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Back to Abyssal Performance
Ashande's Lair

Voice of Thunderous Rage</b>
<b>Cost: 2 motes per increment
Duration: One Scene
Type: Supplemental
Min. Performance: 3
Min. Essence: 2
Prereqs: Haunting Inflection Trick

An Abyssal seeking to make himself heard over the din of the Underworld or the screams of the dying in Creation had best possess either an excellent set of lungs or possess this Charm. When this Charm is activated, his voice becomes terrible and booming, and even whispers cross the room; for every 2 motes spent on this Charm, the Abyssal increases the audible range of his voice. For 2 motes, his voice is twice as audible, for 4 three times, and so on.
While this Charm is active, the effective range of sonic-based attack Charms such as Withering Dirge is likewise doubled, and the Abyssal may add one die to the damage pool per factor of this Charm. Thus, an Abyssal who had spent 4 motes powering Voice of Thunderous Rage adds 2 additional damage dice to attacks made with Withering Dirge or Lamenting Ghost Technique.
In all cases - including when increasing the damage on sonic attack Charms - the Abyssal may not add more increments of range or damage dice than his Permanent Essence.
Voice of Thunderous Rage explicitly can not be used while Thousand Whispered Voices is active. The two Charms cancel each other out.

Thousand Whispered Voices</b>
<b>Cost: 2 motes
Duration: 5 minutes
Type: Simple
Min. Performance: 3
Min. Essence: 2
Prereqs: Haunting Inflection Trick

Building from the inherant flux of one's voice produced by the Haunting Inflection Trick, Thousand Whispered Voices grants the Abyssal the ability to whisper, naming a target, and ensure that no one will eavesdrop. When this Charm is activated, the Abyssal's voice sounds to most individuals to be nothing but a hundred whispers overlapping each other in a dischordant symphony. Only the target of the Charm can understand, and only if he could hear the Abyssal in the first place.
Other individuals who can hear the whispers - and despite the name, the Abyssal is more than free to speak in a normal tone of voice, which carries as normal; they only sound like whispering - are free to attempt to decipher them. The roll to do such is the listener's unmodified Perception against the Abyssal's Essence. If the Abyssal succeeds, the individual is overcome with creeping terror, and has a deep desire to get out of hearing range as quickly as possible. If the eavesdropper wins, he may understand the message for a number of turns equal to his net successes.
On a last note; this Charm explicitly can not be used at the same time as Voice of Thunderous Rage. The two effects cancel each other out.

Seven Shadow Warrior Initiation</b>
<b>Cost: 10 motes, 1 Willpower
Duration: One Week
Type: Simple
Min. Performance: 5
Min. Larceny: 4
Min. Essence: 3
Prereqs: Hardened Killer Training Style, Cunning Criminal Style

Abyssals of the Day Caste often find themselves well schooled in the arts of performance, leading a few to become teachers, given enough time and incentive. Some few of them have discovered the available magic for giving your students proper instruction leaves something to be desired in their eyes. Thus, this Charm was created, to make servants more fitting to the needs of the Day Caste. Over the course of a week, the Abyssal using this charm may supervise the training of (Permanent Essence * 10) individuals. Individuals trained for a month become elite troops, of a sort, gaining a rating of 4 in Larceny and Stealth, 3 in relevant combat attributes, and several specialties (such as a favored crime in Larceny, a method of hiding or disguise for Stealth, and a favored weapon or two in Melee, Archery or Thrown). Individuals indoctrinated with the Seven Shadow Warrior Initiation quickly learn to forget about human concepts such as love and forgiveness, dropping their Compassion rating by 1 per week trained. At the same time, they gain an additional point of either Conviction or Temperance. The typical "graduated" Seven Shadow Warrior has a Compassion of 1, and 5 additional dots to spread between Conviction and Temperance. Training Seven Shadow Warriors further serves only to increase their combat abilities.

Soul-Piercing Scream</b>
<b>Cost: 8 motes, 1 Willpower, 1 lethal Health Level
Duration: Instant
Type: Simple
Min. Performance: 5
Min. Essence: 3
Prereqs: Lamenting Ghost Technique

One of the first things many Abyssals learns is that all things have a soul. The spires of Stygia and the death-tainted crops of Shadowlands both prove this point. However, it may take them many years before they learn that they can affect such souls, rather than simply the body as most of their magic does. using the power of this Charm, the Abyssal unleashes a shriek of such agony and pain that the very souls of all things surrounding him are left blasted and weak, torn asunder by the Abyssal's voice.
Building on the Lamenting Ghost Technique, the Soul-Peircing Scream allows the Abyssal to cause his Permanent Essence in aggravated damage to all living things that can hear it. In addition, unliving things - including undead, buildings, and objects - within Stamina * 10 yards of the Abyssal suffer his Permanent Essence in unsoakable lethal damage as well. Items and buildings crafted of the Five Magical Materials cannot be broken in such a fashion.
The Soul-Piercing Scream cannot be in a Combo with Extra Action type charms.


Seven Shadow Warrior = Ninja? - Quendalon
Mayyyybe. ;) Basically, yes. - Ashande