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Astrological Signs

Everyone born within Fate is born under a Sign or a convergence of two Signs, save those born during the dangerous times. Those born during Calibration have no Sign to call there own nor to guide their path through life. These unfortunates are sometimes called the Wayward, Cursed, Rudderless or Heaven's Born.

||Astrological Sign||Effects|| ||Captain||+1 Presence, Lower training times of those trained (-1), -1 MDV vs. Superiors|| ||Gull||Never destitute, always at least enough to get by, -1 Dying Health Level|| ||Mast||+3 Lifting Capacity, +1 Ath spec "Aiding Others", Always paid 1 Resources less than normal.|| ||Messenger||While riding ignore fatigue checks, +1 Valor of mount, +1 sux Valor inappropriate sit. || ||Ship's Wheel||Treat terrain as one level lower, When burning wp for fatigue or wound penalties gain +1 die, 9 hrs of sleep required to regain wp|| ||Ewer||+1 Cha, +1 social sux vs. "the available", -1 temp|| ||Lovers||Free Enchanting Feature, Tends to attract the easy, counts a 1 trait lower vs. FF|| ||Musicians||Spend 1wp to lower audience temp by 1, +1 die Perf., 2 pt Temp. vice "Material Goods"|| ||Peacock||+2 dice Bur., App spec "Good Catch", -1 MDV vs. Partners|| ||Pillar||A wp and a Conv. Roll dif. 1 is necessary to betray you, +2 dif. Making new relationships|| ||Banner||Men you are leading have -1 on Valor difs., Those telling tales of you have +1 die Perf.,+2 dif. Normal social interaction|| ||Gauntlet||+1 die Wits, +2 dice on Cha. Based Intimidation based rolls, 1pt Comp. vice "Decisions"|| ||Quiver||1wp rephrase a social action for a reroll, -1Int in groups over 10|| ||Shield||+2L/2B soak w/ 0 fatigue or < armor, +1 Valor spec "Battle", 1pt Comp. vice "Battle"|| ||Spear||Given a day in an area where a unit could be raised in theory you can pull together a mag. 2 unit, ppl always recognize your profession|| ||Guardians||You can make talismans that take a day to make and last a week each grants a die to an ability but you must sacrifice a die to an ability for the duration, these must be given away, you can use them if you sacrifice two ability dice, only benefit from 1, Must always have a level 1 superstition.|| ||Key||+1 Int. spec "Scholarly", -1Str min 1, 7 hrs required for wp regain|| ||Mask||1/day you know when you're being secretly watched, +1 die stealth, +2 dif. Making new acquaintances|| ||Sorcerer||Essence Awareness or +5 motes peripheral, +1 die Occult, -1 DVs vs. all things Yozi and Malphean|| ||Treasure Trove||+1 die Lore spec "Book Learning", Fatigue accumulates but is ignored while reading,Increase training times of those trained (+1), 1pt Temp. vice "explaining"|| ||Corpse||+1 DMDV, Dbl natural breath holding, 1/2 -2 HLs are -3 HLs, -4 HL = -6|| ||Crow||You can speak to corvids, know if a dying person or recent corpse will ghost, -1 Comp. min 1, you prefer meat|| ||Haywain||1/story Fortunate Misfortune, Lucky 1, Unlucky 1, -1 App. Min 1|| ||Raising Smoke||Artisan of Prayers, 1/day breathe as a 1L attack (Ath), Learning times longer (+1)|| ||Sword||Curse a nonheroic mortal, 2wp they will die slowly and painfully w/in a week, Learning times faster (-1), regain wp roll -1 sux, -1 Conv. Channel||

Resplendent Destinies supercede Signs but those Resplendent Destinies of an individual's Sign start with 1 extra endurance.

Those born during a convergence are influenced by both signs and gain part of the benefit from each but the flaw of both.

Learning times affect the number of intervals for training with the exception of permanent essence.


This hasn't actually seen playtesting yet but my players seem to like the idea so far. -Orphen

We've gotten to playtest this for a while now and it works rather well, adding a bit of flavour and leaving balance unharmed. One of our players has even made a charm cascade with his sign as the basis. -Orphen

Oh and as a clarification since this comes up periodically one less or more on training times means that if something would normally take 2 weeks it takes 1 or 3 weeks. In the case of something already having a 1 unit interval such as 1 month and the training time should go down it becomes 1 of the next lower unit. Such as 1 month becoming 1 week, or 1 week becoming 1 day. -Orphen