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= Chapter 5 =
== Charms ==

They can also learn Aracnoi deatailed in Exalted: The Abyssals, however you should give them a more holy name and flavour text. (This is Temporary)

As always, this is left to Storyteller to say weather things are allowed or not. If you do use these system, could you please comment and improve it for everyone. Thank you.

== Beliefs ==

The Beliefs are fixed firmly into the Archangel's system of dividing things; The Bullet, and The Blade. There are 2 Belief trees for each Ability, one for the Bullet, and one for the Blade.I am also introducing the governing ratings for Beliefs; Blade rating and Bullet rating. So far they cost the same as essence to increase (each).

Also Note that in addition to costs listed here, they cost 1 willpower to call upon the Archangels to help him use the Belief, and are a simple action to use.


=== Blade ===
  • Mental Arrow Teqniuque
3 motes 
Min archery: 3 Min Blade: 2
Prequisites: Mental Arrow Teq.

The Character concentrates, and fires a translucent arrow at his enemies. This(these) arrow(s) have a range equal to the character's [Blade x100], and accuracy bonus equal to his Blade rating. he uses Dex + Archery + Blade to fire, with a base damage of strength + Blade, and a rate of Blade.

  • Be The Arrow Mentality
6m, 1W 
Min Archery: 4 Min Blade: 3

This Belief uses the same method of firing as Mental Arrow Teq. where a half real shot is fired as usual, however the projectile is different. The projectile leaves the character looking like a very personalised (the arrowhead looks like the character) half real arrow, but then, when you look back at the firer of the arrow, he is gone and he has appeared where the arrow landed. This belief allows a character to fire a shot, dissapear, and re appear where the shot went. [Note, this shot does no damage if it hits someone/something].

=== Bullet ===
  • Strike From The Source Method
Min Archery: 3  Min Bullet: 2

This belief can be activated when an archery weapon is used against the Chosen. The arrow is picked up in mid flight by a small image of an angel and is turned round and hurled back at the attacker. Using this belief counts as a perfect defence against an archery attack used against the Chosen. It also counts as a counter attack made with the Chosen's full Dex+ Archery pool, with a damage of the Chosen's Blade + the arrow/projectiles base damage. Note This does not work against Flame shooting weapons, but works against any projectile weapons.

  • Ammuntion Stealing Teqniuque

Min Archery: 4 Min Bullet: 3
This belief 'posseses' if you will all the arrows fired at the Chosen, and redirects them so they circle around the character's torso, and load into his bow, so he can fire faster. This Belief is a form of permanant counterattack, provided the character fully dodges or parries the archery attack, and the type of ammunition will fit into the chosen's archery weapon, allowing him to fire it back as soon as he recieves it, until his next action, at his full Dex + Archery pool. If the ammo does not fit the character's weapon, he can fire it back using his mind for an extra mote (use the Strike From The Source belief statistics)

Martial Arts



===== Comments =====

Hey Blig, you said they have access to solar charms, but those are supposed to be some of the most powerfull charms people can get, even the deathlords use them. Are you really saying the angels wield this much power? Also- Mental Arrow technique- Why does it only last one action? And assuming they do have solar based power, conjuring a bow AND arrows is quite powerfull for three motes. If i were you, i'd up the cost and make either the bow or the arrows last a scene. There should be a seperate charm for a bow and an arrow, just like solars get.

As a side note- if they have access to solar charms, which can do anything and everything, wouldn't these extra charms have limited use, unless they were even more powerful(which is ridiculous in my opininon) in which case it would just be reversed. I think they should lose access to solar charms(and maybe ghost arcanoi) and thier charms should be weaker, at about god blood to drgaonblood level. My reason being, Celestial level creatures are rarer than you think. Some gods can be of high essence, but they have a different sort of power. Also, creature of that power change the world with everything they do, even just being there. A whole race of creatures this powerful would change the storyline considerably, and if they have a relationship to the unconquered sun, they would have helped the solars and the Ursupation could have gone the other way, for example. I know you were intending that noone knows about them, but they still do things and change the world, even if noone knows they are doing it, much like sidereals. Just some friendly advice, - Thealf

Thealf, first of all, I only put "they use solar charms" up for all my devoted folloers who can't wait to use them. I will give them their own charms in due course. secondly, Beliefs are meant to be quick effects which do cool things, (by this i mean that they dont supplement something you can already do). also, it dosnt counjoure a bow, that is just mechanical, and they can't use it next turn anyway. Also, if you bothered buying the archery belief tree, you would have a better bow anyway, no? As a side note- could you write comments on the main page , thanks. (sorry if any of that sounded malicious, it wasnt meant to be) - Blig001

Ok, I think you need to add more information to your charms, or belief of whatever your calling them. For example, prerequisites, keywords, type, that sort of thing. And, in Be the Arrow mentality, does he need to have a bow and arrow ready to use the charm? if it 'conjures' a bow the same way Mental Arrow Tech does, then how far can he shoot? Does he waste an arrow?

Quote: 'Thealf, first of all, I only put "they use solar charms" up for all my devoted folloers who can't wait to use them. I will give them their own charms in due course. secondly, Beliefs are meant to be quick effects which do cool things, (by this i mean that they dont supplement something you can already do).' Firstly, wha? you attempted a reason for their access to solar charms above, 'The Chosen of the Archangels have been blessed with the friendship and likeness to the chosen of the Unconqured Sun.' and now you say it's temporary? Secondly, quick effects which do cool things are reflexive charms. Or maybe simple charms if you are out of combat. While Be The Arrow Mentallity could be a simple out of combat charm, Mental arrow Tech would be a simple charm aswell, in my opinion. The reason reflexive charms gain this title is because you can activate them on any tick, should the specific charm mechanics allow it. -Thealf

Calm down Thealf, (could you put your name next to your reply). Don't judge a book by the first page. I havnt had the chance to write up most of the rules yet, but i will re-write the rules so they make more sense. - Blig001