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The 12 Deadly Fists system is unique in that it was developed by a mortal. His name has been lost to time, for the use of his terrestrial masters in the days of the shogunate. He based it of off his belief that there were twelve natural positions for the fist and body in a combat situation. It concentrates on defense by redirection of force and anticipation of an opponents moves.

He was rewarded for his ingenuity by his Master with a failed assassination attempt. He fled using the skills he had mastered to find his freedom. Several years later the Dragon Blood caught up with his former slave, and in an unlikely turn of events the master was killed by the slaves invention and mastery of essence. Since then, the Art has been handed down from master to student, as it has been since prior to the Contagion, when the original master passed it down to his student.

This Style is not compatible with armor.
The weapons of this style are khatars & staves.

Silver Arms Defense</b>
3 Motes
Type: Reflexive
Min.Martial Arts:2
Min Essence:1
Description: This charm fills the practitioners arms with Essence allowing the martial artist to parry melee attacks with an inhuman accuracy. This grants a bonus equal to the users martial arts score to parry melee attacks, and allows the artist to parry lethal barehanded.

Silver Fist Offense</b>
3 Motes
Min.Martial Arts:3
Min Essence:1
Description: The Martial Artist draws damaging essence into his fists, giving him a supernatural awareness of their positions relative to himself and his opponent(s). The martial artist gains a number of bonus dice to a martial arts attack equal to his permanent Essence.

Wave Fist</b>
3 Motes
Type: Reflexive
Min.Martial Arts:2
Min Essence:2
Prereqs:Silver Fist Offense
Description: The martial artist swings his arms outward and twists his waist in a rhythm that draws power from his opponent, and attempts to use their energy against them. The exalt rolls a standard martial arts parry against an attacking opponent. If this parry is successful the attacking opponent is automatically thrown as if from a grapple.

Speed of Stillness</b>
3 Motes per difficulty increase
Min. Martial Arts:3
Min Essence:2
Prereqs:Wave Fist
Description: Speed of Stillness allows the martial artist to sidestep by only moving a small portion of his body, adding up to his permanent Essence to the difficulty to hit the martial artist for one attack.

12 Deadly Fists Form</b>
4 Motes
Duration: One Scene
Min.Martial Arts:4
Min Essence:2
Prereqs:Speed of Stillness
Description: The martial artist draws essence into his arms with a circular motion spiraling through himself and Creation, awakening a defensive awareness that is both within and without. For the duration of the charm the martial artist may parry lethal and projectile attacks barehanded without a stunt. Finally if the martial artist dodges he doesn't have to move from the spot he is standing in.

Golden Arms Defense</b>
3 Motes
Type: Reflexive
Min.Martial Arts:4
Min Essence:3
Prereqs:12 Deadly Fists Form
Description: As the Martial Artist gains greater understanding of her Essence and motion, she now is able to capitalize on any weakness the opponent shows to her. The martial artist gains the ability to make a counter attack any time an opponent misses (scores, or is reduced to zero successes on an attack roll) them in close combat with a dice pool equal to their Martial arts score.

Twelve Deadly Fists Strike
Cost:3 Motes, 1 Willpower
Min.Martial Arts:4
Min Essence:3
Prereqs:12 Deadly Fist Form
Description: This is the technique from which this art was named. The martial artist flashes out with an insane flurry of blows that strike so quickly that it is almost indistinguishable from a single blow. The martial artist makes a standard martial arts attack. The damage is doubled and the difficulty to parry this attack is increased by the martial artists essence.

Tsunami Technique
Cost:6 Motes
Duration:Martial Arts in rounds
Min.Martial Arts:5
Min Essence:3
Prereqs:12 Deadly Fists Form
Description: The martial artist breathes in deeply and draws the Essence in and around them into their fists allowing it to explode on contact. For the duration of this charm any martial art attacks made by the user double their extra successes gained on an attack, and apply them as yards of knockback. The opponent may make a reflexive Athletics + Strength test with a difficulty equal to the martial artists permanent Essence. Every success the target gains on this roll reduces the knockback by one yard.

Intercepting Fist Meditation</b>
4 Motes, 1 Willpower.
Duration:One Scene
Min.Martial Arts:5
Min Essence:3
Prereqs:Golden Arms Defense
Description: The martial artist moves his arms in a blur of motion leaving after images that make him appear as if he had several sets of extra arms. This effect partially blocks attacks from all directions granting the user a reflexive parry with a die pool equal to his martial arts score. On any round in which the martial artist does nothing but parry while this charm is in effect it allows the martial artist to parry with a pool equal to his martial arts + Essence for that entire round.

Deadly Fist Alignment</b>
5 Motes
Duration::One Scene
Min.Martial Arts::5
Min Essence::3
Prereqs:Twelve Deadly Fists Strike.
Description: At this level the artist has gained an understanding of how motion can be increased in one explosive instant. With this charm the Martial artist now strikes pile driver blows with ease. The unarmed blows of the martial artist gain the following stats :

  • Spd+1, Acc+0, Dmg+1L, Def +0, Rate+1.

Also all attempts to parry the martial artists attacks are at +1 difficulty.

Twelve Fold Fist Understanding</b>
1+ Motes
Min.Martial Arts:5
Min Essence:3
Prereqs:Tsunami Technique
Description: The Martial Artist internalizes the supreme understanding of leverage and balance. Using this charm actualizes that knowledge. If subject to knock-back, or knock-down the martial artist may activate this charm to reduce the difficulty of the Dexterity + Athletics check by 1/2 of their permanent Essence rounded down. In addition if the martial artist inflicts a knock-back, or knock-down with a martial arts attack he may activate this charm to increase the difficulty of her targets Dexterity + Athletics check by 1/2 of their permanent Essence rounded down. Also the user may increase the distance of his knock-back, or knock-down effect by three yard of distance per mote of essence spent.

The Final Fist</b>
5 motes,1 Willpower,1 Health level.
Type::Extra Action
Min.Martial Arts::5
Min Essence::3
Prereqs::Twelve Fold Fist Understanding, Intercepting Fist Meditation, Deadly Fist Alignment.
Description: The Martial Artist gains the ability to speed his perception of time to the point that it crawls. He literally sees the world in slow motion, allowing him time not just to react but to think. The Martial Artist gains a number of Martial Arts attacks and/or parries equal to their permanent Essence. Also during the turn in which this charm is used the difficulty to hit the Martial artist is increased by one.

old comments

Wave Arms : "If the opponent hits something before the distance is spent, they take damage equal to if they had fallen that distance." I can't recall the falling rules off the top of my head, but this sentence, plus my poor memory would seem to suggest that unless the target gets knocked back 10 yards or more (an unlikely event) they will take no extra damage from the knockback. Just seems to be a functionally useless sentence in regards to the Charm's effects.

Its in there because it can throw an opponent pretty darn far especially when used by somebody very strong and skilled.

Speed of Stillness : I'd make this a flat cost (say, 4m), and base it's effect on the MA's Essence instead of Dexterity.

hmmmm...you know i think i'll use that instead.thanx i'm still goin to make it a 2 per but essence is a better cap.

Tsunami Technique : Not sure about this Charm. Makes Wave Arms nothing more than a speed-bump... but they do both have uses... hmmm... I'll have to think about it (or leave for better minds to comment upon!).

yeah it does make it a speed bump kinda i'll think about some revisions maybe give the speed bump another ability or changing it all together i don't know just yet tho.

Intercepting Fist Meditation : Persistant full-parry... this is not a Terrestrial Charm! A Persistant Parry at the character's MA score, yes. See Five-Dragon-Style for an example of this (IIRC), and tweak yours to suit. Also, it is not an Extra-Action Charm! Simple, or just maybe Reflexive.

It's not a persistant it basically give an independant action that can be only used to cascade into a "Full" Parry so the first is at full pool the second at full pool minus one so on and so forth. Sorry bout the clumsy wording.

Twelve Fold Fist Understanding : I'd lower the minimums for this, and make it not Permanent. 2m Instant Reflexive, towards the top of the cascade. See Jade Mountain Style for other Terrestrial Charms that do this sort of thing...

The minimums are there cause it a permenant thing and i thought it would be cool to for this form to have. Unfortunately i don't own Aspect book Earth.don't really wanna make this charm something you have to pay for cause it just kinda limited for it's prerequisites but it's where it need to be on the tree.

The Final Fist : Seems Celestial in power. And just a better version of the Form, without being called a Form. Why would a MA activate both?

The description of this and the form kinda got muddled and switched but they both do different things. 12 deadly fist form was supposed (curse me and my late nights)to be defensive and final fist is again supposed to be offensive but i kinda got sloppy ( right next to each outhe on the word doc and i did them both simultaneously). With that all said i know i gotta clean these two charms up considerably.Thanx for all your help -Issaru

ya know on second thought it does look kinda celestial i'm gonna clean that up right now. - Issaru

That's all (for now at least...) - Nikink

On second thought i'm just gonna clean the charms(TFF and 12DFF)up a bit and keep them swiched in terms of what they do but i kinda jimmied the power around a bit and got the description down a lil better. Thanx again for all your help - Issaru