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= Session Three =
= Session Three =
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(10 xp)
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Latest revision as of 20:42, 8 June 2010

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Session Three

Descending Earth 16-19, 768

Sanura and Lapis, though wounded, escort the sole survivor of the mysterious machine back to Lookshy. Two days' hard travel is required to reach the edge of the new shadowland, days in which the nameless young woman says nothing, barely eats or drinks, and can hardly even walk. At last the two heroes reach the wide Yanaze River, finding an easy ford just beyond the edge of the shadowland. Once across the river, they travel the rest of the way in the relative comfort of a haywain's bed, their Lookshy credentials all the explanation the farmer requires.

Meanwhile, Grace and her Stormwind Rider spell carry Anaba and Lumo back to the safety of Lookshy at speeds far beyond what they could have managed on foot. Landing some distance off, Grace calls for guards to summon medical help for her companions. Once they have been rushed off to healers, Grace allows herself to be escorted to Lookshy Manse for another meeting with taimyo Teresu Zen Wu.

Zen Wu listens carefully to Grace's report. Once Grace finishes, Zen Wu says quietly, "Let me recap. You did not bring back any members of the lost patrol. You failed to stop the creation of a new shadowland from this bizarre machine. You killed one deathknight, but allowed the others to escape you. Oh, yes, you saved one person." Grace nods, a little fearfully. "Get out of my office," Zen Wu snarls, and Grace all but runs out. Reports are taken from Anaba and Lumo once they awaken, but they are afterward confined to quarters until summoned, and Zen Wu refuses to hear their reports personally.

Similarly, once Sanura and Lapis return to Lookshy, the guards at the city gates inform them that their orders are to proceed to their quarters (medical attention will be sent to them) and to remain there until summoned. The medic who arrives to tend Lapis' wounds takes the surviving woman away with him for additional treatment. Shortly after they settle into their residences, though, a stir in the street draws the attention of all. Inquiries reveal that the Mask of Winters has launched an assault on Marukan, an assault substantial enough to involve the mighty Juggernaut itself. Lookshy is reponding with almost two-thirds of its operational forces, hopefully enough to end the threat of Mask of Winters once and for all. The Solars eagerly await orders to face this new threat, and sure enough, Infallible Messengers arrive shortly thereafter, commanding their presence before Zen Wu.

Zen Wu has called them together to hear them restate the events of the battle with the Abyssals in hopes of additional information about the Mask of Winter's plans. Lookshy Intelligence has not yet identified the deathknights or their commanding Deathlord, but it seems too coincidental that this attack should so soon follow the new shadowland's creation. Repeating the story, however, reveals no additional information.

"Has the woman we saved said anything?" Sanura asks.

Zen Wu shakes her head. "Only mad ramblings about 'the coming shadow' and the like. Nothing helpful at this point."

"Perhaps we should return to the shadowland and investigate it," Sanur suggests, but Zen Wu immediately denies the option.

"I believe you have done enough," she snarls. "Return to your quarters until you hear from me again."

The Circle departs, but chooses to gather at the quarters of Lapis Eon rather than separate. The topic is, of course, the attack, and what it might mean. The suggestion is put forward that the attack might be a feint, even designed somehow to draw Lookshy's attention away from some other, actual goal. Slowly, the group works its way around to discussing the possibly of defying their orders and returning to the shadowland in search of additional information.

Before the discussion can proceed very far, however, it is interrupted by a knock at the door, announcing a messenger with an invitation addressed to Lapis. Reading it, he finds an invitation to a salon that very evening, an invitation from none other than Karal Linwei herself. Suspecting a new move in the game, the Circle returns to their various quarters, and each finds the same invitation. Drawing out their finest dress - in every case but Anaba's, this means their dress uniforms - they prepare for an evening as guests of the chumyo of the Legion.

To their surprise, however, the Essence-powered coach that arrives for them leads not to the Karal Manse, but to the ancestral Manse of the Maheka. It is only then that they discover that the salon is in fact being hosted by Maheka Lespa, a man who loathes the Solars with a very public passion. Glances are exchanged amongst the group, but Linwei remains silent, and the Circle follows her lead.

As the group descends into the Earth Manse, Linwei is announced by heralds, voices ringing throughout the chamber. Lespa appears at their side, a slight sneer on his face as he eyes the Solars. They stare back defiantly.

"Linwei," Lespa says dryly, "I did not expect you to accept my invitation, nor to arrive in such... interesting... company."

Linwei's eyes narrow, but her reponse is in a voice pitched to carry over the suddenly quiet crowd. "You did invite me, Lespa, and I have brought these as my guests. Do you now withdraw your hospitality?"

"Of course not," he says, with only the briefest pause. Glaring at the Solars, he continues, "Please enjoy yourselves." His tone makes it clear that such enjoyment is furthest from his desires.

Leaning over to whisper in Anaba's ear, Lapis whispers, "Great. Now we're pawns." Anaba nods, but her steady gaze remains fixed on Lespa's. At last, he offers her a chilly smile and turns back to the room.

"Well done," Linwei whispers to them all in a hiss. "Now go, and try not to get yourselves killed." Saying nothing more, she sweeps down the stairs and disappears into the crowd.

Standing atop the stairs, the Circle exchanges uncomfortable glances, then moves slowly down after Linwei. They take up a spot off to one side, discovering quickly that, as far as the rest of the party goes, they are either tainted or freaks, for no one seems willing to approach the knot of Solars, even allowing for the fact that they are blocking one of the refreshment tables. Anaba is the first to leave the rest and go off on her own, when she sees her adopted father, Azeus, standing uncomfortably by a wall a few dozen yards away. She makes her way through the crowds - who seem all too willing to part in front of her, and who whisper in fierce buzzes behind her as she moves on - toward the imposing figure in blue jade armor.

Meanwhile, Stone appears behind Lumo, asking to speak with him in private. They withdraw to a side chamber, and Lapis takes the chance to dive into the crowd, intent on using his talent and Charms to thaw their reaction among the gentes assembled there. Sanura and Grace trade looks and await the return of the others.

Anaba and Azeus talk

Grace discusses sorcery with Taroketu Liju, head the Academy of Sorcery, and meets his daughter Kalila

Lumo and Stone talk about the possibility of the returned shard

Lapis meets Toriki Ericho, makes nice with her, then tells her "You will not die until the walls of Lookshy fall." This ends the friendly portion of the exchange.

Lumo and Stone return

Fight starts between Kalila, a elemental God-Blood as well as a DB, and Gido

Gido kills Kalila in one strike, Grace and Sanura note that Gido is channeling Essence at a level beyond what he should be capable of

Circle plus Stone get ready to rumble, Linwei stops fight, group leaves

Next morning, group receives word of deployment to Marukan, under Lespa's command

(10 xp)
