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(Many Demense Charms, from Savant and Sorcerer inspiration)
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The Master Geomancer's Path

Mastery of Geomancy, Manses and Demenses requires both Occult and Lore of great degree; if either Ability is not Favored, these Charms do not count as Favored.

Master Geomancer Survey
Cost: 3 motes, 1 Willpower
Type: Simple
Duration: Instant
Min. Lore: 4
Min. Occult: 4
Min. Essence: 3
Prereqs: None

Using the Master Geomancer Method, a Solar can instantly and infallibly determine if an area has any potential to be devolped into a Demense, and if so, what that potential is.

Aspect Warping Will
Cost: 8 motes
Type: Simple
Duration: Instant
Min. Lore: 4
Min. Occult: 4
Min. Essence: 3
Prereqs: Master Geomancer Survey

By applying the Aspect Warping Will, the Exalt knows exactly how to transform a Demense's Aspect. To do so requires an Intelligence + Occult roll at a difficulty of the Demense's level. This can only shift the Aspect from one Terrestrial type to another, or from one Celestial type to another, and has no impact on those Aspects foreign to Creation (Abyssal, Alchemical or Infernal), nor does the Aspect Warping Will have any effect upon a capped Demense or Manse.

Heaven's Reclaiming Technique
Cost: 15 motes, 1 Willpower, 3xp
Type: Simple
Duration: Instant
Min. Lore: 4
Min. Occult: 4
Min. Essence: 4
Prereqs: Aspect Warping Will

As the Aspect Warping Will, save that the Exalt may transform any type of Demense in to any other. They must have some experience with a Demense type foreign to Creation to re-create it elsewhere, but otherwise no special difficulty is posed. They may also try to create an entirely new type of Demense; doing so requires an Intelligence + Occult roll at a difficulty of twice the level of the Demense being subverted. A precious few of these singular Demenses (and the Manses built atop them) remain in the Second Age- places born of madness and hubris.

Twist Creation
Cost: 10 motes, 1 Willpower
Type: Simple
Duration: 1 day
Min. Lore: 5
Min. Occult: 5
Min. Essence: 4
Prereqs: Aspect Warping Will, Wyld-Shapping Techniqe

By selectively weakening Creation to allow very slightly, the Exalt may rapidly shift the physical and spirtual terrain of an area she wants a new Demense to form in. They must spend a full day in meditation at the heart of where they wish the new Demense to be, and make an Intelligence + Occult roll, gaining their Essence as automatic successes. The difficulty of the roll is 2 if the new Demense is within 10 miles of an existing Demense or Manse, 3 if within 7 miles, 5 if within 5 miles, 7 if within 3 miles, and is impossible closer. The difficulty is increased by 1 if the Manse is Celestially aspected, and increased by 3 if it is aspected foreignly to Creation.
Ten successes are required per level of Demense raised, and the Demense raised may not excede the area's potential- trying to do so (achieving 10 successes beyond the maximum level of the Demense) results in an explosion that inflicts 3 dice of unsoakable aggravated damage per level of the Demense the Solar was attempting to raise (So, trying to produce a level 3 Demense in an area that could only support a level 2 would result in 9 dice of aggravated damage).
This is an extended Charm. Additionally, the Essence committed to it remains committed until either the Demense is completed, explodes, or the Exalt releases, losing their accumulated successes. Using Twist Creation precludes activities such as sleeping, eating or resting, and being attacked or otherwise distracted during the day ruins the effort. Twist Creation cannot be used to enhance an existing Demense, nor to disrupt an existing Demense or Manse.
Using Twist Creation is also extremely blatant; everyone within ten miles of you will know that someone or something is rearranging the landscape, and the Exalted may make a reflexive Perception + Occult check (difficulty 3) to figure out where the epicenter of this chaos is coming from.

More to come, on Manse design, redesign, maintenance, construction and destruction. Later :)

Essence Transformation Method
Cost: Varies, 1 Willpower
Type: Simple
Duration: Until released
Min. Lore: 5
Min. Essence: 3
Prereqs: None

Using the Essence Transformation Method allows a Solar to transform some of their Periphereal Essence into Personal Essence, for a short time. Useful when revealing one's anima may be an unwise course of action.

The Solar can spend any number of motes they want, but they all must be Peripheral. These motes are committed. For every two motes so spent, the Exalt gains a mote of Personal Essence- this can exceed their normal maximum Personal essence pool. When they spend Personal Essence, every mote spent uncommits two of the Essence Transformation Method's motes, until they are all used.

Willpower Drawing Technique
Cost: 1+ Willpower
Type: Reflexive
Duration: Instant
Min. Lore: 5
Min. Essence: 3
Prereqs: Essence Transformation Method

Allows a Solar to transform Willpower into motes of Essence directly. Activating the Charm requires a Willpower; after that, any number of Willpower Points that the character has may be spent. Each one regains the character's Lore + Essence in motes back, not to exceede their maximum pools.

Willpower Devouring Method
Cost: 1 Permanent Willpower
Type: Reflexive
Duration: Instant
Min. Lore: 5
Min. Essence: 4
Prereqs: Willpower Drawing Technique

Allows a Solar to spend a point of Permanent Willpower to completely refresh themselves; their Temporary Willpower is pushed back to full.

Soul Harvesting Technique
Cost: 1 Permanent Virtue
Type: Reflexive
Duration: Instant
Min. Lore: 5
Min. Essence: 4
Prereqs: Willpower Devouring Method

Allows a Solar to spend a point of Permant Virtue, to gain a number of motes equal to their Peripheral Essence pool. Soul Harvesting Technique cannot reduce the Solar's Virtue Flaw Virtue, however; if the Solar attempts to do so, they instead lose a point of Permanent Willpower and roll the Virtue, gaining the successes in points of Limit.

Will Restoring Breath
Cost: 10 motes
Type: Simple
Duration: Instant
Min. Lore: 5
Min. Essence: 4
Prereqs: Willpower Devouring Method

Allows a Solar to transform motes of Essence into Temporary Willpower. Cannot exceede their normal maximum Willpower.

Virtue Refreshing Prana
Cost: 10 motes
Type: Simple
Duration: Instant
Min. Lore: 5
Min. Essence: 4
Prereqs: Soul Harvesting Method

Allows a Solar to transform motes of Essence into additional chances to channel their Virtues. Each time the Virtue Refreshing Prana is used, erase one of the checks on a Virtue's limited uses. (IE, a Solar who has channeled their Virtue of 4 three times could use the Virtue Refreshing Prana three times and channel it four more times).

Gateway Sealing Touch
Cost: 1 mote / die
Type: Simple
Duration: Instant
Min. Lore: 3
Min. Essence: 2
Prereqs: Essence Harvesting Technique (Below)

In addition to granting and stealing Essence, a Solar can also control another's access to the energy of Creation. With a few light touches at the points on the body where Essence gathers and flows, they can deprive even the most powerful of the ability to channel Essence for long minutes.

To use the Gateway Sealing Touch, a Solar must buy dice, up to their Perception + Lore. They must then successful touch the target. This requires an completely unarmed attack- a martial artist in their Form explicitly may not use their Style's weapon for the Gateway Sealing Touch. If they connect, then roll the dice in place of damagee. Each success committs two motes of the target's Essence pool. These motes remain committed for the remainder of the scene.

Attunement Breaking Touch
Cost: Special
Type: Reflexive
Duration: Instant
Min. Lore: 3
Min. Essence: 2
Prereqs: Will Bolstering Method

Sending a roiling shockwave of Essence through an Artifact or Hearthstone, an Exalt with the Attunement Breaking Touch may shatter the attunment. These can leave an opponent momentarily unarmed- or even trapped in their suddenly too-heavy armor.

The Attunement Breaking Touch requires half as many motes of Essence as the attunment originally took, or one mote for each level of a Hearthstone. It also requires touching the target- although they need not do so barehanded. Any Melee, Brawl or Martial Arts attack is sufficent. Only one attuned item may be so broken in a given attack.\\ Attunement Breaking Touch is explicitly allowed to be a part of a combo with Charms from other Abilities.

Broken Stance Prana
Cost: Special
Type: Reflexive
Duration: Instant
Min. Lore: 4
Min. Essence: 2
Prereqs: Attunement Breaking Touch

Similiar to the Attunement Breaking Touch, the Broken Stance Prana disrupts more personal effects. The flows of essence that sustain long term effects melt away, torn apart from the Exalt's mastery of essence.

Broken Stance Prana destroys a single Charm with a currently persisting effect. It costs as many motes to use as the Charm did, although it does not require anything else that the Charm may have required. It also requires touching the target- although they need not do so barehanded. Any Melee, Brawl or Martial Arts attack is sufficent. Only one effect may be so broken in a given attack.\\ Broken Stance Prana is explicitly allowed to be a part of a combo with Charms from other Abilities.

Stance of the Champion
Cost: 10 motes, 1 Willpower
Type: Simple
Duration: One Scene
Min. Lore: 5
Min. Essence: 3
Prereqs: Broken Stance Prana

The Stance of the Champion is a rarely used Charm, as it both reveals any Exalt in range while simultaniously supressing their powers. It was used in the First Age as a means of settling duals of honor, without magic being involved.

When the Stance of the Champion is invoked, any attunements the user has to either artifacts or hearthstones are temporarily suppressed, and any other persistant Charms they may have had are ended. Additionally, their anima flares as if they had just spent 10 motes of peripheral Essence. They are incapable of spending Peripheral Essence for the duration of the scene.\\ Any Exalt within (Permanent Essence x 10) yards may also be affected- they gain a reflexive Essence vs a difficulty of the invoker's Permanent Essence.\\ Stance of the Champion has no effect on Charms with a Permanent duration, nor on those that do not actually committ essence. It does break persistant Charms invoked and attunements made with Personal Essence.

Essence Harvesting Technique
Cost: Varies
Type: Supplemental
Duration: Instant
Min. Lore: 2
Min. Essence: 2
Prereqs: Essence Lending Method

With the Essence Harvesting Technique, an Exalt becomes capable of forming a channel into another person's personal Essence reserves, stealing them for themselves. Doing so requires physical contact, which may be part of a melee attack. Before making the attack, the Exalt buys dice to steal Essence with, up to their Intelligence + Lore in motes. If the attack lands, in addition to any other damage, they roll the purchased dice. Each success steals 2 motes from the target. If the target is willing to donate the Essence to the Exalt, all the dice are considered successes. The Charm has no effect on beings without an Essence pool and when used on an Exalt, the motes are considered to come from their Periphereal pool first.

Essence Harvesting Technique may be freely comboed with the Charms of other Abilities.

Thief's Long Arm
Cost: Varies
Type: Supplemental
Duration: Instant
Min. Lore: 2
Min. Essence: 2
Prereqs: Essence Harvesting Technique

As the Essence Harvesting Technique, save that the Thief's Long Arm may be used at any distance.

Will Stealing Glance
Cost: 5 motes, 1 Willpower
Type: Simple
Duration: Instant
Min. Lore: 4
Min. Essence: 3
Prereqs: Thief's Long Arm

Fixing the target with their burning gaze, an Exalt can pierce their soul and draw upon the target's own strength and mental fortitude. Doing so is an extreme violation of the person, but very rerfreshing and fortifying. Chose a target the Exalt can see to target with the Will Stealing Gaze, then roll the Exalt's Permanent Essence. Each success steals one temporary Willpower from the target and gives it to the Exalt; this cannot push them beyond their normal maximum. Using the Will Stealing Glance against an unwilling person, even in combat, requires overcoming Compassion, for even the most pitiless of individuals.

Distant Attunement
Cost: 3 motes per level, 1 Willpower
Type: Simple
Duration: Instant
Min. Lore: 4
Min. Essence: 2
Prereqs: Attunement Breaking Touch

Allows a Solar who is attuned to a far distant Manse to grant a like attunment to another. This is primarily useful for sharing Hearthstones with allies and pooling resources. When using Distant Attunation, the Solar does not need the permission of everyone else attuned to the Manse to grant the new person's attunment. The cost is 3 motes per level of the Manse. Demenses may not be so attuned, although a similiar Charm would likely be easy to devolp.

Seneschal's Granted Authority
Cost: 4 motes per level, 1 Willpower
Type: Simple
Duration: Instant
Min. Lore: 5
Min. Essence: 3
Prereqs: Distant Attunement

Now, instead of simply granting attunation, the Solar is capable of taking the attunation of another to a Manse. This does not revoke the original's attunation, only makes the Solar equally attuned. The Seneschal's Granted Authority requires physical contact- in combat, this means a successful attack. The Seneschal's Granted Authority may not may freely comboed with the Charms of other Abilities.

Revocation of Heaven's Favor
Cost: 4 motes per level, 1 Willpower
Type: Simple
Duration: Instant
Min. Lore: 5
Min. Essence: 3
Prereqs: Distant Attunement

Breaks another Exalt's attunment to a distant Manse. Requires a touch, meaning a successful hit in combat. May not be freely comboed.


Attunement Breaking Touch should be supplemental. It also seems too cheap and easy for a supplemental effect; you're disabling an opponent's magical abilities *and* inflicting damage all at once, for a low cost. I'd make it a Simple Charm, give it a flat cost, and require a successful hit followed by a Wits + Occult roll vs. a difficulty of the target item's committed Essence or twice the level of the Hearthstone, adding any extra successes on the roll to hit. Likewise with Broken Stance Prana. Stance of the Champion... I'm not sure what to think of that one. It's a neat idea, but it's pretty useless against opponents of equal or greater power while still impeding the user, and it has no partial effect. You may want to rethink it a bit. - Quendalon

As for ABT and BSP, the difficulty you're giving that roll is impossibly high- most weapons and persistant effects would have a difficulty of 5 or more, and it's not like you could raise you're Wits+Lore dicepool to compensate. But yeah, I can see making them Simple, Instant Charms- but I don't think I'll be adding them the check.

As for the Stance of the Champion- do note, it's rolling the target's Essence against a difficulty of your Essence- not a contested roll. It takes someone having twice your Essence to semi-reliably ignore the Charm. On reflectition, however, I've changed it, so those effected can still spend Personal Essence, but not Peripheral. I realized that almost all the Exalts started to get off better under the Champion's Stance than the Solars.  ;) - DariusSolluman

Compare Attunement Breaking Touch to Attunement-Shattering Block (Abyssal). ASB costs 3m, 1w, is the fourth Charm down, and requires Melee 4, Essence 3. On a successful parry (which it does not provide, if I read it correctly), you roll Essence + Melee versus a difficulty of the attacker's Essence. Success deattunes his weapon. Compared to this, your ABT seems vastly overpowered, especially given its nebulous activation mechanic and its cross-Ability compatibility. I would recommend bumping its cost and prereqs up to at least make it comparable to ASB.

Out of curiosity, why did you move these to Lore? I thought they worked fine for Occult.\\ _Ikselam

Quendalon made a point (which I removed, cause it was redundent after the move) that traditionally Charms that deal with Essence manipulation have been Lore Charms, rather than Occult. It was a goof on my part originally. - DariusSolluman

The word is "attunement." "Attunation" sounds silly. I think if I were writing a Revocation of Heaven's Favor-style Charm, it wouldn't break attunement; it would break hearthstones. The net effect would be pretty much the same. I suggest that this one should operate by breaking hearthstones, since the stone is clearly the material representation of the character's connection to the Manse.\\ _Ikselam Wait a minute, aren't those last two Charms exactly the same?

A) Name change noted, made.\\ B) The reason Revocation of Heaven's Favor doesn't shatter the stone is so it can be comboed with the Seneschal's Granted Authority- thereby both attuning the Exalt to the Hearthstone and stealing it at once. But no, they don't do the same thing- SGA makes the Exalt attuned to the Manse (and thus, the Hearthstone), while RoHF breaks the same attunment from another.

... It just occured to me that an Exalt couldn't do this, however, as you can't combo together two Simple Charms. Hmm... DS