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What you know of Solaria.

Solaria is a dusty, dry, fly-speck of a country, about 400 miles north of Gem, set between the desert and the mountains. It has a population of approximately 120,000 people and only 2 major cities (well… 1 city and a large town)- Solaria Magnus and Solaria Minoris, respectively.

Its chiefly known for its sand and dirt. Major exports are glasswwear (from the fine sand) and pottery (from the clay). Otherwise unremarkable, the only thing that distinguishes it from the majority of Threshold nations is peoples refusal to subscribe to the Immaculate Philosophy- instead 95% of the population still cling to an old First Age religion venerating the Sun as the One True God.

It used to have a democratic government post- First Age, but the Imperial Governor seized direct power 300 years ago and has ruled by dictat ever since. Technically the country is known as Semi-Autonomous Protectorate Region 37 in the records of the Realm, but the locals still used its outlawed name of Solaria.

Solaria is plagued with one of the most ineffective rebellions known to Creation, with the anti-Realm resistance movement hopelessly split and factionalised for decades. Indeed the various groups are more likely to terrorise and attack each other the apparatus of the Realm.

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I suspect that the Life of Brian parallels might not be entirely coincidental here. ^_^
"Are you the Solarian Peoples' Front?"
"Fuck off! We're the People's Front of Solaria!" - Moxiane

--Moxiane- I refer you to the letter the Solars in my game received- SJE/Session37 Mine is an intentionally humourous game as I find Exalted is too good a game to take entirely seriously. SJE

Which brings up one other issue - why not stomp the ever-living sin out of the place in the name of Imperial strength, and the Immaculate philosophy? My personal guess is that someone once tried. They marched a legion up, and found no resistance to speak of. Almost no blood was shed, as the people couldn't actually get organized enough to do anything (that, or they simply hid in some bakery or something). Regardless, the commander of that legion went home to fanfares of "Oh, you conqueror you. Such a mighty man, conquering a gigantic force like Solaria." and so on. Eventually, "Conquering Solaria" became a Realm-based colloquialism for doing something that's so pointless and simple that you actually lose respect by attempting to do it. Much like using a legion of troops to transport a single cord of wood down the street would engender disrespect, so does bullying Solaria. Hence, the Imperial dictat in the region is not only a lowly position, but given few resources. After all, it's not like he needs 10 fangs of men to hold Solaria. I mean, any half-assed dropout of the school of Bells could hold Solaria. -- GregLink

Well Greg, the other thing to consider is the cost/benefit to the Realm of massacring Solaria. The place was easily conquered, the people dont cause an appreciable amount of rebellion, and they do turn a profit for the Realm. Wiping out the heretics in the name of the Immaculate Philosophy would cost more money than it would ever recoup! That said, I could well see mockery for any Imperial Commander who was troubled enough by the incompetant Solarians as to undertake a military response. The Immaculate Order would complain, but they find Solaria is a useful place to send all their malcontents and troublemakers as a punishment posting. Plus a hundred thousand heretics in the arse-end of nowhere is no real threat to the Philosophy. SJE

However, a hundred thousand potential tiger warriors are going to be a great help to us! :D YerMum