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More preplanning; we figure out [[Domino]]'s backstory, and some background info is exposited.  
More preplanning; we figure out [[Domino]]'s backstory, and some background info is exposited.  
*back to [[JungleBook/Preplan2a/Preplan2]].
*back to[[JungleBook/Preplan2a/Preplan2]].
  you that the gods of the island are not particularly friendly toward man.  
  you that the gods of the island are not particularly friendly toward man.  
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*to [[JungleBook/Preplan2a/Preplan2b]].

Revision as of 00:36, 6 April 2010

JungleBook log 2, part a (preplan)

More preplanning; we figure out Domino's backstory, and some background info is exposited.

you that the gods of the island are not particularly friendly toward man. 

<Ikselam> Shere Khan, who will be renamed if I can think of a new name even half as cool as Shere Khan, has made no secret that he'd like to kill and eat you.

<BigPat> ah crap. Hostile nature gods totally cramp my style.

<Domino> 'Tis the Pirate's Code!

<Domino> Wait, so who's protecting me?

<Ikselam> Ombalu, the kindly old bear god, protects you.

<Domino> And you can't think of a name nearly as cool as Shere Khan.

<Ikselam> Chief Magistrate Kaa is too busy sleeping to take note of you.

<Domino> Until... (bum bum buhhhh)

<Ikselam> The Monkey King professes some affinity to other two-legs, but he is a shady kind of guy.

<BigPat> on the upside, if he does end up devouring you he'll most likely be snoozing digesting you longer than the rest of us will be alive, so he won't come after us at least

<BigPat> Monkeys generally are

<Ikselam> The Boar God is hardheaded and gruff, but has a live-and-let-live attitude.

<Ikselam> Or at least, did while you were still mortal.

<Ikselam> Sitjani the black panther is your ally. You think.

<Domino> Good thing I've spent years on the island winning everybody over! They'll never eat me now!

<Ikselam> Tatu, the bird of paradise who serves as the court's messenger, obviously doesn't like you, but is a preening idiot with the martial prowess of a gnat.

<Ikselam> That's pretty much it for the cast right now.

<Ikselam> I'll email you a full package when I have one.

<Ikselam> So, Peter, tell me what your character's name is, and a rough idea of how he Exalted.

<Domino> What? You don't like Mowgli?

<Ikselam> Much as I'd love to just rip off all the names from the Jungle Book wholesale, I'd like to avoid it just for the sake of keeping a straight face.

<Ikselam> Just like I had no problem ripping off Zerg for that Mage game with Pat, but my scruples kept me from actually -calling- them Zerg.

<Domino> Well, since Ombalu seems to be my surrogate father, he probably named me something relevant. Like, "Little Bear" in Old Realm.

<Ikselam> Or Something Something Cub.

<Domino> Right. So I could either go by Little Bear or Pale, Hairless Cub, or translate it into "Omabwa," following the name of Ombalu.

<Ikselam> Sounds awesome.

<Ikselam> You are now Pale Hairless Cub.

<dissolvegirl> I was thinking Ombali, but I like Omabwa.

<Ikselam> Or Omabwa.

<BigPat> Omabwa could translate to "pale, hairless cub"

<Ikselam> Exactly.

<Ikselam> In an obscure beast dialect of Old Realm (language of the gods) which few people will know.

<Ikselam> So, what was Oma doing when he lit up?

<Ikselam> And what was the shape of the caste mark on his forehead?

<Ikselam> (sunburst = Dawn, empty circle = night, half-disc = twilight, disc= zenith, bullseye=eclipse)

<Ikselam> While he's thinking about that, Pat and Elizabeth should be thinking about names for -their- characters.

<Ikselam> And also ideas about what crazy twists of fate led them to wash up on this strange island!

<Domino> Exploring one of the half-sunken ruins near the lagoon. Omabwa ran into a dangerous trap of some sort - sliding walls that crush people, flying skull-maces that kneecap you, that sort of thing - and escaped only through some nigh-impossible ducking and rolling. When he rolled out of the trap to his knees in the waterlogged passage, he was peering down at the blazing golden disc on his forehead.

<Ikselam> Yay!

<Ikselam> Win!

<BigPat> survival through breakdancing!

<dissolvegirl> Hee.

<Domino> He'd probably been kept rather in the dark about the nature of Solars and Exaltation, so he probably went to tell Ombalu everything.

<Domino> Survival is a Zenith Caste ability!

<Ikselam> I have the sudden strong feeling that Pat should be Eclipse, just so that when he sees his caste mark after witnessing his ship sink and his treasure be lost, he can mutter, "It figures."

<BigPat> "today has sucked on so many different levels"

<dissolvegirl> Hee.

<Domino> Great. We have Innocent Exalt. Civilized Exalt. Sarcastic Exalt.

<Ikselam> "Not only am I an accursed Anathema, I have an effing target right on my effing forehead."

<BigPat> "crap"

<Ikselam> "Thanks so fucking much, Unconquered Sun."

<BigPat> "you all-shining all-glowing sanctimonious bastard"

<Ikselam> Ombalu likes humans, so he's only too happy to tell Oma about the glorious wonders of the First Age and the noble Solar Exalted who ruled it.

<Ikselam> Meanwhile, out at sea...

<Domino> Well, that makes me feel good.

<Ikselam> Yes, he tells you nothing but lies.

<BigPat> Man, what a nice day out at sea. I can't imagine anything going wrong!

<Ikselam> Or, well, at least he skews heavily toward, "Gosh, they had so much neat -stuff- in the First Age!"

<Ikselam> While conveniently glossing over the stuff which led to, say, the entire eastern portion of this island being vaporized and slagged into glass by a magical superweapon.