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Infernal Resistance

Practically every Yozi understands the need to prevent imposition upon one's selfhood. This cascade of Charms represents a millennia-old refinement of the arts of iron will.

Charm Count: 5

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Auspices of Brass and Amber

Cost: 3 motes
Duration: Instant
Type: Reflexive
Min. Resistance: 2
Min. Essence: 1
Prereq Charms: None

With this Charm, the Infernal's skin hardens into brass and amber plates, which crackle off as they recieve a blow. The Infernal's player rolls the character's Resistance + Stamina. For the purposes of resisting a single instant of harm, add the successes of the roll to the character's soak. In addition, it has the property of starmetal armour: After soak, subtract one die from the damage pool. This may reduce the attack's damage below the attacker's minimum damage value.

Alternatively, she may apply the successes on the Resistance + Stamina roll as a damage bonus to a Brawl attack.

Note: This is a Malfeas image for this Charm. As with many Infernal Charms, it may manifest differently when used by Exalts resonating with a different Yozi; a servant of Szoreny might sprout silver leaves which attacks shear away, while an Infernal resonating with Kimbery might flow around attacks like honey.

Convulsive Gilded Plate

Cost: 5 motes, 1 Willpower
Duration: One scene
Type: Simple
Min. Resistance: 3
Min. Essence: 2
Prereq Charms: Auspices of Brass and Amber

The Infernal charges his armour with Essence; it enfolds him in mail of shimmering anger. The armor writhes and struggles, giving off strange lights and generally looking eldritch. The Infernal gains Resistance + Limit points with which to enhance his armour; one point will add 1B/1L soak, reduce fatigue value by 1, or reduce mobility penalty by 1. Neither fatigue value nor mobility penalty may be reduced below 0. The Infernal must choose how to assign points from his Resistance when he learns this Charm and whenever his Resistance increases; he may arrange points from his Limit freely. If his Limit score changes while this Charm is active, he must adjust a single stat up or down accordingly.

When this Charm ends, the armour ceases shifting form, but it usually settles into a form slightly different from the one that it began in. After several uses of the Charm, it will begin to become an expression of the Infernal's inner self and his connection to the Yozis; the plate of an Infernal serving Thari might take on the appearance of paper inscribed with mystic runes, while a Chosen of Oramus might wear a breastplate of dragon-scaled leather.

A single usage of this Charm on Artifact armour counts as a week attuned to the Infernal's anima, for the purposes of Taint. Armours of the 5MM will gradually change in shape and ornamentation just as mundane ones do, but their material will not.

Iron Banner Blocking Style

Cost: 7 motes, 1 Willpower
Duration: One scene
Type: Simple
Min. Resistance: 4
Min. Essence: 2
Prereq Charms: Convulsive Gilded Plate

This Charm functions identically to the previous, except that it enhances the user's clothing rather than his armour, and is incompatible with armour of any kind. Clothing armour has base stats 0B/0L soak, 0 fatigue value, 0 mobility penalty. Naked Infernals cannot benefit from this Charm. While it is in use, the Infernal's clothing is like a sheet of fire - it stretches and moves of its own volition, blocking and entangling blows in its twisting folds.

Inviolate Aura

Cost: 3 motes, 1 Willpower
Duration: One scene
Type: Simple
Min. Resistance: 2
Min. Essence: 2
Prereq Charms: Auspices of Brass and Amber

Except as noted, this Charm is identical to its prerequisite.

The Infernal crystallizes his anima into a constantly twining, moving coat of metal branches. Attacks shear these off, leaving the ground littered with silver twigs. He adds his Resistance to his soak.

In addition, he may pay 2 motes to apply the successes of a Resistance + Stamina roll as a damage bonus to a Brawl attack.

Note: This is a Szoreny image for this Charm. As with many Infernal Charms, it may manifest differently when used by Exalts resonating with a different Yozi; a servant of Cytherea might become encased in red clay, while one tamed by Oramus might wrap himself in ribbons of dragon leather.

Garden of Flame

Cost: 2+motes, 1 Willpower
Duration: Instant
Type: Reflexive
Min. Resistance: 4
Min. Essence: 3
Prereq Charms: Inviolate Aura

The Infernal's anima binds the flows of Essence that come into contact with it, twisting them into a pattern that expresses the nature of the Infernal's soul. Use this in response to any Charm that affects the Infernal only; roll the Infernal's Perception + Resistance against the attacker's Essence in a reflexive opposed test. If the Infernal succeeds, the attacker's Charm has no effect, and the Infernal experiences anima flare as though he had activated not only this Charm, but the Charm he snuffed as well. This Charm costs 2 extra motes for each Willpower used to fuel the Charm it is being used against. This works like Auctoritas; it applies to any kind of Charm, not Charmed attacks specifically.

Clockwork Heart Motif

Cost: 7 motes, 1 Willpower, 1 lethal Health Level
Duration: Indefinite
Type: Simple
Min. Resistance: 3
Min. Essence: 2
Prereq Charms: Inviolate Aura

In a red haze of pain, the Infernal rips out his heart and puts a ticking clockwork treasure in its place. While he wears the clockwork heart, the Infernal suffers a -1 wound penalty to all actions in addition to any other wound penalties, and converts all lethal damage he recieves to bashing. In addition, he adds his Limit to his lethal and bashing soak.

The clockwork heart is made of one of the Five Magical Materials (and must be the same material as that of the type he is emulating, if he is under the effect of Blinding Eye of Day or any of its following Charms) and one other, most commonly salt, glass, ice, living wood, or sapphire. The Clockwork Heart Motif causes distinctive fluctuations in the user's anima; a knowledgeable opponent can, as an action, roll Perception + Occult at a difficulty of the Infernal's Resistance to determine the materials the heart is composed of. These materials are highly inimical to the Exalt while he benefits from this Charm; damage sustained from weapons made of one of the materials cannot be converted to bashing by this Charm, and it automatically bypasses half his lethal soak.

When this Charm ends, the Infernal recieves one unsoakable level of aggravated damage as the clockwork heart bursts from his chest. A new heart of flesh will grow in its place over the course of natural healing, but until this occurs the Infernal suffers the additional -1 wound penalty as though he were still under the effect of this Charm. If the Infernal has managed to retain his original heart, he can place it in the wound immediately as the Charm ends, which will reduce the severity of the damage from aggravated to lethal.

Crystalline Arbiter Stance

Cost: 10 motes
Duration: One Scene
Type: Simple
Min. Resistance: 5
Min. Essence: 3
Prereq Charms: Clockwork Heart Motif

With this power, the Infernal binds himself closer to the clockwork heart. This Charm can only be used while the Infernal is under the effect of Clockwork Heart Motif, and replaces its effect. While it is active, he cannot be injured except by the materials the clockwork heart is constructed of. These, however, deal aggravated damage to the Infernal. As with the Motif, the heart causes distinctive fluctuations in the anima and its composition can be discerned.


What happens when Clockwork Heart Motif wears off? Does the Exalt grow a new heart, or does she have to keep the old one handy to stick back in? - Quendalon

I decided to make both of them options, because they're both cool. - willows