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= Kental, Village of the Ancients =
= Kental, Village of the Ancients =

Latest revision as of 16:50, 8 June 2010

Kental, Village of the Ancients

One of the many small towns on the banks of the Maruto River, Kental is barely even noted on maps or mentioned in traveler’s dialogues. Technically not on the river itself, but a small tributary that juts off for twenty miles or so before settling into a dank swampland. Kental is located just a mile or so up the tributary, nestled between the river and the hilly region that abuts the fertile flood land and the woods itself. The village mostly survives by fishing and a bit of hunting in the forest. Its furriers are quite renowned, though very little attention is given to where they come from and only the most curious actually know where the village is located.

The village doesn’t look very different from most such places. Roughly three hundred inhabitants live in its wood and thatch homes, on the edge of subsidence. The population is divided fairly evenly between fishermen who dwell near the cities ramshackle docks and hunters/furriers that live closer to the woods. There are few dedicated artisans in the city, as most of the inhabitants know a few trades rather than specializing in such arts. There are no loggers in the village, however; abutting the lands of the Green Shadow for some time now, the village tries to live in as much concord with the forest as possible. A few Kental men even have tribal wives, and the relationship between the two has traditionally been fairly warm until lately. With the abandonment of the tribe by Elder Oak, this peaceful coexistance has frayed.

Nor is this the only threat facing the village; recently there has been talk that the leader of the village, Hetman Balsor Jorit, has engaged in some kind of dark arts. In his 87th year, most had thought that he was on his death bed some several months ago ago -- already rites were beginning to pass onto his sons, and a great funeral was in progress. Just as suddenly as the rumors started however, Balsor Jorit re-entered the public eye and dispelled rumors of his illness. This would have been discarded, except that the years seemed to have melted away from his features; he looked half his age, and seemed endowed with great vigor. He's since taken a firmer hand on the village, directing it toward some end that he refuses to speak about. Already he's exiled several families, gathered together some of the young men of the village as warriors. Some weeks ago, the cities Temple to the Gods of Field, Hills, Forest and Stream was burned down in mysterious circumstances.

His sons have not been seen since his bizarre reappearance, and most fear the worst -- that their leader has made some dark pact. Those who have investigated closer have either learned nothing or disappeared entirely

the Monastery

A few hours hard walk through the hills, on the very edge of the Forest, the Monastery is by far more ancient than the town. Gray stone walls set together one atop the other with First Age Art, the interior is cobbled and even. The exact pattern the Monastery is set up in is hard to precisely follow, but after a few weeks wandering around it's halls and common area one begins to learn the underlying order. There are buildings set aside for worship, sleep, and the practice of Martial Arts. Long abandoned, the Monastery was looted by the renowned Scavenger Lord Rinibin Bloodlashes and then settled by an order of ascetic monks some 400 years ago. Ever since then the Monastery has existed, trading occasionally with the Village of Kental for supplies and other necessities. Most of what is needed, however, is grown by the Monks themselves.

The monks are well-known as potent Martial Artists, and have defended the village in the past. With the strange circumstances recently, a few villagers eventually elected one of their own to trek to the Monestary and seek their aid in discovering what has happened to their leader. It has been several days, but as yet the Monks have done nothing on the matter. The Villages emissary remains with the monks, however, in the Monastery for his own safety. He still remains concerned for his friends and family, but respects the monks too much to pry more.

The Ancient Order, and the Cult of the Illuminated

Ever since it was established, the Order of the Ancients has been one of the tools of the Gold Faction.

Some five years ago, their roving leader and spiritual superior, Joran Carat, came to them with writings he claimed to have found in the South. These he shared with the leaders of the Ancient Order, having them go over them in detail and share their believings with him. These writings talked about many things: the current age, the age past and the age to come. Much of them was focused on the coming arrival of "Champions of Light", called Illuminated Ones or Solars. Exalted by an ancient and forgotten god known as the Unconquered Sun, they were the last hope for saviors and defenders of this benighted and corrupted Creation.

They would be hated and feared, hunted by the corrupt Dragon-Blooded Realm that they were fated to overthrown. They would be pulled and grasped upon by many sides, as the darkness struggled to corrupt their Light and doom the world with them. Only by sheltering and protecting these Solars, guiding them and offering them respect and love, could they be truely forged into a sword and shield to protect Creation. For many weeks, the leaders of the Ancient Order spoke on these things and debated amongst themselves -- until Joran Carat came back, and asked for their thinkings on this matter. The Leaders of the Ancient Order told him that these Solars must be found, protected, nurtured and guided -- that the very Order that they had helped to build should be pushed in that direction!

In this, Joran was pleased and he nodded. In the years since, much preparation has been done. The Ancient Order has spread throughout Creation, the Martial Arm of the Cult of the Illuminated. They have written responces and dialogues relating to the Illuminated Texts. A trio of Monks of the Order stand guard over the form of Shen Aru, who even to this day occasionally mouths more prophecy and visions.

Long have they waited, and at last their time has come. The Ancient Order is ready, they think...

the Hidden Hold

More information after tomorrow's session:P