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Charm Relay

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Lunar Charms: Managing the Tribe

Donning Luna’s Divine Mantle</b> -- by OhJames

<b>Cost: 15 motes
Duration: One Scene
Type: Reflexive
Minimum Charisma: 5
Minimum Essence: 5
Prerequisite Charms: DESCENDED FROM Glorious Battle Presence

While godly in their own right, many elder Lunars recognize the advantage that a holy mien can provide, when dealing with their barbarian subjects. It was for that purpose that this Charm was developed.

Upon spending the necessary motes, which are not considered committed, the Lunar’s entire body is surrounded by coruscating light in the color of her anima banner. She assumes the Deadly Beastman Form, but it is tempered with the Essence of Luna-as-divinity, and therefore grants several extra powers above and beyond its enhanced physical attributes. First of all, her eyes transmute into pools of roiling moonsilver, granting her the ability to see all dematerialized spirits as if they were materialized. Second, her powers of persuasion and leadership are enhanced. The Lunar gains a number of attribute points as per the number of times she has purchased Deadly Beastman Transformation, which are spent upon the purchase of this charm. These points are used to enhance the Social attributes, with one attribute point raising the Lunar’s Charisma or Appearance by one, and with two attribute points raising the Lunar’s Manipulation by one. These count as natural for the purposes of die-adders.

As a final benefit, all mortals must succeed at a Conviction roll, difficulty of the Lunar’s Essence, not to fall down and worship her. If they succeed on this roll, they must then succeed on a Valor roll not to immediately flee the exalt’s presence. As an added benefit, any mortal that the Lunar counts as a member of her Cult or who is a member of her tribe (Storyteller discretion) gains three additional dice on all rolls that further the Lunar’s cause and will obey any of the exalt’s commands, up to and including committing suicide.

Exalts and other magical beings are not affected by the final consequence of this Charm, though they must still deal with the Lunar’s enhanced attributes. Members of the Moonshadow or Eclipse Caste may not learn this Charm.

Alpha of the Spirit Pack Attitude</b> -- by SpicyMcHaggis

<b>Cost: 20 motes, 2 Willpower
Duration: Instant
Type: Simple
Minimum Charisma: 5
Minimum Essence: 5
Prerequisite Charms: Donning Luna’s Divine Mantle

Spirits can be a bane or a boon to a barbarian tribe. A single irritating little god is easy pickings for a Lunar to crush or otherwise scare from his favored people. It is among their many functions as beneficiary to a tribe. When many of these minor gods congregate and seek to harm a tribe or perhaps even unite in their quest for power, this is when a Lunar needs to show them who is the Alpha in the barbarian lands.

With a roar, or some other show of force, and a burst of Essence, the Lunar imposes his massive bestial will upon a gathering of spirits. The Lunar must roll his Charisma + Presence and each spirit who can hear his show of dominance must make an opposed Willpower roll. Those who lose recognize the Lunar as their superior. This charm has no effect on spirits with Essence greater than the Lunar.

Cosmic Tree Sap-Tapping Unity - willows

Ignoring the Cub Technique - by FlowsLikeBits
Cost: 3 motes, 2 willpower
Duration: Instant
Type: Simple
Minimum Charisma: 5
Minimum Essence: 5
Prerequisite Charms: Donning Luna's Divine Mantle

Sometimes, the path of leader is difficult. There are always those who wish to challenge one's authority. With this charm, the Lunar may ignore such challenges for a time, allowing her to prove the righness of her path through action rather than words.

This charm may be used when someone challenges the Lunar's authority in some manner, or when there are dissenters to a selected course of action. With a soft word and apropriate ritual, the lunar makes a Charisma + Performance test with a difficulty of (challenger's Essence - Lunars Essence, to a minimum of 1). If she succeeds, the Lunar puts off the challenge to another time. This does not strengthen or penalize either position, although events in the meantime can change things. The Lunar is immune to that challenge till one story has passed (in some cases, the Storyteller may wish to assign a different method of marking time. It should be long enough that circumstances could concievably have changed, such as after an impending goal is attmpted, but short enough that the time could be reached). It is not possible to put off an issue so long that it it becomes moot, however. Thus, this charm is not always effective. The challenger may challenge the Lunar again before that time is up, but must come up with new grounds to do so. Within it's limits, this is a perfect effect.

Using this charm multiple times against the same challenge (when it comes up again), causes a cumulative +1 difficulty each time. Legitimate complaints must eventually be addressed.

Submission to the Earth - willows


Okay, regarding Alpha of the Spirit Pack Attitude: Why does it have a duration of Permanent? Does that mean that the spirit will always recognize the Lunar as its superior? Or does it mean something else? If I'm interpreting it correctly, the duration should probably be Instant. The Charm only lasts for a moment, but its effects last forever. But I'm not sure. Mind clarifying, Haggie? -- OhJames
p.s. willows, awesome, awesome charm.

Yup, that's what I meant. I did write a bit obtusely, let's see if I can clean it up a bit. -- SpicyMcHaggis

Awesome. Some fixing of typographical errors. Willows, care to start us on a new theme? -- OhJames

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