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Lizard Style Martial Arts

Signature weapon is dual-wielded short daiklaves or short swords.


Menace Song

Cost: 4m+1m per
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Minimums: MA 3, Essence 3
Prerequisites: None

The caster lets out a piercing hiss as they strike, the sound laden with Essence that cuts through her target's defensive magics. For every additional mote spent on this charm, the cost of any reflexive charms that increase Parry DV for the target increase by one (up to a maximum of the caster's permanent Essence) against this attack. This charm does not affect targets with a permanent Essence score more than one dot higher than the caster's.

Snapjaw Offense

Cost: 3m
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Minimums: MA 3, Essence 1
Prerequisites: None

The practitioner of Lizard Style can strike with the speed of a lizard, and conceals their intent behind cold, lifeless eyes. This Charm allows the character to make a single attack count as unexpected. If the weapon they attack with is sheathed at the time, they automatically draw it as part of this attack.

Lizard Form

Cost: 6m, 1w
Type: Simple (Speed 2, DV -2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Form-type
Duration: One Scene
Minimums: MA 4, Essence 3
Prerequisites: Menace Song, Snapjaw Offense

The character emulates the lizard in their cunning, speed, and ability to ignore their own pain. For one scene, the caster increases their lethal soak by half their permanent Essence score, and gains three extra -4 health levels.

Burning Frill Conjuration

Cost: 5m
Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: One Scene
Minimums: MA 4, Essence 3
Prerequisites: Lizard Form

The practitioner of Lizard Style draws up a display of their power and murderous intent, manifesting as a brightly colored frill extending nearly a yard out from their head composed of blazing Essence. For the remainder of the scene, the difficulty of any Valor rolls pertaining to the character increases by their permanent Essence score, to a maximum difficulty of 6.

Many Weapons, One Blow

Cost: 2m per weapon
Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One Scene
Minimums: MA 5, Essence 3
Prerequisites: Lizard Form

The Exalt assumes an uncomfortable-looking stance reminiscent of the six-legged ma gao lizard of the Far East. This Charm allows the Exalt to wield more weapons than is conventional for a being with her number of limbs, using a variety of acrobatic and dexterous maneuvers to attack with them. This charm allows the caster to wield a number of weapons equal to their Dexterity or Martial Arts, whichever is lower, at once. All weapons except the one held in the character's dominant hand count as having an offhand penalty. Up to half the weapons may be used in a flurry at once, with the multiple-action penalties being reduced by 2, to a minimum of zero.



First of all, what level of MA is this? TE or CE ? Second, There are alot of things that seem off about this style. For exemple, the first charm is really powerful, especially if the style is terestrial. Also, it needs a Key word such as crippling or Shaping., At the moment , it is a bit like Essence Disruption Attacck, wich is a really poor charm as far as designt qualit goes, sicne i lacks any key words, and was designed and written BEFORE the core book and the keyword sysatem was complete0. The db book isnt good to use as referece for much at all, sinc it is not ver erll built into 2E. Also, I ´would cap it at doubling the cost of the charm in question. Also It's very of unusual a style of either typte to start at Essence 3.I dont think anything published does.

Also, Form-type charms should prety much never be comboable. That has been all but stated in the Exalted erata on White wolfs wiki. That's also a very steep valor increase in difficulty on valor checks. Also, said charm should be an un-natural mental influence.

That said, I like the genral them of a lizard style. It just needs to be polishd with regards to keywords.

- Azurelight

Thanks. Duly noted. - Han'ya