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(three new weapons of the Sword)
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Latest revision as of 02:54, 9 March 2005


New Ring-Shaping Weaponry

Artifact ••••
Commitment: 8 (generic)
Shaping Combat: +2 Acc • +15 Ring Dam • 2 Rate • 6 Range
Power Combat: +2 Acc • +2 Lethal Dam • 2 Rate • 250 Range

This hive of wasps is strung into a bow; it is taller than a tall man and continually thrums with a song of harmonic order, the pattern that things tend to when left to themselves. It can be used as a short powerbow and a resonant chorus bow, as the wielder desires. When fed 1 gossamer, it provides shaping and mortal ammunition for the scene. Its ammunition takes the form of slender-bodied hymenoptera, stings outstretched, wings playing a harmony of newly-defined celestial law; in physical combat these provide the damage of target arrows. It has two settings which may bear a pair of Cysts or Hearthstones; setting it with one of each will cause both to fail to function, as their principles unweave one another.

Besides this, Hrishmuna-From-Which-There-Is-No-Escape has several unusual abilities:

Paper and Gauze Deception: When he is attacked in physical combat, the wielder of Hrishmuna may spend 2 motes to make a Ring-shaping counterattack. This counterattack re-states the circumstances of the attack, telling a story that ends in the wielder and attacker being moved to blows. Mechanically, the sequence of rolls relevant to the attack and counterattack is identical to that described in Solar Counterattack. It is possible to escape the attack through an appropriately constructed incumbrance. This ability only functions in a region where shaping is possible.

Nectar Bolt: The wasps of Hrishmuna feed on the ordering principles of its bearer, who may spend 3 motes when making a Ring-shaping attack with this weapon. Doing so launches a wasp bloated with the nectar of concentrated tendency, an incumbrance. If the shaping attack deals damage, the bearer may exchange one incumbrance with one of the incumbrances the victim suffers. Each party selects one incumbrance to exchange, unaware of the other's decision.

Disorder-Locating Flight: Locating a disordered individual, Hrishmuna's wasps swarm to set him in predictable behaviors. This abilty can be invoked for 7 motes and 1 Willpower, when the wielder rolls at least 1 success on an attack. On subsequent time-units (scenes for shaping attacks and turns for physical ones), the same wasp flies around the victim and tries to sting him again, making an attack. This attack has as many successes as the initial attack, minus one per turn the wasp has lingered.

New Sword-shaping Weaponry

Peony-Heart Duelling Ground

Artifact •
Attunement: 3m (glamour)
Stats: Spd -5, Acc +0, Dam +4L, Def +3, Rate 1

The ground is flat and white in the centre of this arena; it is sand raked in fine patterns of waves, or flower petals strewn over steel, or marble polished glassy-smooth. Horrified soldiers look on silently at the two luminaries battling there.

To use this weapon is to invite a contest for honour and glory; it is a form of entanglement.

Gandharva Legion

Artifact ••
Attunement: 4m (glamour)
Stats: Spd +10, Acc +2, Dam+9L, Def +3, Rate 3

A Gandharva Legion is at once an army of six-armed celestial musicians, armed with lute and sword, and a blind tiger with one hundred wings. Wealthy raksha enjoy leading these beings into battle. Their praise songs bring a smile to every noble's lips.

Everpresence Diadem

Artifact •
Attunement: 3m (glamour)
Stats: Spd +3, Acc +4, Dam +4L, Def +1, Rate 6

A raksha wearing this diadem cannot be escaped. Every warrior wears his face. His shadow is behind every tree; his voice on every tongue; every elegant curve of a woman's breast is suffused with his scent. The Everpresence Diadem is a tool of awful domination.


I don't have Fair Folk yet (Although all this new terminology sounds interesting, and I may have to buy it.) However... I'm posting to ask whether Rang-Shaping is a typo, as you used Ring earlier. I suppose you could have Ring and Rang just like Ying and Yang though.
-- Darloth considers the possibilies of Fae terminology

That is a typo. Thanks! - w

The image of this is really pretty. Awesome idea.
~ Shataina, gratuitously

Don't get me wrong, as this has nothing to do with the actual artifact here (which, by the way, sounds very interesting... ^_^ ), but can't the "gratuitous props" you wrote also be read "excess artifacts"? ^^; ^_^ -Suzume
Wow. I totally didn't intend that. I'll admit that it's clever ... for a pun. <coughgrowllowestformofhumourcough>
~ Shataina

Wow. I love this. I'm having a little trouble wrapping my head around how Paper and Gauze Deception works, though; could you show us an example? --MF

Thanks! I sure will. Here we are...
So, the Exalted warrior Serpent Ebb has been hunting the Luminary who calls himself 18 Hand. He arrives at the waypoint where 18 Hand is awaiting him, a a palace woven of embroidered silk and white ice. Serpent Ebb threatens him. 18 Hand laughs. Ebb, in a fit of anger, breathes a hot shower of sunlight at 18 Hand's throne. Counterattack begins. From Hrishmuna comes a humming bee! In the buzz of its wings, the world is reshaped. The dance floor of the throne room becomes a narrow catwalk hanging over a gaping abyss, and Serpent Ebb teeters on the brink. He falls. Counterattack ends; Serpent Ebb fails his resistance roll, and he is incumbered to return to his home and stay there for a year and a day. As he falls, another beam of power lances toward 18 Hand's unguarded shoulder. This represents the resumption of the attack. - willows