b> Combo-Ok, Obvious
  <b>Min Martial Arts:</b> 5
  <b>Min Martial Arts:</b> 5
  <b>Min Essence:</b> 4  
  <b>Min Essence:</b> 4  
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<i>Whose blade heralded dread…</i><br>
<i>Whose blade heralded dread…</i><br>
The motions of the Martial Artist are so vicious that the air itself let’s loose blood curdling screams with each movement. Any physical attacks by the Martial Artist are heralded by the screams of rent reality and those that attempt to defend are down (Martial Artists PE – the Targets Valor) in dice, this is applied like a wound penalty. Further the never-ending echoes of pain playing back on each other and reverberating put all those in PEx10 yards down one to valor rolls. This noise penetrates the hearts and mind of those around the Martial Artist preventing those in the radius from being able to channel valor.
The motions of the Martial Artist are so vicious that the air itself let’s loose blood curdling screams with each movement. Any physical attacks by the Martial Artist are heralded by the screams of rent reality and those that attempt to defend are down (Martial Artists PE – the Targets Valor) in dice, this is applied like a wound penalty. Further the never-ending echoes of pain playing back on each other and reverberating put all those in PEx10 yards down one to valor rolls. This noise penetrates the hearts and mind of those around the Martial Artist preventing those in the radius from being able to channel valor.  
<b><i>Confidence Penetrating Strike</b></i>
<b><i>Confidence Penetrating Strike</b></i>
Line 34: Line 35:
  <b>Duration:</b> Instant  
  <b>Duration:</b> Instant  
  <b>Type:</b> Supplemental
  <b>Type:</b> Supplemental
<b>Keywords:</b> Obvious, Combo-Ok
  <b>Min Martial Arts:</b> 5
  <b>Min Martial Arts:</b> 5
  <b>Min Essence:</b> 4
  <b>Min Essence:</b> 4
Line 39: Line 41:
<i>Whom all he struck learned to fear…</i><br>
<i>Whom all he struck learned to fear…</i><br>
Transforming their weapon into the element of fear and cowardice at the moment they strike their enemy, the martial artist with this charm can strip away the courage and resolve of their opponents. As the martial artist strikes their opponent, their weapon (or hand) dissolves, doing no damage. However, as long as the attack roll was successful, the martial artist subtracts one Valor from the target to a minimum of one. A mortal that would be reduced to valor 0 with this attack instead runs fleeing in senseless terror, and will most likely go insane before the effects of this charm wear off. Those whose valor cannot be reduced below a certain amount begin losing 1 willpower per application of this charm after their valor has reached its minimum. Valor loss due to this charm comes back at a rate of 1 point per day. Willpower is regained through normal means.
Transforming their weapon into the element of fear and cowardice at the moment they strike their enemy, the martial artist with this charm can strip away the courage and resolve of their opponents. As the martial artist strikes their opponent, their weapon (or hand) dissolves, doing no damage. However, as long as the attack roll was successful, the martial artist subtracts one Valor from the target to a minimum of one. A mortal that would be reduced to valor 0 with this attack instead runs fleeing in senseless terror, and will most likely go insane before the effects of this charm wear off. Those whose valor cannot be reduced below a certain amount begin losing 1 willpower per application of this charm after their valor has reached its minimum. Valor loss due to this charm comes back at a rate of 1 point per day. Willpower is regained through normal means.
<b><i>Inner Demon Rising</b></i>
<b><i>Inner Demon Rising</b></i>
Line 45: Line 47:
  <b>Duration:</b> Instant
  <b>Duration:</b> Instant
  <b>Type:</b> Simple
  <b>Type:</b> Simple
<b>Keywords:</b> None
  <b>Min.Martial Arts:</b> 5
  <b>Min.Martial Arts:</b> 5
  <b>Min Essence:</b> 4
  <b>Min Essence:</b> 4
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<i>And who brought nightmares to those he beheld…</i><br>
<i>And who brought nightmares to those he beheld…</i><br>
The Martial Artist dredges forth from the deepest recesses of his soul a dark nightmare secret not meant for this world. This secret is whispered forth and carries the length of a single breath before the waking world cringes from it, leaving it to the void of that which isn’t. In that time it can seep into the mind of the martial artist’s target hiding from the waking world, and drawing its wrath to the target. This charm has a range of 500 cubits, a 6th of a mile, or roughly 300 yards. The target must make a Charisma + Integrity roll at a dif of the Martial Artist’s PE to resist. If the roll is failed the target draws the ire of creation for a turning of the moon, during this time they are afflicted with the nightmares flaw and a one point enemy flaw. A person inflicted with this subtle charm suffers from terrible nightmares every time they fall asleep. The nightmares are not influenced by the martial artist; the target’s own secret fears resonate with the whispered nothing and are personal to the target. If the afflicted target wishes to shake off the nightmares, they can do so with a descriptive stunt and a successful willpower roll at a difficulty equal to the Martial artist’s (PE+1) – the Target’s valor . They may make one attempt per nights rest. Overcoming a terrible nightmare is a very satisfying and cathartic experience as is the withdraw of the ire of waking world. Those who overcome a nightmare immediately regain a number of temporary willpower equal to the dif -2, this has a minimum of 0.   
The Martial Artist dredges forth from the deepest recesses of his soul a dark nightmare secret not meant for this world. This secret is whispered forth and carries the length of a single breath before the waking world cringes from it, leaving it to the void of that which isn’t. In that time it can seep into the mind of the martial artist’s target hiding from the waking world, and drawing its wrath to the target. This charm has a range of 500 cubits, a 6th of a mile, or roughly 300 yards. The Martial Artist rolls Charisma + Martial Arts against the targets MDV. If the roll is successful the target draws the ire of creation for a turning of the moon, during this time they are afflicted with the nightmares flaw and a one point enemy flaw. A person inflicted with this subtle charm suffers from terrible nightmares every time they fall asleep. The nightmares are not influenced by the martial artist; the target’s own secret fears resonate with the whispered nothing and are personal to the target. If the afflicted target wishes to shake off the nightmares, they can do so with a descriptive stunt and a successful willpower roll at a difficulty equal to the Martial artist’s (PE+1) – the Target’s Valor . They may make one attempt per nights rest. Overcoming a terrible nightmare is a very satisfying and cathartic experience as is the withdraw of the ire of waking world. Those who overcome a nightmare immediately regain a number of temporary willpower equal to the dif -2, this has a minimum of 0.   
<b><i>Crimson Talon of Horrors Form</b></i>
<b><i>Crimson Talon of Horrors Form</b></i>
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  <b>Duration:</b> Scene
  <b>Duration:</b> Scene
  <b>Type:</b> Simple
  <b>Type:</b> Simple
<b>Keywords:</b> Form-Type, Obvious
  <b>Min.Martial Arts:</b> 5
  <b>Min.Martial Arts:</b> 5
  <b>Min Essence:</b> 5
  <b>Min Essence:</b> 5
Line 61: Line 65:
<i>His wrath lingered perpetually, a terrible reminder…</i><br>
<i>His wrath lingered perpetually, a terrible reminder…</i><br>
The adepts of the Crimson Talon of Horrors Form often become the worst nightmares of those who survive their assault. Crimson Talon martial artists often refer to these survivors as “The Unfortunate.” Upon assuming the Crimson Talon of Horrors Form, the martial artist becomes the embodiment of the darkest dreams. Shadows of screams and moans float around the character like tangible fear while their movements invoke unsettling anticipation and distress. Their strikes carve deep and leave lasting marks to remind those that escape of the horror they have seen. Individuals seeing the Exalt observe a striking likeness to that which they fear the most. Those in combat with the Martial Artist must pass a valor roll each round or flee. Those who are forced to flee may defend themselves.   Much like a horrible nightmare, the attacks of the Exalt linger long after the combat.   Thus the Exalt’s attacks take ten times as long to heal and leave terrible scars, even on Exalts. Whenever the wounded has a natural nightmare in the future, they wake up to find the scars burning uncomfortably. The Martial Artist may use one of their mutations from Nightmare Embodiment Transformation if they have the charm.
The adepts of the Crimson Talon of Horrors Form often become the worst nightmares of those who survive their assault. Crimson Talon martial artists often refer to these survivors as “The Unfortunate.” Upon assuming the Crimson Talon of Horrors Form, the martial artist becomes the embodiment of the darkest dreams. Shadows of screams and moans float around the character like tangible fear while their movements invoke unsettling anticipation and distress. Their strikes carve deep and leave lasting marks to remind those that escape of the horror they have seen. Individuals seeing the Exalt observe a striking likeness to that which they fear the most. Those in combat with the Martial Artist must pass a valor roll each round or flee. Those who are forced to flee may defend themselves. Much like a horrible nightmare, the attacks of the Exalt linger long after the combat. Thus the Exalt’s attacks take ten times as long to heal and leave terrible scars, even on Exalts. Whenever the wounded has a natural nightmare in the future, they wake up to find the scars burning uncomfortably. The Martial Artist may use one of their mutations from Nightmare Embodiment Transformation if they have the charm.  
<b><i>Face of Terror Envisaged</b></i>
<b><i>Face of Terror Envisaged</b></i>
Line 67: Line 71:
  <b>Duration:</b> Instant
  <b>Duration:</b> Instant
  <b>Type:</b> Reflexive
  <b>Type:</b> Reflexive
<b>Keywords:</b> Obvious, Combo-Ok
  <b>Min.Martial Arts:</b> 5
  <b>Min.Martial Arts:</b> 5
  <b>Min Essence:</b> 5
  <b>Min Essence:</b> 5
Line 72: Line 77:
<i>His visage paralyzed the valiant…</i><br>
<i>His visage paralyzed the valiant…</i><br>
If terror had a face, what would it look like? Although it may vary from individual to individual, through this charm a universal visage is found. Weaving the essence around them into layers of emanating fear, the martial artist produces a visage so terrifying that it can paralyze even the most valiant of Exalted heroes in fear. The Martial Artist may attempt to use this as a parry, instead of a traditional parry, the Martial Artist forces the attacker to roll valor at a dif of 2 or not attack.  
If terror had a face, what would it look like? Although it may vary from individual to individual, through this charm a universal visage is found. Weaving the essence around them into layers of emanating fear, the martial artist produces a visage so terrifying that it can paralyze even the most valiant of Exalted heroes in fear. The Martial Artist may attempt to use this as a parry, instead of a traditional parry, the Martial Artist forces the attacker to roll valor at a dif of 2 or not attack.  
<b><i>Nightmare World Unfolds</b></i>
<b><i>Nightmare World Unfolds</b></i>
Line 78: Line 83:
  <b>Duration:</b> Instant
  <b>Duration:</b> Instant
  <b>Type:</b> Simple
  <b>Type:</b> Simple
<b>Keywords:</b> Obvious, Combo-Ok
  <b>Min.Martial Arts:</b> 5
  <b>Min.Martial Arts:</b> 5
  <b>Min Essence:</b> 6
  <b>Min Essence:</b> 6
Line 83: Line 89:
<i>His passing twisted the world…</i><br>
<i>His passing twisted the world…</i><br>
One of the most terrifying things about a bad dream is the strange world in which it occurs. Things are never quite as they seem there, shapes twist and distort without reason, and the landscape can work against you. A martial artist invoking this charm twists the essence around them into their movements, braiding nightmare with the threads of reality. At the end of the round in which this is invoked, the world begins to take on a hellish distortion. The scenery around you gains a wisp-like ethereal nature and takes on a sickly green pallor. The space between objects shifts noticeably and things become far more ominous. These changes are no illusion, and after an invocation of this charm the area around the Exalt is indeed left surreally twisted. The effects of this charm permeate an area with a radius around the Exalt equal to (Permanent Essence + Martial Arts)x10 yards. While in the area the Martial Artist’s natural Essence respiration is doubled and the costs of the charms in this style are lowered by 2 motes. Any other person in the area can’t naturally respire essence and stunts they perform are down one level.
One of the most terrifying things about a bad dream is the strange world in which it occurs. Things are never quite as they seem there, shapes twist and distort without reason, and the landscape can work against you. A martial artist invoking this charm twists the essence around them into their movements, braiding nightmare with the threads of reality. At the end of the round in which this is invoked, the world begins to take on a hellish distortion. The scenery around you gains a wisp-like ethereal nature and takes on a sickly green pallor. The space between objects shifts noticeably and things become far more ominous. These changes are no illusion, and after an invocation of this charm the area around the Exalt is indeed left surreally twisted. The effects of this charm permeate an area with a radius around the Exalt equal to (Permanent Essence + Martial Arts)x10 yards. While in the area the Martial Artist’s natural Essence respiration is doubled and the costs of the charms in this style are lowered by 2 motes. Any other person in the area can’t naturally respire essence and stunts they perform are down one level.  
<b><i>Relentless Pursuer's Dance</b></i>
<b><i>Relentless Pursuer's Dance</b></i>
Line 89: Line 95:
  <b>Duration:</b> 1 Hour
  <b>Duration:</b> 1 Hour
  <b>Type:</b> Reflexive
  <b>Type:</b> Reflexive
<b>Keywords:</b> Combo-Ok
  <b>Min.Martial Arts:</b> 5  
  <b>Min.Martial Arts:</b> 5  
  <b>Min Essence:</b> 5
  <b>Min Essence:</b> 5
Line 94: Line 101:
<i>He could be neither escaped nor caught…</i><br>
<i>He could be neither escaped nor caught…</i><br>
Sometimes the most horrible thing about a nightmare is the way you seem to have no control over it. When your efforts accomplish nothing, terror sets in. Building upon one of the principal events of bad dreams, the futile chase, the martial artist puts their enemy in the same position. Upon activation of this charm the Martial Artist becomes that terror for the target. As long as the victim moves away from the Martial Artist, the Martial Artist can follow - he is the inevitable horror trailing at the edge of consciousness. No amount of running, flying, or even teleporting can change it. In a nightmare you can never escape what’s chasing you. If the target manages to somehow create a large distance, such as by teleporting or leaping mountains or such they have only gained a temporary reprieve…enough time for fear to set in. The Martial Artist walks the secret nightmare twisted paths beyond creation’s walls and arrives one scene later ('Scene' being what is dramatically appropriate). They tend to appear in some subtle fashion, rounding the corner of a mist choked alley to meet the subject instead of appearing in a flash of light - this holds less true if the target is in a Nightmare World.
Sometimes the most horrible thing about a nightmare is the way you seem to have no control over it. When your efforts accomplish nothing, terror sets in. Building upon one of the principal events of bad dreams, the futile chase, the martial artist puts their enemy in the same position. Upon activation of this charm the Martial Artist becomes that terror for the target. As long as the victim moves away from the Martial Artist, the Martial Artist can follow - he is the inevitable horror trailing at the edge of consciousness. No amount of running, flying, or even teleporting can change it. In a nightmare you can never escape what’s chasing you. If the target manages to somehow create a large distance, such as by teleporting or leaping mountains or such they have only gained a temporary reprieve…enough time for fear to set in. The Martial Artist walks the secret nightmare twisted paths beyond creation’s walls and arrives one scene later ('Scene' being what is dramatically appropriate). They tend to appear in some subtle fashion, rounding the corner of a mist choked alley to meet the subject instead of appearing in a flash of light - this holds less true if the target is in a Nightmare World.  
<b><i>Panic-Provoking Phantasm Assault</b></i>
<b><i>Panic-Provoking Phantasm Assault</b></i>
Line 100: Line 107:
  <b>Duration:</b> Turn
  <b>Duration:</b> Turn
  <b>Type:</b> Reflexive
  <b>Type:</b> Reflexive
<b>Keywords:</b> Obvious
  <b>Min.Martial Arts:</b> 5
  <b>Min.Martial Arts:</b> 5
  <b>Min Essence:</b> 6
  <b>Min Essence:</b> 6
Line 105: Line 113:
<i>His fleetest appearance bade horror linger…</i><br>
<i>His fleetest appearance bade horror linger…</i><br>
Nightmares can sometimes be quite fleeting, and difficult to remember, however, the terror remains. The Exalt who masters this charm mimic’s the fleeting nightmare, the ones who are brief but leave a lingering sense of doom. When this charm is activated, the user appears instantly behind a target they specify, who must be within (Essence)x100 miles. They must be familiar with their target in some way, having at least personally seen them at least once. They automatically win initiative this round, and have the whole round to attack as normal. Just as quickly as their attack began, it abruptly ends. At the end of the round this charm was activated the martial artist reappears where they originally stood. Any damage done during this round is real and lingers afterwards, leaving the target confused, bruised, and afraid.
Nightmares can sometimes be quite fleeting, and difficult to remember, however, the terror remains. The Exalt who masters this charm mimic’s the fleeting nightmare, the ones who are brief but leave a lingering sense of doom. When this charm is activated, the user appears instantly behind a target they specify, who must be within (Essence)x100 miles. They must be familiar with their target in some way, having at least personally seen them at least once. They automatically act on tick 0, and have until the end of their action to attack as normal. Just as quickly as their attack began, it abruptly ends. At the end of the tick on which their action ends the Martial Artist vanishes reappearing where they originally stood at the beginning of their next action. Any damage done during this round is real and lingers afterwards, leaving the target confused, bruised, and afraid.
<b><i>Nightmare Embodiment Transformation</b></i>
<b><i>Nightmare Embodiment Transformation</b></i>
Line 111: Line 119:
  <b>Duration:</b> Scene
  <b>Duration:</b> Scene
  <b>Type:</b> Simple
  <b>Type:</b> Simple
<b>Keywords:</b> Obvious, Shaping
  <b>Min.Martial Arts:</b> 6
  <b>Min.Martial Arts:</b> 6
  <b>Min Essence:</b> 6
  <b>Min Essence:</b> 6
Line 116: Line 125:
<i>He was the nightmare of all who stood against him…</i><br>
<i>He was the nightmare of all who stood against him…</i><br>
This charm transforms the martial artist into one of the embodiments of subconscious fear. It combines the elements of various nightmares into one cohesive shape that defies calm thought. This form varies by Martial Artist and each Martial Artist has a shape carved from their own nightmares…or perhaps their favorite wisp nightmares gleaned from their terrified targets. This charm boosts the user’s lethal and bashing soak by their conviction and makes their base unarmed damage equal to their valor. While in this shape the Exalt can either appear to take no damage whatsoever, until the moment they actually die or choose to make all damage they take seem true horrific. Either way the user gets a presence bonus for intimidation equal to the wound penalties they should be at. The user also crafts a nightmare form upon purchasing this charm with a number of mutation points equal to their PE+10.
This charm transforms the martial artist into one of the embodiments of subconscious fear. It combines the elements of various nightmares into one cohesive shape that defies calm thought. This form varies by Martial Artist and each Martial Artist has a shape carved from their own nightmares…or perhaps their favorite wisp nightmares gleaned from their terrified targets. This charm boosts the user’s lethal and bashing soak by their conviction and makes their base unarmed damage equal to their valor. While in this shape the Exalt can either appear to take no damage whatsoever, until the moment they actually die or choose to make all damage they take seem true horrific. Either way the user gets a presence bonus for intimidation equal to the wound penalties they should be at. The user also crafts a nightmare form upon purchasing this charm with a number of mutation points equal to their PE+10.  
<i>Tirian entered into a strange kata, weaving strands of nightmare essence into a conical shape around him. The essence quickly solidified into a smoking black rock. Then, just as the enemy soldiers began to contemplate the rock-like encasing, they realized it was not a rock at all. The encasing split down the center, spreading out like two great black smoking wings, as a towering Balrog rose out from within them. With a roar it announced its presence to the battlefield, and the enemy soldiers turned on their heels and ran screaming into the night.</i><br>
<i>Tirian entered into a strange kata, weaving strands of nightmare essence into a conical shape around him. The essence quickly solidified into a smoking black rock. Then, just as the enemy soldiers began to contemplate the rock-like encasing, they realized it was not a rock at all. The encasing split down the center, spreading out like two great black smoking wings, as a towering Balrog rose out from within them. With a roar it announced its presence to the battlefield, and the enemy soldiers turned on their heels and ran screaming into the night.
Thick Skin (2), Quills (4)(as magma skin), Giant (4), Gliding Wings (2), Huge (2), Tough (2).
Thick Skin (2), Quills (4)(as magma skin), Giant (4), Gliding Wings (2), Huge (2), Tough (2).  
<b><i>Transcendant Terror Mastery</b></i>
<b><i>Transcendant Terror Mastery</b></i>
Line 126: Line 136:
  <b>Duration:</b> Permanent
  <b>Duration:</b> Permanent
  <b>Type:</b> Special
  <b>Type:</b> Special
<b>Keywords:</b> None
  <b>Min.Martial Arts:</b> 6
  <b>Min.Martial Arts:</b> 6
  <b>Min Essence:</b> 6
  <b>Min Essence:</b> 6
Line 136: Line 147:
This style was originally conceived by a friend of mine named Ofski. Between Ofski, [[Orphen]], and I we worked out the mechanics and revised it to this.  We're pretty happy with the resulting style. - [[BronzeTiger]]
This style was originally conceived by a friend of mine named Ofski. Between Ofski, [[Orphen]], and I we worked out the mechanics and revised it to this.  We're pretty happy with the resulting style. - [[BronzeTiger]]
Thanks Telgar. Can you delete old pages then?  Or move existing pages?  BestPractices is horribly unclear about this.  Just getting used to this wiki thing, any help is always appreciated.  Hope you enjoy the style too. - [[BronzeTiger]]
Thanks Telgar. Can you delete old pages then?  Or move existing pages?  [[BestPractices]] is horribly unclear about this.  Just getting used to this wiki thing, any help is always appreciated.  Hope you enjoy the style too. - [[BronzeTiger]]
Note need to modify Face of Terror Envisaged and Transcendant Terror Mastery. -[[Orphen]]

Latest revision as of 01:17, 6 April 2010


Crimson Talon of Horrors Style
Crimson Talon of Horrors Style is a high essence martial arts style designed around creating fear, both powerful and lasting. Its charms are devastating to cowardly adversaries, and test the will of the valiant. Because it is designed to inspire terror, the form type weapons are a Grimscythe and Grimcleaver (and their normal equivalents). Like most martial arts, this style is incompatible with the use of armor.

This style was invented by a solar night caste known as Tirian the Leper-King, in the Time of Tumult, who wanted to be able to invoke an utter unspeakable horror in those who he fought. In order to finalize his conceptualization of this style, he traveled to Malfeas for inspiration. Taking with him two younger night castes, the three iron wolves silently prowled through the demon city. He analyzed the most horrifying aspects of that which he saw, while also hoping to enlighten the two others he brought with him. He analyzed Octavian, even feeling the oil of his skin. He fended off the approach of the children of Adorjan. He threatened Isidoras itself, even attempting to stand against it. He explored the temple of Erembor, blind in its pitch black halls. Finally, he approached the throne of the Ebon Dragon itself, daring to approach even that Yozi. Every moment of fear, every moment of uncertainty, every moment that may have been his last, he recorded along the way. Every expression of his companions, and each of their reactions he recorded as well. Finally, having thought of all these things, as he stood before the roiling shadows of the Ebon Dragon, as fear washed over him, the style was fully conceptualized. The understanding of horror and what it meant to make others fear made sense. This style did not come into existance until nearly 100 years after the initial disappearance of the Empress, and even then it was only taught to those that earned the respect of the priveledged few who knew it. Those that are taught it must have faced great fear, and come out of it enlightened before they are taught anything. Those that spread knowledge of this style frivolously would surely be hunted by Tirian and the other masters of this style for their disrespect.


There once was a storm-crow hero…
Those who master this martial arts style at least to the form, and dedicate themselves to its ideals gain a certain bearing. Their appearance inspires a sense of dread more so than a normal Exalt. As long as the martial artist carries a visible form type weapon, they gain a bonus of their martial arts score to intimidation rolls.

Terror Invoking Kata</b>

<b>Cost: 6 motes, 1 willpower
Duration: Instant
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-Ok, Obvious
Min Martial Arts: 5
Min Essence: 4 
Prereqs: None 

Whose blade heralded dread…
The motions of the Martial Artist are so vicious that the air itself let’s loose blood curdling screams with each movement. Any physical attacks by the Martial Artist are heralded by the screams of rent reality and those that attempt to defend are down (Martial Artists PE – the Targets Valor) in dice, this is applied like a wound penalty. Further the never-ending echoes of pain playing back on each other and reverberating put all those in PEx10 yards down one to valor rolls. This noise penetrates the hearts and mind of those around the Martial Artist preventing those in the radius from being able to channel valor.

Confidence Penetrating Strike</b>

<b>Cost: 4 motes
Duration: Instant 
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Obvious, Combo-Ok
Min Martial Arts: 5
Min Essence: 4
Prereqs: None

Whom all he struck learned to fear…
Transforming their weapon into the element of fear and cowardice at the moment they strike their enemy, the martial artist with this charm can strip away the courage and resolve of their opponents. As the martial artist strikes their opponent, their weapon (or hand) dissolves, doing no damage. However, as long as the attack roll was successful, the martial artist subtracts one Valor from the target to a minimum of one. A mortal that would be reduced to valor 0 with this attack instead runs fleeing in senseless terror, and will most likely go insane before the effects of this charm wear off. Those whose valor cannot be reduced below a certain amount begin losing 1 willpower per application of this charm after their valor has reached its minimum. Valor loss due to this charm comes back at a rate of 1 point per day. Willpower is regained through normal means.

Inner Demon Rising</b>

<b>Cost: 10 motes, 1 willpower
Duration: Instant
Type: Simple
Keywords: None
Min.Martial Arts: 5
Min Essence: 4
Prereqs: Terror Invoking Kata, Confidence Penetrating Strike

And who brought nightmares to those he beheld…
The Martial Artist dredges forth from the deepest recesses of his soul a dark nightmare secret not meant for this world. This secret is whispered forth and carries the length of a single breath before the waking world cringes from it, leaving it to the void of that which isn’t. In that time it can seep into the mind of the martial artist’s target hiding from the waking world, and drawing its wrath to the target. This charm has a range of 500 cubits, a 6th of a mile, or roughly 300 yards. The Martial Artist rolls Charisma + Martial Arts against the targets MDV. If the roll is successful the target draws the ire of creation for a turning of the moon, during this time they are afflicted with the nightmares flaw and a one point enemy flaw. A person inflicted with this subtle charm suffers from terrible nightmares every time they fall asleep. The nightmares are not influenced by the martial artist; the target’s own secret fears resonate with the whispered nothing and are personal to the target. If the afflicted target wishes to shake off the nightmares, they can do so with a descriptive stunt and a successful willpower roll at a difficulty equal to the Martial artist’s (PE+1) – the Target’s Valor . They may make one attempt per nights rest. Overcoming a terrible nightmare is a very satisfying and cathartic experience as is the withdraw of the ire of waking world. Those who overcome a nightmare immediately regain a number of temporary willpower equal to the dif -2, this has a minimum of 0.

Crimson Talon of Horrors Form</b>

<b>Cost: 10 motes, 1 willpower
Duration: Scene
Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-Type, Obvious
Min.Martial Arts: 5
Min Essence: 5
Prereqs: Inner Demon Rising

His wrath lingered perpetually, a terrible reminder…
The adepts of the Crimson Talon of Horrors Form often become the worst nightmares of those who survive their assault. Crimson Talon martial artists often refer to these survivors as “The Unfortunate.” Upon assuming the Crimson Talon of Horrors Form, the martial artist becomes the embodiment of the darkest dreams. Shadows of screams and moans float around the character like tangible fear while their movements invoke unsettling anticipation and distress. Their strikes carve deep and leave lasting marks to remind those that escape of the horror they have seen. Individuals seeing the Exalt observe a striking likeness to that which they fear the most. Those in combat with the Martial Artist must pass a valor roll each round or flee. Those who are forced to flee may defend themselves. Much like a horrible nightmare, the attacks of the Exalt linger long after the combat. Thus the Exalt’s attacks take ten times as long to heal and leave terrible scars, even on Exalts. Whenever the wounded has a natural nightmare in the future, they wake up to find the scars burning uncomfortably. The Martial Artist may use one of their mutations from Nightmare Embodiment Transformation if they have the charm.

Face of Terror Envisaged</b>

<b>Cost: 7 motes
Duration: Instant
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Obvious, Combo-Ok
Min.Martial Arts: 5
Min Essence: 5
Prereqs: Crimson Talon of Horrors Form

His visage paralyzed the valiant…
If terror had a face, what would it look like? Although it may vary from individual to individual, through this charm a universal visage is found. Weaving the essence around them into layers of emanating fear, the martial artist produces a visage so terrifying that it can paralyze even the most valiant of Exalted heroes in fear. The Martial Artist may attempt to use this as a parry, instead of a traditional parry, the Martial Artist forces the attacker to roll valor at a dif of 2 or not attack.

Nightmare World Unfolds</b>

<b>Cost: 10 motes, 1 willpower 
Duration: Instant
Type: Simple
Keywords: Obvious, Combo-Ok
Min.Martial Arts: 5
Min Essence: 6
Prereqs: Face of Terror Envisaged

His passing twisted the world…
One of the most terrifying things about a bad dream is the strange world in which it occurs. Things are never quite as they seem there, shapes twist and distort without reason, and the landscape can work against you. A martial artist invoking this charm twists the essence around them into their movements, braiding nightmare with the threads of reality. At the end of the round in which this is invoked, the world begins to take on a hellish distortion. The scenery around you gains a wisp-like ethereal nature and takes on a sickly green pallor. The space between objects shifts noticeably and things become far more ominous. These changes are no illusion, and after an invocation of this charm the area around the Exalt is indeed left surreally twisted. The effects of this charm permeate an area with a radius around the Exalt equal to (Permanent Essence + Martial Arts)x10 yards. While in the area the Martial Artist’s natural Essence respiration is doubled and the costs of the charms in this style are lowered by 2 motes. Any other person in the area can’t naturally respire essence and stunts they perform are down one level.

Relentless Pursuer's Dance</b>

<b>Cost: 5 motes, 1 willpower
Duration: 1 Hour
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-Ok
Min.Martial Arts: 5 
Min Essence: 5
Prereqs: Crimson Talon of Horrors Form

He could be neither escaped nor caught…
Sometimes the most horrible thing about a nightmare is the way you seem to have no control over it. When your efforts accomplish nothing, terror sets in. Building upon one of the principal events of bad dreams, the futile chase, the martial artist puts their enemy in the same position. Upon activation of this charm the Martial Artist becomes that terror for the target. As long as the victim moves away from the Martial Artist, the Martial Artist can follow - he is the inevitable horror trailing at the edge of consciousness. No amount of running, flying, or even teleporting can change it. In a nightmare you can never escape what’s chasing you. If the target manages to somehow create a large distance, such as by teleporting or leaping mountains or such they have only gained a temporary reprieve…enough time for fear to set in. The Martial Artist walks the secret nightmare twisted paths beyond creation’s walls and arrives one scene later ('Scene' being what is dramatically appropriate). They tend to appear in some subtle fashion, rounding the corner of a mist choked alley to meet the subject instead of appearing in a flash of light - this holds less true if the target is in a Nightmare World.

Panic-Provoking Phantasm Assault</b>

<b>Cost: 20 motes, 2 willpower
Duration: Turn
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Obvious
Min.Martial Arts: 5
Min Essence: 6
Prereqs: Relentless Pursuer's Dance

His fleetest appearance bade horror linger…
Nightmares can sometimes be quite fleeting, and difficult to remember, however, the terror remains. The Exalt who masters this charm mimic’s the fleeting nightmare, the ones who are brief but leave a lingering sense of doom. When this charm is activated, the user appears instantly behind a target they specify, who must be within (Essence)x100 miles. They must be familiar with their target in some way, having at least personally seen them at least once. They automatically act on tick 0, and have until the end of their action to attack as normal. Just as quickly as their attack began, it abruptly ends. At the end of the tick on which their action ends the Martial Artist vanishes reappearing where they originally stood at the beginning of their next action. Any damage done during this round is real and lingers afterwards, leaving the target confused, bruised, and afraid.

Nightmare Embodiment Transformation</b>

<b>Cost: 15 motes, 1 willpower
Duration: Scene
Type: Simple
Keywords: Obvious, Shaping
Min.Martial Arts: 6
Min Essence: 6
Prereqs: Panic-Provoking Phantasm Assault, Nightmare World Unfolds

He was the nightmare of all who stood against him…
This charm transforms the martial artist into one of the embodiments of subconscious fear. It combines the elements of various nightmares into one cohesive shape that defies calm thought. This form varies by Martial Artist and each Martial Artist has a shape carved from their own nightmares…or perhaps their favorite wisp nightmares gleaned from their terrified targets. This charm boosts the user’s lethal and bashing soak by their conviction and makes their base unarmed damage equal to their valor. While in this shape the Exalt can either appear to take no damage whatsoever, until the moment they actually die or choose to make all damage they take seem true horrific. Either way the user gets a presence bonus for intimidation equal to the wound penalties they should be at. The user also crafts a nightmare form upon purchasing this charm with a number of mutation points equal to their PE+10.

Example: Tirian entered into a strange kata, weaving strands of nightmare essence into a conical shape around him. The essence quickly solidified into a smoking black rock. Then, just as the enemy soldiers began to contemplate the rock-like encasing, they realized it was not a rock at all. The encasing split down the center, spreading out like two great black smoking wings, as a towering Balrog rose out from within them. With a roar it announced its presence to the battlefield, and the enemy soldiers turned on their heels and ran screaming into the night. Thick Skin (2), Quills (4)(as magma skin), Giant (4), Gliding Wings (2), Huge (2), Tough (2).

<i>Transcendant Terror Mastery

Cost: -
Duration: Permanent
Type: Special
Keywords: None
Min.Martial Arts: 6
Min Essence: 6
Prereqs: Nightmare Embodiment Transformation

Yet he was his own worst nightmare.
At this level of mastery the martial artist realizes the truth. In mastering this style the Exalt has become the greatest of nightmares, even his own. Knowing that they have become in many ways the embodiment of fear, fear holds no power over them. The Exalt can reflexively spend one mote to automatically succeed at any Valor roll.


This style was originally conceived by a friend of mine named Ofski. Between Ofski, Orphen, and I we worked out the mechanics and revised it to this. We're pretty happy with the resulting style. - BronzeTiger

Thanks Telgar. Can you delete old pages then? Or move existing pages? BestPractices is horribly unclear about this. Just getting used to this wiki thing, any help is always appreciated. Hope you enjoy the style too. - BronzeTiger

Note need to modify Face of Terror Envisaged and Transcendant Terror Mastery. -Orphen