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Session Start (gryphon.magicstar.net:#MegaConkerParadise): Fri May 27 18:44:18 2005
Session Start (gryphon.magicstar.net:#[[MegaConkerParadise]]): Fri May 27 18:44:18 2005
=== Last time... ===
=== Last time... ===
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Latest revision as of 22:26, 8 June 2010

Session Start (gryphon.magicstar.net:#MegaConkerParadise): Fri May 27 18:44:18 2005

Last time...

<Omabwa> "Did you know your parents?"

Ana looks as though she's about to launch into a long story, and then stops. "I knew them about as well as you know yours," she says with a half-smile. "I was entrusted into the care of a boarding school at a very young age, and when I was old enough to leave, no one would tell me who paid for it, or where I could find them to thank them."

<Omabwa> "Then we have a mystery to unfold."

<CaptainVaschir> "What, just the one?"

<Ana> "It seems like there's a lot of that going on, yes."

<Omabwa> "All the more fun to explore."

<CaptainVaschir> "Yeah. I'm so overflowing with enthusiasm I can scare keep the laughter from bubbling out me. And on that note, I'm turning in."

<Omabwa> "I think," Omabwa says, "we have had a long journey today, and we are all tired. Let's all."

<Ana> "That is an excellent idea, Omabwa."

The light in Ombalu's sanctum fades like a sunset; chirping insetcs lull the three Solars to sleep.


When Ana and Vaschir awake, Omabwa's bed is empty and cool. The light inside Ombalu's baobab-sanctum has risen to a comfortable morning glow.

Fruit-laden branches still reach down toward the stumplike table in the center of the chamber. Neither Ombalu, nor his young protege, are in evidence.

<CaptainVaschir> "huh, wonder where Captain No-Pants went"

Ana stretches luxuriously. "That was surprisingly comfortable."

<Ana> "Hm. Maybe they're out getting food?"

<CaptainVaschir> "Maybe, but we've still ceiling-fruit here," Vaschir says, pointing at a mango for emphasis

Everything in the sanctum -- unsurprisingly -- has a musty odor about it, a mixture of wood and bear scents.

<CaptainVaschir> "Then again, we are out of revolting insects"

Perhaps unfortunately from certain points of view, Ombalu seems to have secreted his collection of First Age artifacts away; they are no longer on open display.

<Ana> "Anyway, it makes me uneasy, when you consider how much everyone but them hates humans."

<CaptainVaschir> "Well the pigs did say as long as we're on the bear's territory there shouldn't be trouble, so I guess it comes down to whether or not you trust them. Me, I figure they're debating which of them gets to noisily devour us"

<CaptainVaschir> "Then again, we're both supposedly imbued with celestial/demonic superpowers now, depending, so maybe we don't fall under the usual headings of dinner anymore."

Dust motes swirl quietly through the shafts of light descending from some indeterminate point overhead.

<Ana> "Yay. So it all comes down to whether we're scarier than the people-eaters?"

<CaptainVaschir> Vaschir begins wandering idly around the chamber, half hoping to stumble upon some artifact that Ombalu overlooked when removing all the goodies.

A bright blue, juicy-looking bug squeezes out of a crack in the wall and trundles its way determinedly across the floor.

The pirate captain doesn't notice any obvious trapdoors or other traditional treasure-hiding paraphernalia.

<Ana> "Looking for something to steal?"

<CaptainVaschir> "No more so than usual"

The shape of the room might have changed slightly since last night; a little less circular, a bit smaller.

Ana glances around the room, in an attempt to look far more casual about looking for loot.

It still has the one large crack, through which the group entered, and its walls extend an improbable distance upward.

The ceiling, if there is one, is lost in haze.

<Ana> "Don't suppose you feel like climbing?"

<CaptainVaschir> "Not really, I was thinking of seeing if we can leave or not, though"

<Ana> "After you. If there's some sort of giant maneating monkey outside, I'm reasonably sure I can outrun you."

Ana gestures grandly to the crack in the wall.

A glistening green bottle fly flies down from somewhere overhead and begins buzzing annoyingly around the fruit branch.

<CaptainVaschir> "Oh by all means after you," Vaschir says, sketching a sarcastic half-bow

Ana smirks. "That's fine. I can introduce the main course." Looking less sure than she sounds, Ana begins winding her way through the crack.

The crack is dark narrow, much like the one on the outside of the tree.

<CaptainVaschir> Vaschir follows into the improbably narrow crack

It grows narrower as Ana pushes in, its splintery walls catching at her already-tattered clothes.

It seems like she'll be stuck between Vaschir and a hard place, but then she notices that the fissure curves in an odd way.

<Ana> "Hm."

<CaptainVaschir> "what's the holdup?"

The turn seems to be more in her mind than in the wood itself, but once she takes it, the crack is narrowing behind her and widening in front.

<Ana> "You'll see," she calls back.

Daylight, more defined than the idealized glow inside the bear's house, greets her.

Behind her, Vaschir finds himself drawn around the same metaphorical bend, back onto the island.

<Ana> "Well, that was entertaining. What now?"

<CaptainVaschir> "well that would have been weird, in any other context."

The deep grass sighs gently in a mild breeze.

The sun is just above the rise to the east; the meadow is scattered with patches of colored light, reflected and refracted back from the shattered adamant wall looming to the west.

The shriek of a hunting bird wafts from far away.

A quick look about reveals no sign of anyone else in the meadow -- at least, not anyone large enough to protrude above the almost shoulder-high grass.

<Ana> "Should we leave a note for Omabwa? I don't like exploring without letting him know where we went, but I certainly don't want those boars knowing where we go, either."

<CaptainVaschir> "If we did, do you think he could read it?"

<Ana> "I don't know. The bear might. He seemed offended that I thought he'd never heard of the Realm."

<Ana> "Maybe this whole place is like an overeducated zoo; I don't know."

<CaptainVaschir> "I was figuring on just poking around the nearby ruins without getting out of sight of the tree, thus to have a plausible excuse should the boars reapper."

<Ana> "Plausible is good. Shall we?"

<CaptainVaschir> "Can't think of a reason not to, or at least any I can't easily ignore"

<CaptainVaschir> Vaschir begins casing the nearby ruins for future plundering potential

The forest throught which they journeyed yesterday came rises to the east, dark and mysterious through the last wisps of morning fog.

Ana keeps a wary eye out for malcontent mammals.

To the west, the occasional glint of marble shines from between scattered trees.

Further along, the morning sun glints from white sands and water. Yesterday's walk apparently took them almost to the other end of the island.

<CaptainVaschir> Vaschir starting whistling a sea chanty, most likely one concerning rum and brawling

As he and Ana push their way through the rustling stalks, a flock of birds explodes out of the grass in front of them and flies away.

Ana blinks briefly, startled.

<CaptainVaschir> "I really hope those we're sentries from some giant bird thing"

<CaptainVaschir> "Err, weren't, I mean"

<Ana> "Well, if they were, we have more time than if they were something more vicious. I'm fine with that."

Ana's foot catches on a piece of masonry, weathered smooth by centuries of wind and rain.

<Ana> "Oww." The young woman looks down, examining the brick. "Looks like we're getting close to something, anyway."

The grasses' height gradually decrease as the two move forward, giving way to low shrubs and crooked-trunked trees.

Broken columns emerge from the shadow of a juvenile baobab as the pair pass the fat tree.

Soon, the grass is only ankle-height; it's easy to see that the field is strewn with rubble.

<CaptainVaschir> "Here we go, now let's see what we got," Vaschir says, beginning to poke through the large ruin-heaps.

A few hundred yards further west, the meadow slopes downward to rolling dunes. They aren't yet close enough to hear the sea, but they can hear the gulls, noisily staking claim to the tastiest, most scavengeable crustaceans.

The rubble is all extremely aged, like that they'd seen in the jungle.

<Ana> "Indeed. This might be a good place to start claiming our rightful treasures." Squinting, Ana peers intently for any particularly shiny objects.

Square edges have been worn down to smooth curves; many of the debris looks like it could be simply natural stones.

<CaptainVaschir> "So while we've got the chance, do you put any stock in the whole 'possessions we left here in our previous incarnations' or whatever Ombalu was going on about last night?" Vaschir asks.

The most intact ruin seems to be a waist-high wall, partly screened by a stand of thick-leafed shrubs.

<Ana> "If the creatures here are willing to let us leave while loaded down with valuables, I'm somehow fine with that. The details are less important."

<CaptainVaschir> "Hey, no objections here."

Grasshoppers leap away from her, flying away with a low buzz, as she pokes about.

Ana goes to examine the low wall, trying to determine if it holds any clues to what this place used to be.

Like most of the ruins she's seen so far, the wall is made of a white, marble-like stone, pitted by age but showing surprisingly little discoloration.

Looking about her, she begins to make out some general outlines.

In some places, there are fewer trees, and the grass pokes up through shattered cobblestones.

In others, the hints of crumbled foundations form the rough outlines of buildings long since turned to gravel and dust.

<Ana> "I'm definitely starting to believe the talk of how few humans have been here recently."

Her impression is that Ombalu's baobab marks the center of what might once have been a park or agora; the place they are currently standing looks like it could have been a block of buildings.

The ground is less level here, suggesting collapsed basements and piles of rubble, smoothed out by an Age of erosion.

<CaptainVaschir> "I'll buy that, we were out in at the edge of the shipping lanes as it was when the Kracken attacked, and as far as I can tell we ended up even further out afterwards. Likely no ship's stopped here since, well, just about forever."

As much as she and Vaschir might wish otherwise, their eyes catch no sparkles of bright metal or gems; any valuables lying about have certainly been collected over the years, either by gods like Ombalu, or, much more prosaically, birds looking for shiny nest ornaments.

<Ana> "At least we're getting a fascinating history lesson."

<CaptainVaschir> "I'm beginning to think this is going to take a while if we're going to turn up anything the animals haven't already taken."

Of course, it could be that they are standing less than a yard above a treasure-trove beyond the dreams of avarice... but their distinct lack of shovels makes that particular notion difficult to empirically investigate.

As they continue their exploration, the sun gradually climbs toward its zenith.

A multitude of noisy insects celebrate its ascent to glory.

As dawn gives way to midday, Ana and Vaschir both feel an unusual sensation.

... or perhaps a lack of one, less of a feeling of leashed power.

<CaptainVaschir> Vaschir sits down on a piece of fallen column to catch his breath.

The rising sun casts shifting shadows across the rocky bluffs to the southwest.

Ana lounges on the low wall, staring back towards Ombalu's tree, looking for signs of movement.

<CaptainVaschir> "Seriously, where are those two?"

The new angle of light falling across the cliffs suggests previously-hidden outlines; it looks like there was once something carved into the cliffs. Enormous figures, perhaps? It is hard to tell through the haze of tropical humidity.

A low rumble transmits through the ground.

<Ana> "Umm.. That's not good."

<CaptainVaschir> "Earthquake? Charging boar god? Both?"

It sounds like a far-off thunderclap, but moving through the ground instead of the air.

<CaptainVaschir> "You remember that happenin at all yesterday? 'Cause I sure don't."

Looking around for the source of the sound, the two Solars' eyes are drawn to the summit of the island. A cloud of smoke is billowing from the mountaintop, shot through with roiling orange highlights.

Ana stands up. "I don't think wide, open plains are the best place to be when a volcano erupts. Do you want to head back to the tree?

As they watch, several smaller fireballs blossom at its base, accompanied by similar -- though much quieter -- noises.

After that, the volcano -- or whatever it is that is exploding up there -- seems to calm down.

<CaptainVaschir> "Great, just what I love to do, inhale molten rock."

<Ana> "I'll remember that next time I'm looking for a way to cheer you up."

The smoke clumps begin drifting away, black sheep among the flock of low clouds gathered around the island's highest reaches.

<CaptainVaschir> "Wonder how often that happens, and what the locals will think it portends."

<Ana> "Whatever it means, I'm sure it has something to do with us being a bad thing for the island."

<CaptainVaschir> "Kinda what I figured, too."

<CaptainVaschir> Vaschir goes back to poking through rubble, uncertain as to why he's still feeling a bit off.

Thinking about it more closely, he realizes that he's no longer feeling the tingle in his forehead he did during the hours of dawn.

It felt so familiar that he only noticed it once it was gone.

<CaptainVaschir> "Huh"

<Ana> "What?"

<CaptainVaschir> "I just half-figured something out, but have no idea of its relevence or importance."

<CaptainVaschir> "Since around noon I've been feeling a little off, lessened somehow, and I just realized my forehead was tingling earlier and has stopped."

<Ana> "Your forehead looks fine to me."

<CaptainVaschir> "Like I said, I have no idea if it means anything at all"

Ana shrugs and heads towards the cliffs, to better examine the carvings.

<Ana> "It probably means you're thirsty," Ana calls behind her.

The cliffs are farther away than she'd originally thought, but the downward slope of the ground makes it easy going.

<CaptainVaschir> Thinking a drink might help, Vaschir looks for a nearby nonstagnant fresh-water source

His quest leads him to a portion of ground mostly covered in white-and-gray paving tiles.

He can hear water gurgling somewhere nearby, but there aren't any streams or pools in evidence.

<CaptainVaschir> Vaschir turns his head and bend down a bit, to try to discern if it's some buried pipe or cistern.

The noise definitely seems to be coming from under the ground. Searching about, he notices a long depression in the cobble surface -- though mostly filled with dirt and detritus, it is still recognizable as some kind of gutter.

It seems dry, but right near where the cobbles begin to be totally overrun by weeds and grass, it seems to lead to a mediuym-sized hole, overshadowed by a leafy shrub.

<CaptainVaschir> Vaschir pushes back the shrub to better see what he's found

The water-gurgling sounds are definitely coming from the hole.

It looks to be about a yard across, with slightly caved-in edges, leading into a larger underground tunnel or chamber. Several feet below, running water throws the occasional glimmer up at him; it's too dark for him to see anything else down there.

As Vaschir peers into what seems to be an ancient storm-drain, Ana approaches the cliffs.

Though heavily weathered, it is clear that they were once carved into enormous bas-relief sculptures.

The eroded outline of a four-armed figure is fairly easy to make out; he stands about forty feet tall, his feet at the bottom of the cliff and his shoulders at the top.

At one point, the image presumably included a head, but it seems to have been sheared off by some ancient disaster; the cliffs don't actually go any higher than the figure's shoulders.

The figure is holding things in his hands; they're too eroded to make out, but the disc-shaped device on his breastplate is still recognizable.

<Ana> "Hey-- this isn't lost riches of the ancient past, but you might find this interesting anyway," Ana calls from across the meadow.

<CaptainVaschir> Vaschir turns away from a potential spill into the ancient sewer and goes to see what the deal is

To his left are two much more badly damaged figures, their curves suggesting women in repose. Their proximity suggests that they must be... very close friends.

Five and a half pairs of feet are visible on the four-armed figure's right, but the bodies they go with have long ago been destroyed; they're probably lying in a thousand pieces among the piles of rocks and boulders that strew the eastern end of the cliffs.

<CaptainVaschir> "Big guy's head has gone missing, I see," Vaschir says upon reaching Ana's vantage point.

Ana points up at the four-armed figure. "You know that stuff about us being chosen by the Unconquered Sun? That's him. Or rather, an old facsimile."

<CaptainVaschir> "Any idea who the two broads are next to him?"

<Ana> "I don't know. Maybe the distraction while the Anathema stole their powers from him."

<CaptainVaschir> "You're probably going to want to stop calling them...us that, considering. I know I'm not feeling any more villanious than usual, and I'm guessing you're not either."

<Ana> "I'm not villainous in the first place-- that's the difference."

<CaptainVaschir> "But if all that anathema crap was true, shouldn't you be now?"

<Ana> "I don't know. Maybe there's some kind of weird, nice force on this island making us all behave. Who knows?"

<CaptainVaschir> "I mean from what I remember of the sanctimonious garbage the Immaculates prate on about, we should both be slavering at the mouth and stabbing the innocent."

<Ana> "Or throwing innocent women overboard?" Ana narrows her eyes at Vaschir. "I'm not so sure you weren't like this before. In which case, if I caught this nonsense from you, you will pay."

<CaptainVaschir> "Whatever you are and did to get on that ship before I showed up, I doubt innocence had a damn thing to do with it," Vaschir glares back. "They locked you up, and were going to deep six you before I even boarded that vessel, and I know they weren't also pirates."

<Ana> "So other people being evil is a perfect excuse for you to pick up where they leave off?" Ana asks archly.

<CaptainVaschir> "You want to keep blaming your problems and bad decisions on me feel free, but know that this damsel in distress crap is getting a bit stale and wasn't believable in the first place"

Ana gapes, genuinely shocked and at a loss for words. She bites her lip for a long moment before finally bursting out with, "Gee, Ana, I'm REALLY SORRY I almost killed you, because ypu

<Ana> ou're a nice person, and otherwise I'd be ALL ALONE with a barbarian on an island of MAN-EATING ANIMALS."

Ana promptly turns on her heel and begins walking back towards the tree.

<CaptainVaschir> "Dames," Vaschir mutters disgustedly, watching her go.

As Ana stomps back through the grass, toward the big baobab, something catches her eye.

Ana stops mid-huff and looks.

Several figures are moving toward Ombalu's tree from the east. Although not all of them are tall enough to be visible above the grass, they're spread out in a line, and there are enough of them that they've left a sizeable wake of flattened and disturbed vegetation behind them.

Ana squats in the tall grass, looking around for an unoccupied and somewhat lush tree to climb.

The largest of the figures is the one at the center, his huge, bristly back rising well above the baldes of grass.

Although his head is largely hidden, his ears and tusks poke up enough to be visible.

This, along with his purposeful advance -- which sends barely-perceptible shivers through the ground as his hooves fall -- leaves little doubt in her mind that it is Pumbaata, the boar sheriff. Or possibly his twin brother.

As she peeks through the tall stalks, it seems to Ana that the boar-god and his posse are heading straight for the tree; they either haven't noticed her, or don't care that she's there.

<Ana> "This has GOT to be the worst day since yesterday," Ana mutters to herself.

<Ana> Curiosity winning out over common sense, Ana creeps closer, as quietly as possible, trying not to disrupt the grass as she moves.

She discovers that it's pretty easy going once she ducks down, to the level where the plants become more stalk than blade.

The occasional insect leaps away -- or onto her -- but she manages to wend her way along without making too much of a disturbance.

At least, she thinks she's doing pretty well.

Standing up for a quick peek, she determines that she has moved to within a dozen yards of the baobab.

Ana stops to listen intently.

The advancing boars, unconcerned with stealth, are already there, forming a rough half-circle around the bulging trunk.

One of them flicks an ear in her direction; she ducks down hurriedly.

Crouched in the crisscrossing shadows of the grasses, Ana hears the boars talking.

"There doesn't seem to be anyone inside, lord Pumbaata," reports a gruff-voice.

"They must have already fled," rumbles Pumbaata. Even from many yards away, the force of his voice causes the grass stalks to shake and rustle.

"Perhaps," acknowledges another voice, much softer than the boar-god's. Although it seems barely more than a murmur, it carries an undercurrent of power that makes it just as easy to hear as Pumbaata's stentorian tones.

Ana turns to sneak back and warn Vaschir, but pauses. She's still angry, and doesn't want to risk moving anyway.

"The boy's jaguar friend may have warned them we were coming," the soft voice continues, its words slithering into her ears and coiling themselves around her mind.

"They won't have gone far," rumbles Pumbaata. "They know they're only here under the bear's protection."

Ana is mildly shocked that Omabwa would run from trouble without alerting them.

"That may be," the quiet speaker replies, "but you should not be too sure. Men are tricksy creatures, who answer to no law but their own."

Pumbaata humphs, his exhalation sending ripples through the grass.

"I will have my deputies search the area. I assure you, Magistrate, we'll find the humans soon enough. They do not know the island as we do."

Ana begins to ponder how far her newfound, untested Anathema-powers might allow her to swim.

Ana takes this moment to begin creeping back the way she came, stealthily and with purpose.

The soft voice sighs, a contemplative, hissing sound. "I do not necessarily share your optimism, constable... but send out your boars nonetheless. I will return to my bower; perhaps I can... persuade the boy to be more forthcoming, though I suspect he knows little."

"We could always use him as bait," suggests the great boar.

Behind her, Ana hears the sounds of snuffling noses, and heavy bodies pushing through the grass.

Ana slithers along the ground quickly and carefully, breathing only when inching forward on her elbows, mentally cursing every crazy situation which lead up to this moment. The more she can act like an animal, she reasons, the more difficult it will be for the boar to pick out the telltale human sounds and movement.

<Ana> She mentally prepares for the moment she feels a shadow over her body, in case she has to leap to her feet and sprint.

"Inelegant." The soft voice sounds somewhat disappointed that Pumbaata would even suggest such a crude tactic.

"Sir!" one of the boars snorts.

"I've caught their scent. The trail leads this way."

"Excellent," Pumbaata rumbles. "We'll have them in minutes," he smugly assures the unseen magistrate.

Ana begins to concentrate more on speed and less on stealth.

She hears large bodies crashing purposefully along behind her... but after the initial jolt of fear, she quickly realizes that the pigs are actually angling slightly away from her. They must be following the trail she and Vaschir left hours ago, this morning!

They're still moving faster than she, though; they may soon flank her.

Ana begins moving to the side, out of the way of their path.

The grass is beginning to thin out and become shorter. Fortunately, this means she's moving out of the ancient plaza, and into the rubble-strewn area, which is filled with debris large enough to hide behind.

Ana crouches, nearly in the fetal position, behind a large chunk of ruin.

Vaschir, meanwhile, has made his way back to the ruins.

He's found a convenient column, not too far away from the old sewer entrance, and is sitting on it, muttering darkly to himself about Ana's probable ancestry.

<CaptainVaschir> Vaschir glances up from his angry muttering, noticing that the birds have flown en masse from the treeline. Within moments the cause is apparent as two of the smaller boar deputies emerge, heads down. More pissed off than worried at the moment, he checked to make sure he still has stabbing weapons concealed in the appropriate locations of his person and prepares for the second batch of crap to fall in his lap

<CaptainVaschir> If they were supernatural agents of natures, his burning glare of barely-concealed anger and contempt would probably be a bit disturbing

<CaptainVaschir> err, weren't.

Fortunately for him, the boars have their heads down, noses held close to the ground; they don't seem to have seen him, but if he remains in his visible position for more than a few seconds, even the nearsighted swine can't fail to notice his presence.

Ana stands up quickly, waving her arms frantically in an attempt to get his attention, and then dives back behind her rubble.

Ana also does this as quietly as one can.

<CaptainVaschir> Knowing from vast personal experience that running or hiding is seen by most authorities as an implicit sign of guilt, Vaschir makes no attempt to do either but stands defiantly, certain for once that he's not done anything wrong.

The two boars emerge into the open; behind them, the bristly razorbacks of three of their comrades swiftly approach through the grass, fanning out as they do so.

Ana is dumbfounded by Vaschir's stupidity.

The massive form of Pumbaata advances at a more leisurely pace, some distance behind them. He is still in the tallest grass; ripples spread out through it with each of his heavy footfalls.

The two lead boars raise their heads, sniffing the air. The one with a scar over his left eye snorts in surprise as he sees Vaschir standing there.

"We've found them!" he bellows. His fellow boars immediately pick up their pace, charging out of the grass.

<CaptainVaschir> "Congratulations, master of the obvious" Vaschir mutters

Scar-face and his partner stand their ground, while the other three boars circle around, flanking the captain.

"Excellent." The distant thunder of Pumbaata's voice is echoed by another small eruption at the island's summit. The omnipresent drone of insects falters for a moment in the wake of the twin rumbles.

<CaptainVaschir> "'Bout time the organ grinder got here" Vaschir mutters, again.

A boar rushes past Ana's hiding spot, close enough that his hooves kick a bit of gravel onto her.

<Ana> A small yelp of fear dies silently in her throat.

Luckily, he does not seem to notice her.

The boars quickly encircle Vaschir, keeping a wary distance. Pumbaata emerges from the grass, treading inexorably forward like some kind of porcine glacier. A fallen column shatters under his hoof.

The scar-faced boar, and his white-striped partner, step to the side as their leader strides up between them.

<CaptainVaschir> Vaschir does the neck-crack move, in an attempt to look as confident as possible.

Next to the rhinoceros-sized god, the deputies look like little more than piglets.

"Not far at all," he remarks, seeming quite pleased to himself.

<CaptainVaschir> "Glad to hear it, I wouldn't want you to get tired on my account"

"I was half hoping for a better chase," Pumbaata says. Each breath that leaves his nostrils kicks up a small cloud of dust and dry leaves. "The Exalted of this Age are truly only shadows of their old selves."

He takes a step forward, pulverizing a patch of cobblestones. All the other boars advance with him, closing the noose.

<CaptainVaschir> "Ah a chase, was it? Running from something was I? Silly me, I could have sworn I came out here out of boredom and you lot showing up was an unexpected interruption of an already crappy day."

They crouch warily, backs bristling and tusks held at the ready. Beady eyes watch Vaschir's every move.

<CaptainVaschir> Vaschir drops his hands to his hips and saunters a step closer to Pumbaata, determined not to let the boar god gain the initiative, "Well out with it, why are you 'chasing' me?"

"So the boy's pet didn't manage to warn you, after all?" Pumbaata takes another step.

Ana picks up a decent chunk of rock, intently feeling the direction of the wind, and begins to plot arcs in her head.

"No matter. Surrender now, and you'll not be harmed."

<CaptainVaschir> "Haven't a clue what you're talking about, chief."

He takes another step. Pebbles shake loose from the low wall Ana crouches behind.

<CaptainVaschir> "I'm still on the bear's territory, pal, and I haven't done a goddamn thing out of step since I got here so you best at least lay charges or things are going to get real ugly real quick!" Vaschir takes another step towards Pumbaata, near screaming in fury as he speaks.

"Due to the boy's actions, the bear can no longer protect him. By order of Chief Magistrate Kaa, we're taking all outsiders into custody."

The great boar's jet-black eyes watch the man's advance with bemusement.

Ana takes a deep breath, closes her eyes, and with a total sense of purpose, she releases the rock at breakneck speed.

<CaptainVaschir> "I see, I see what's going down here. You fucked up and something went down, and now you're looking for a patsy to cover that you blew it, constable!"

Fire sparks in Pumbaata's glittering gaze, but before he can reply, Ana's rock arcs in from his flank, its spin pulling along a curving path.

It strikes him on the shoulder and bounces off.

<CaptainVaschir> Vaschir tenses, waiting to see if the boar is about to explode into violence.

Pumbaata's skin ripples, as if shaking off flies.

He cocks his head slightly to the side.

<CaptainVaschir> Vaschir shoots a look off to the side as well, looking for the thrower.


"...find the woman, too."

<CaptainVaschir> "Goddammit that woman will be the death of me" Vaschir mutters, rolling his eyes.

"Sir!" the striped and scarfaced pigs leave his side, rushing off.

Ana begins inching her way towards another fallen pillar, a few yards behind Vaschir.

They appear to have been deceived by her curving throw, and head in the wrong direction... until Pumbaata speaks.

"That way."

He tosses his head.

"Tricky throw, girl," he bellows, not taking his eyes off Vaschir.

"I give you points for bravery!"

<CaptainVaschir> Vaschir continues to stare right back

"I don't want to hurt you" -- this seems like more of a pro forma statement than any expression of genuine sentiment -- "so come out now."

<Ana> That does it; Ana stands up from her position. "You had better give me points for being woefully mistreated by the likes of you! We are chosen of the Sun, and you have no right to hold me or this man. Or Omabwa, for that matter. We will deal with the grevious insult of not being treated as befit our station, but we demand safe passage from this island for all three of us."

"There is an easy way and a hard way for me to bring you back for questioning." He snorts. "They're both pretty easy for me."

"Two baby Exalted do not frighten me."

<CaptainVaschir> "Real easy to transplant all that guilt too, isn't it? For whatever you FAILED to prevent, right? For whatever you're so eager to dump on us, rather than figure out what really happened."

"This is the Isle of Beasts, and the laws of men have no place here."

<Ana> "Does the four-armed wrath of the Unconquered Sun as he chokes the insolence from your unworthy carcass?"

<Ana> "We speak of the laws of gods, not of men. If you are the spirit you seem to be, you will know I am demanding what is just."

He bristles, seeming to become much heavier and more imposing. The ground shudders and cracks under him. "We came to this place to escape the injustice and corruption of Heaven, and the arrogance of man! Here, *I* am the law!"

The scarred and striped boars have circled around behind Ana by now; the other boars adjust their positions so both humans are within their perimeter.

<CaptainVaschir> "Just like every human authority I've ever met, when it comes down to it none of you give a damn about anything but what you've already decided on."

<Ana> "Your arrogance is like an apple in the mouth of a roast pig. It may look like his snack, but it's really nothing but useless garnish. Where is Omabwa and Ombalu?"

Furnaces glow in the sheriff's deep-set eyesockets. "The boy stands trial for his role in the disappearance of his sworn enemy Khan, the tiger king. As trespassers and known associates of his, you are also under suspicion. Now come with us!" He roars the last sentence, sending every insect within ten yards fleeing into the air.

He flicks his tail; at the signal, his deputies lower their tusks threateningly.

<CaptainVaschir> "Come with you? Come to whatever little hidey hole you plan to beat a confession from us both, once we've abdicated our defences? Never, I demand you take us direct you the magistrate, and there face his reprimand for your abuse of office!"

Ana shoots Vaschir a silencing look.

Ana tilts her head, superiority seeping into every note and decibel of her voice. "All you had to do was ask nicely. It will be our pleasure to come with you, willingly and of our own accord. Treat us as prisoners and you won't want to see how we treat you."

"You men and your words," rumbles Pumbaata. "I have told you how things will be. If you come with me, perhaps the magistrate will trade more words with you; he is lazy and loves talk more than action."

He advances another step; he's close enough that his mighty, pungent breath ruffles Vaschir's hair.

"You may come *with* us, or we will *take* you. Make your choice."

<CaptainVaschir> "Then lead on big man, let's see what this 'lazy' and 'talkative' fellow has to say about the whole deal" Vaschir, playing it to the hilt, leans in to near physical contact with Pumbaata, lowering his voice to a deadly whisper

<Ana> "It would please me greatly to discuss things with someone who does not have more moxie than sense, sir. Lead the way."

The boar deputies advance, pushing Vaschir and Ana along with their tusks.

<Ana> "Touch me with that tusk again and you'll loose it."

The pigs herd the two humans past Pumbaata, back toward the tree.

<CaptainVaschir> Vachir glares murder at the deputies, and roughly shoves any back that attempt to manhandle him

The boar-god turns to follow his prisoners, the westerling sun casting his enormous shadow over them.

Pumbaata and his deputies escort the two Exalted back into the jungle.

A half-hour's hike, in hostile silence, ends at the top of one of the island's western hills.

They emerge from the teeming forest, into a secluded clearing.

A crystal-clear stream cuts across the area, casting shimmers along the lush greenery.

In the center of the glade stand two statues, crumbled by age.

They are missing their arms, and their faces are worn down to featureless masks save for the metallic symbols on their brows: a disc and a crescent, both silver.

The entire scene shimmers and pulses with magic.

<CaptainVaschir> Vaschir narrows his eyes as the hair on the back of his neck stands up

The power flowing through this place is literally palpable, pressing against Ana and Vaschir like a living thing.

Between the two statues, a brilliant white bird perches on a tree limb. Its plume and tailfeathers are improbably long and colorful.

Around it, many other animals sit or stand; deer, mice, pot-bellied pigs, cockerels, and many more.

The bird appears to be ignoring his admirers; he seems to be more concerned with the conversation he is having with the enormous snake whose body is wrapped around the legs of both statues.

They are speaking in lowered voices, but Ana still recognizes the snake's soft voice as that she heard talking to Pumbaata by the tree.

The boar-god draws to a halt at a respectful distance; his deputies follow suit. "My lords, I have captured the other two humans."

<CaptainVaschir> Vaschir tries not to roll his eyes when he hears the word "captured," and does not entirely succeed

The bird looks up, cocking his head to regard the newcomers with first one, then the other jewel-bright eye.

Ana clears her throat and bows deeply. "I assume this is King Tatu? We have heard much about you, sir. Ombalu has spoken highly of you, and when we were given the opportunity to meet you, we could not pass it up."

The bird-of-paradise fluffs his plume and preens. "Excellent, Pumbaata, most excellent." His voice is an almost effeminate tenor, perfectly pitched.

"Excellent also to see that they are not completely without manners," he obliquely acknowledges Ana's greeting.

<Ana> "We were in the middle of acquiring a satisfactory gift of introduction when we were made aware that our presence was necessary immediately," she adds smoothly.

<Ana> "Please forgive the gaffe on our part, but your lieutenant was awfully insistent we come now.

Pumbaata snorts quietly... for him, which means that the exhalation doesn't do more than blow a few leaves off the nearby plants.

"Oh, yes yes, of course." The bird-king flutters a wing dismissively. "These ministers of mine are always rushing about on one mission or another."

The snake draws his head near the bird, and murmurs something, forked tongue flickering.

"Quite right." He flutters his tailfeathers. "While nothing would please me more than meeting you formally, the Chief Magistrate reminds me that you are wanted in connection with the most unfortunate matter of the bear's ward and his *horrendous* assault on the tiger king."

The snake uncoils partially from the statues, looping his powerful body toward the newcomers.

"With your leave, glorious King Tatu," he murmurs silkily. His yellow eyes regard Ana and Vaschir intently.

<CaptainVaschir> Vaschir gazes back, albeit without the simmering hostility he displayed to Pumbaata earlier

Ana smiles pleasantly and without guile.

Tatu fluffs his crest. "Of course, of course, take them into your charge, do whatever it is you need to do." Seemingly content that he has dealt swiftly and decisively with this test of his kingly prerogatives, he returns to basking in the adoration of his assembled subjects.

The enormous python slides forward, his reticulated sepia body barely disturbing the thick vegetation.

"I will take these two into custody," he informs Pumbaata softly. "You and your deputies should return to the search for the jaguar. He rarely leaves the side; his whereabouts now are a question of great interest to me."

"Yes, Magistrate," replies Pumbaata. He turns and pushes his way back into the underbrush, his deputies following him.

"With me," the snake suggests, his body drawing a wide loop around both humans before he sets off, apparently not looking to see if they're following.

<CaptainVaschir> Vaschir follows, keeping an eye on the bird King, who is seeming more and more a fop.

Ana gives Vaschir an uncharacteristically chipper wink, especially considering their fight earlier.

<CaptainVaschir> Vaschir half smiles for a moment in response

They follow the snake out of the shimmering glade and back into the stifling heat of the rainforest.