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Old Comments

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Personally, I'd strike the idea of 'Divine Creations' being greater than Solar Creations. It implies that there's stuff the Solars couldn't build, if they set their minds to it. Solar Creations shouldn't have any real limit, IMO- and a Godly artificer making something should slot in to one of those limited ranks based on their Permanent Essence. DS

Heh - this is a very rough system as it currently stands (I haven't even gotten design/inspiration in yet). The names are just there to give it more colour than saying "first rank" "second rank" etc... I would argue the point anyway, though - just because a Solar could, frex, make an exact copy of Glad-of-War does not mean that it would be Glad-of-War - I feel sure that Ahlat could tell the difference. :) As it sits in my head, it's for artefacts that require divine assistance in their construction, or for items that are effectively a part of the god in question. - Moxiane
I'm sure if you just relabel it "Primordial" instead of divine, they'll get the point. -EJGRgunner
That's just it- the Exalted trumped the Primordials. Since, clearly, martial superiority means best at everything that isn't a specific schtik, they should be able to make anything any pissant godling or elder titan could. (Exception would exist for those whose schtik is creation- Solars shouldn't be able to casually out build Authocthon.) DS
  • sigh* Fifth rank artefacts are not necessarily any more powerful than a fourth rank one, hence the qualifier that 4th rank sits between ••• and N/A on the normal scale, while 5th goes between • and N/A. Also note that I place the Realm Defence Grid in the fifth rank, which I am pretty sure was built by Solars (although I don't recall any specific statement. The name is nothing more than a descriptor, if you want to attach it to anything, then let it point to who during the First Age was most likely to wield objects of that rank.
Plus, the reason for the existence of the fifth rank is that most things in Exalted seem to come in groups of five (exceptions tend to be in threes), and I had used up the other four names. Call it "Primordial" or "Godly" or "Ninja" rank if you like - it is just a name. :) I'm more interested in what, if anything, people think about the rules themselves TBH. - Moxiane
In that case, I'm puzzled as to what the descriptors are supposed to actually be. I'd assumed that there were a larger level of scaling artifacts- that is, a Solar Artifact 3 > Terrestrial Artifact 3, but is < than a Godly Artifact 3. Now I'm puzzled as to the point, if the descriptor isn't actually influencing the power levels... DS
A fair point. :) Was near the end of work and more than a little fuzzy inna head when I wrote that. Will try to clarify now.
Yes, both rank and rating influence the total power-level, as well as the strength of Major and Minor Powers, so the comparison you made is a valid one - for any given dot-level of Artefact the power level goes Mortal (when applicable) < Terrestrial < Celestial < Solar < Divine/Godly/Primordial/Ninja/Ultimate (I need a better name for that one). As for Solars being the best at everything - I don't buy it and never have. Solars are the best at doing everything, but they are not the best at everything, they just have the potential to go in whatever direction they choose and excel all but those Celestials who are naturally gifted that way and have chosen to excel in it themselves. (Kinda like the asserting - by RSB I think - that the Dragon-Blooded are the best at the Immaculate Martial Arts, but not necessarily the best with them.)
But, as always, there are things that break these rules - and they're supposed to get thrown into the fifth rank, too. Things like the warclubs of the thunderbirds, and so on... - Moxiane