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They are unable to attack the next Clash, meaning their opponent gets a functionally free hit on the rapidly reorganizing force. Afterwords, they function as per normal once again.
They are unable to attack the next Clash, meaning their opponent gets a functionally free hit on the rapidly reorganizing force. Afterwords, they function as per normal once again.
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Latest revision as of 16:59, 8 June 2010

Breaking, Routing And Rallying

As an army suffers casualities, moral starts to fall. If it gets too low, the whole unit will panic and rout, running in a blind panic and offering no further resistance to the enemy. A commander that wishes to avoid such a fate, however, can attempt to rally. Rallying require that they make a Charisma + Presence roll at Difficulty 3 + the number of times the unit has already rallied, and is a whole Clash's actions- the unit can neither manuver, attack nor defend while rallying.

Success let's the army keep on fighting, albiet at a reduced levels. First, the army's stats are all reduced by 2 for the duration of the battle- this is not a wound penelty, and may not be ignored by Charms that do such. It is recovered after the army has rested for a full day. They also regain one health level for every success the rallying commander gets, while failure gains them nothing. A botch causes the unit to take an additional level of damage.

Example: The Black Jade Vipers are an elite mercenary company in the Threshhold, retained to help hunt down Rising Dawn. After the second clash, they've been savaged by the Exalt- they're down to just three health levels before breaking. The commander rallies his troops, giving an inspiring speech about stopping the Forsaken Anathema- and rolls Charisma+Presence (6). He gets a 1, 4, 6, 7, 8, and 9. The Black Jade Vipers return to the fight next clash with three more Health Levels, but reduced capacipity overall owing to some hasty reorganizations made. Should he try and rally them again, it will be at difficulty 4.

They are unable to attack the next Clash, meaning their opponent gets a functionally free hit on the rapidly reorganizing force. Afterwords, they function as per normal once again.

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